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The Official Former President Trump thread


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15 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


The man tipped to be the US Ambassador to the EU is claiming the Euro could collapse in 18 months.  He's also advocating shorting the currency.

Obviously 'diplomacy' is another word that has changed its meaning #posttruth.


To be fair, even from the UK we have "divisive, stupid and wrong" from our then PM, "out of his mind", "stupefying ignorance" and "unfit to be President" from our now Foreign Secretary, a First Minister who actively expressed preference for his opponent, and political heavyweight Kezia Dugdale who actually campaigned for his opponent and said "the man's an arse". 

Diplomacy changed its meaning before he won. 

2 hours ago, sparky88 said:

He mentioned something a while ago about taxing the money sent to Mexico by immigrants. I suspect that's how he will get round Mexico not paying.

Yeah, it's clearly always been on the cards that he'll build the thing and claim they've been paid back through other means - be it by taxing money transfers, imposing higher tariffs on goods coming from Mexico (remember the desire to renegotiate NAFTA), stopping aid, etc. 

In fairness I'm not sure even Trump has ever tried to claim they'll just wire him the money and be done with it. But It's clearly another of those issues Trump will claim he wins and everyone else will disagree.

32 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

In First Interview as President, Donald Trump Rejects Reality:


“I can be the most presidential person ever, other than the great Abe Lincoln,”

On Illegal Voters: “Believe me. Those were Hillary votes. And if you look at it they all voted for Hillary. They all voted for Hillary. They didn't vote for me. I don't believe I got one,”

CIA Speech: “We see what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming and they were all C.I.A. Somebody was asking Sean [Hannity], ‘Well, were they Trump people that were put? We don't have Trump people. They were C.I.A. people.”

Read it.  The boy's a nutter.

That'd be hilarious were he not, y'know, President. I don't think a President necessarily needs to be highly intelligent but the betrayals of ignorance and more worryingly paranoia are definitely there.

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

In First Interview as President, Donald Trump Rejects Reality:


“I can be the most presidential person ever, other than the great Abe Lincoln,”

On Illegal Voters: “Believe me. Those were Hillary votes. And if you look at it they all voted for Hillary. They all voted for Hillary. They didn't vote for me. I don't believe I got one,”

CIA Speech: “We see what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming and they were all C.I.A. Somebody was asking Sean [Hannity], ‘Well, were they Trump people that were put? We don't have Trump people. They were C.I.A. people.”

Read it.  The boy's a nutter.

The level of self awareness, or I should say lack thereof, is frightening.  There must be a few folk amongst his staff who are not cowards and/or sycophants and who have a level of intelligence who must be cringing at this sort of thing.

There are those who argued that once he assumed the office he would change significantly, others argued he would at least reel it in a bit.  all the evidence so far suggests that it's as least as bad if not worse than before.


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17 minutes ago, banana said:

Trump is an absolute mastermind of the liberal mindfuckery tweet :lol:


Another lie from Trump.


Even when they agreed with him on policy, they resisted. For example, when it came to healthcare reform, Obama opened the debate starting with a compromise. His opponents balked. They refused to move an inch. When he would push for the concessions they asked for, they only dug in deeper in opposition. Even when he tried proposing a bill that had been proposed by opponents years earlier.

When it came to foreign policy, even though he was only carrying out the expanding national security policies of the previous administration, they would ceaselessly criticize him for being too weak, or too soft or too sympathetic. After months of comprise on his end, they never cooperated a single time.


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The moronic supporters of the Big Orange Liar will be delighted at the thought of waterboarding being introduced as an "enhanced interogation" technique.  What a fucking country.

How likely is it that this will actually be allowed? If it goes against US law does an executive order actually change anything?

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11 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Unsurprising to see you linking to another racist, heterophobic, cisphobic Guardian article.

What was the lie exactly?

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2 minutes ago, banana said:

Unsurprising to see you linking to another racist, heterophobic, cisphobic Guardian article.

What was the lie exactly?

That was the article Trump was lying about you moron. At no point does Manning say Obama was weak, only that he was accused of being so by his enemies.

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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

That was the article Trump was lying about you moron. At no point does Manning say Obama was weak, only that he was accused of being so by his enemies.

:1eye #fakenews #posttruth


This vulnerable legacy should remind us that what we really need is a strong and unapologetic progressive to lead us.


Barack Obama’s legacy is a warning against not being bold enough


The one simple lesson to draw from President Obama’s legacy: do not start off with a compromise. They won’t meet you in the middle. Instead, what we need is an unapologetic progressive leader.

welshy, like many others wailing in every direction about everything President Trump does, you're make it increasingly frighteningly easy to discredit you. Give yourself a shake, laddie. Put up a coherent, truthful argument.

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20 minutes ago, jmothecat said:

'Cis' really is an awful word. Really don't see why folk need to come up with a label and such a horribly sounding one at that. Sounds far too similar to 'cyst' or 'sis' (ironically).

It's a scientific word used in stereochemistry that is the opposite of 'trans'.

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9 minutes ago, banana said:

:1eye #fakenews #posttruth

welshy, like many others wailing in every direction about everything President Trump does, you're make it increasingly frighteningly easy to discredit you. Give yourself a shake, laddie. Put up a coherent, truthful argument.

Manning was claiming that Obama tried everything  to push through a progressive agenda but was thwarted at every stage by Congress. Anything he managed to get through relied on compromise, or Government would have come to a halt.  At no point does he call him weak. Manning then suggests naively that a new Democrat leader should just ignore Congress. Trump will soon find out how many of his Executive Orders will take effect after Congress and the courts have a gander.


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Just now, welshbairn said:

At no point does he explicitly use the word "weak".

It's said that it's a good strategy to always give a slain opponent an out to save face and exit gracefully, so I'll FTFY and bid you good day on this topic.

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This is a snippet from USA Today regarding May meeting Trump
Brits bringing Trumps apple juice, cookies, a drinking cup
…For the president, there's an emolument that nobody apart from his Scottish cousins
will know how to pronounce. It's an engraved Quaich (pronounced ‘QUAKE’).
According to Britain's foreign ministry, a Quaich is a Scottish artefact from the mid
-16th century. In Scottish Gaelic Quaich or "cuach" means cup.
"Originating in the Highlands, where clan chiefs prized them as a token of hospitality,
they have been used across Scotland for centuries as a cup of friendship. Today it is
rarely used as a drinking vessel, but rather it is a symbol of welcome and kinship. Its
two handles signify trust, both on the part of the giver and the receiver," the ministry
The Constitution's emoluments clause was introduced to prevent high office holders
from the temptation of riches or foreign gifts. There is no mention of rarely-used
drinking cups.

Beware of Brits bearing gifts (I added that and no USA Today)


Edited by Wee Willie
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In First Interview as President, Donald Trump Rejects Reality:
“I can be the most presidential person ever, other than the great Abe Lincoln,”
On Illegal Voters: “Believe me. Those were Hillary votes. And if you look at it they all voted for Hillary. They all voted for Hillary. They didn't vote for me. I don't believe I got one,”
CIA Speech: “We see what Fox said. They said it was one of the great speeches. They showed the people applauding and screaming and they were all C.I.A. Somebody was asking Sean [Hannity], ‘Well, were they Trump people that were put? We don't have Trump people. They were C.I.A. people.”
Read it.  The boy's a nutter.

He believes global warming is a Chinese plot to steal business away from the US. Nothing he says surprises me anymore.
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