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The Official Former President Trump thread


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If you want an explanation besides bigotry that I read: Trump is planning for an all out assault with Putin and Assad to defeat ISIS. He expects their fighters to scatter all over the Middle East. This ban specifies countries which do not have a functioning central government to scoop up the fighters and countries that sponsor terror. Trump is planning ahead to make sure none of these fighters make their way to the US. He's putting protecting Americans first over the right of people from certain countries to travel to the US. Good!

10 hours ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

It's being reported confirmed that the ban extends to people holding dual citizenship of the countries on the list, so my friend's parents, who are British-Iranian, are now effectively banned from the USA.

I'm sure our PM will be strongly condemning this...

Your country consistently bans US citizens from traveling to the UK for political views. What goes around!

9 hours ago, MONKMAN said:

An absolute clusterfuck of situation. It's honestly staggering that the states is populated by so many morons, that they were able to elect him.

Waiting for your condemnation of the Japanese as morons for their government policy regarding Muslim refugees and Muslim immigration.

9 hours ago, mizfit said:


Anyone serving in the US military and are stationed overseas is banned too.

It's utterly mental that he's been allowed to pull this off, and for our PM not to condemn this is sickening.


Your PM can virtue signal, which will do nothing other than piss Trump off. Or she can worry about grown up things like how having the US in the UKs corner strengthens her hand in Brexit negotiations.

Edited by Deplorable
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Thanks for that Deplorable, was going to write something similar, it gets tiring.

There's also the point that these seven countries are ones that Obama himself tightened up on a few years back. Israeli passports or stamps from those who have entered Israel are not accepted in a raft of countries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_passport#Countries_that_do_not_accept_Israeli_passports. Where's the outrage? Astounding hypocrisy.

There's a strong pattern appeared since his inauguration, and I suppose it's on ongoing trend since the election cycle.

  1. Trump does/says something
  2. The media and his haters jump to hysterical conclusions within minutes
  3. The larger story emerges, and historical context appears
  4. Folk simmer down and disappear
  5. GO TO 1

Having said that, on the face of it I don't like the ban - wrong stick. However, your theory of it preempting a massive assault on ISIS might put it in context. Though again, I don't think that tactic will work, you can't kill an idea, it's ghost-hunting. Defeat via infrastructure destruction is temporary.

Edited by banana
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8 hours ago, jupe1407 said:


My mother's cousin lives in S Carolina and is a middle class Bible thumper. When Trump won she was thanking the Lord on an almost hourly basis and praising Mike Pence as a great Christian, saying her prayers had been answered.

Fucking mental really. I'll be quite happy if Trump's administration doesn't adversely affect us. America can fucking burn for all I care.


Is your mum related to this c**t?

Image result for in the name of jesus scottish independence

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Strangely little reported amid this hysteria is Trump following through on his outstanding pledge to prevent officials from lobbying for the 5 years after leaving government, which includes those in his own administration. Integritous balls of steel.


Edited by banana
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The biggest protest ever undertaken in London wasn't for the Brexit mess, Blair's WMD lie and the Iraq war, or any UK issues like child poverty or Trident, or for the Chinese, Indian or Saudi government visits, but will be for Trump coming to see the Queen.

You'd think a few people have their priorities mixed up but the UK is utterly obsessed by the US.

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One week in and the big Liar is already defeated in Court for the first time.

Theresa May has been badly exposed.  Dual citizenship passport holders who hold a British passport and one from a proscribed country are affected yet she refuses to take a position on the matter?


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1 hour ago, banana said:


There's also the point that these seven countries are ones that Obama himself tightened up on a few years back. Israeli passports or stamps from those who have entered Israel are not accepted in a raft of countries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_passport#Countries_that_do_not_accept_Israeli_passports. Where's the outrage? Astounding hypocrisy.

Aye, we should all be furious with Iraq, Yemen and Sudan, the b*****ds.

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My distant cousin in distant New Zealand sent me this:
Scathing Donald Trump poem wins New Zealand competition

A New Zealand poetry competition has been taken out by a Scottish poet poking fun at Donald Trump.
Lorna Wallace hopes the new American president gets to read her poem.
The piece – A Scot' s Lament fur her American Fellows (Oan their election of a tangerine gabshite walloper) – 
won the Robert Burns Poetry Competition organised by the Dunedin Public Libraries and The Dunedin Burns Club.
Written in Burns' style, the poem had been shared thousands of times online before Wallace entered it into the awards.
Wallace's colourful descriptions of Trump include: "His mooth wis pursed up like an arse, His Tangoed coupon glowin' like a skelped backside."
Wallace, who lives in Kilmarnock Scotland, said she hoped Trump would read her poem.
There are 11 verses and this is the first verse:

America, aw whit ye dain?!
How could ye choose a clueless wain
Ti lead yir country? Who wid trust
A man sae vile?!
A racist, sexist eedjit
Wi a shite hairstyle?

And the last

So USA, in ma conclusion,
Know we Scots feel your confusion:
We are also chained ti those
Not of oor choosin' .
Stand firm fur unity will break
Through Trump's delusion.

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If you want an explanation besides bigotry that I read: Trump is planning for an all out assault with Putin and Assad to defeat ISIS.

This is my biggest concern with Trump. I was hoping he'd be a touch less into military intervention after his "Obama/Hilary created ISIS" comments. Further meddling about in the middle east is the last thing the west needs to be doing. Also would seem odd as supposedly ISIS are in a bit of a fractured state at present anyway.
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2 minutes ago, mrcat1990 said:



This is my biggest concern with Trump. I was hoping he'd be a touch less into military intervention after his "Obama/Hilary created ISIS" comments. Further meddling about in the middle east is the last thing the west needs to be doing. Also would seem odd as supposedly ISIS are in a bit of a fractured state at present anyway.



Trump's position on ISIS and Islamic terrorism exposes the fact that he's not a particularly intelligent guy.

Sadly military intervention is part of the solution but Trump seems to think it's the whole solution, i.e. we can eradicate the problem through military action alone.  At the same time his proposal to move the US embassy in Israel to will do more to help recruitment of radical Islamists than any action since the invasion of Iraq.

Maybe the folk behind Trump want an Orwellian ongoing state of war despite their stated position on foreign intervention.

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1 minute ago, Shades75 said:

If this list is about stopping terrorists, or potential terrorists, arriving from predominantly Muslim countries, then why isn't Saudi Arabia on the list?

Read my post above. The order builds on a policy enacted by Obama, who identified those same seven countries as ones to restrict/watch regarding visas.

Trump may extend this at some point, who knows.

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2 minutes ago, banana said:

Read my post above. The order builds on a policy enacted by Obama, who identified those same seven countries as ones to restrict/watch regarding visas.

Trump may extend this at some point, who knows.


3 minutes ago, banana said:

Read my post above. The order builds on a policy enacted by Obama, who identified those same seven countries as ones to restrict/watch regarding visas.

Trump may extend this at some point, who knows.

Why does it need to be built upon, what's stopping him banning people from Saudi Arabia now?  Or people from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Egypt for that matter?

The countries on the list seem like low hanging fruit.

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14 minutes ago, Shades75 said:

If this list is about stopping terrorists, or potential terrorists, arriving from predominantly Muslim countries, then why isn't Saudi Arabia on the list?

The same reason that Egypt and Turkey aren't, Trump has business interests in those countries. 

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Read my post above. The order builds on a policy enacted by Obama, who identified those same seven countries as ones to restrict/watch regarding visas.
Trump may extend this at some point, who knows.

Not true. It merely uses the list of countries identified by Republican senators who tapped a ridiculous piece of ill thought legislation on to the public spending bill under threat of grinding the country to a hault. Obama had nothing to do with it, and State vehemently opposed it.

Trump is riding roughshod over State, playing it off against Homeland Security, and circumventing legal advice. Hence this clusterfuck. Irrespective of the morality of the law, it wasn't rolled out properly and both State and DHS workers are pretty much exasperated.

The legislation you point to made it the case that anyone who had ever visited those seven countries - in whatever guise - required a visa to travel to the USA. So consulates the world over were forced to hand out ten year visas, hence the number of official "immigrants" rose exponentially last year. Trump, and if the story is correct, Bannon, have absolutely no idea how immigration works. He's fucked it up and it may well be illegal. Donald Trump is in no way competent enough to deal with these things.

As it stands, dual nationals of the US and Iran are barred from going to their own country. It's shameful, and anyone who supports these moves it's utterly bereft of common decency.
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Not true. It merely uses the list of countries identified by Republican senators who tapped a ridiculous piece of ill thought legislation on to the public spending bill under threat of grinding the country to a hault. Obama had nothing to do with it, and State vehemently opposed it.

Trump is riding roughshod over State, playing it off against Homeland Security, and circumventing legal advice. Hence this clusterfuck. Irrespective of the morality of the law, it wasn't rolled out properly and both State and DHS workers are pretty much exasperated.

The legislation you point to made it the case that anyone who had ever visited those seven countries - in whatever guise - required a visa to travel to the USA. So consulates the world over were forced to hand out ten year visas, hence the number of official "immigrants" rose exponentially last year. Trump, and if the story is correct, Bannon, have absolutely no idea how immigration works. He's fucked it up and it may well be illegal. Donald Trump is in no way competent enough to deal with these things.

As it stands, dual nationals of the US and Iran are barred from going to their own country. It's shameful, and anyone who supports these moves it's utterly bereft of common decency.

Many dual British-Iranians will almost certainly not be sympathetic to the current Tehran government - which makes this order even more ludicrous.

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5 hours ago, banana said:

Thanks for that Deplorable, was going to write something similar, it gets tiring.

There's also the point that these seven countries are ones that Obama himself tightened up on a few years back. Israeli passports or stamps from those who have entered Israel are not accepted in a raft of countries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_passport#Countries_that_do_not_accept_Israeli_passports. Where's the outrage? Astounding hypocrisy.

There's a strong pattern appeared since his inauguration, and I suppose it's on ongoing trend since the election cycle.

  1. Trump does/says something
  2. The media and his haters jump to hysterical conclusions within minutes
  3. The larger story emerges, and historical context appears
  4. Folk simmer down and disappear
  5. GO TO 1

Having said that, on the face of it I don't like the ban - wrong stick. However, your theory of it preempting a massive assault on ISIS might put it in context. Though again, I don't think that tactic will work, you can't kill an idea, it's ghost-hunting. Defeat via infrastructure destruction is temporary.

Obama banned refugees (for 6 months) trump is banning Glasgow vets who happen to have an Iranian passport (see news). 

These measures have nothing to do with stopping terrorism of course, but playing to people's fears about terrorism. Americas terrorism problems begin and end with the armed white trailer trash born and bred in the USA that periodically shoot blacks, gays or schoolchildren.

Edited by sparky88
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