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The Official Former President Trump thread


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3 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

If I'm stealing patter from 4chan dorks when I'm the wrong side of 40 like the above poster then consider this all the go ahead you need to bludgeon me to death.

Memes as well, don't forget the memes.

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Anyone else depressed at just how many trump supporters there seems to be here. My work is full of folk saying how he's bringing much needed change and he's only doing what he was elected to do.
There was even a 'bomb the lot of them' comment.
Seems we may be underestimating just how many racists we have in this country.

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36 minutes ago, GTG_03 said:

Anyone else depressed at just how many trump supporters there seems to be here. My work is full of folk saying how he's bringing much needed change and he's only doing what he was elected to do.
There was even a 'bomb the lot of them' comment.
Seems we may be underestimating just how many racists we have in this country.

38% of Scotland voted for Brexit so I'd say that many.

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The (deserved) criticism for Trump's administration is fair showing up what a free pass Obama got from some sections of the media tbf. It's quite unfortunate how many of the shitty things Trump wants to do where actually flirted with or fully carried out by his predecessor as well.

Doesn't make them right of course.

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The most significant part of this ban is that it is strongly rumoured people are being ordered to ignore court actions.



Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents defied the orders of federal judges regarding Donald Trump’s travel bans on Sunday, according to members of Congress and attorneys who rallied protests around the country in support of detained refugees and travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries.

On Sunday afternoon, four Democratic members of the House of Representatives arrived at Dulles airport in Virginia on word that people had been detained and denied access to lawyers.

Have you been affected by Trump's migration ban? Share your experience




This is not "but Obama". Its a whole new ball game.


It is also explicitly worded to be anti Muslim.



(b) Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual’s country of nationality. Where necessary and appropriate, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security shall recommend legislation to the President that would assist with such prioritization.

It singles out Muslim majority countries then says that religious "minorities" from those countries will be prioritised.


Also the enacting of this Executive Order has over ridden the right to remain of huge numbers of people who have been vetted and permitted to stay in the US, some of them for many decades. It is absurdly draconian. There is no rational defense of this. The only people defending it are the usual small clique.

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2 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Rather than protesting the US's immigration policy, people in the UK should be telling Parliament that all the refugees the US are refusing should be offered places in the UK.

Why? America takes in a tiny fraction of refugees as it is. Why doesn't California show some spine and resist illegal orders?

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The organisers of many of the Trump protests are already active in assisting refugees and migrants trying to seek refuge in the UK. The Trump stuff is generating worldwide coverage and it would be good if even some of the people who turned out purely for these protests will engage themselves in what is happening here as well. There's a point to be made as well about Obama, Justin Trudeau and other liberal sweethearts getting such a free pass for quite awful treatment of indigenous populations and refugees as well and I hope that point is made. As it is here, there has to be more highlighting of the hideous treatment Theresa May has given to plenty of marginalised groups in Britain and how her silence over Trump was never going to be in question.


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Preventing a quarter of the world's population from travelling because of the religion they grew up with is wrong, whatever you want to call it. Racism saves time though. Especially when you pretend not to know why calling a Pakistani a Paki is wrong. You daft banned racist c**t.

All religions are wrong. Oh dear you're offended by me shortening a word but not when I shortened Scotsman.
Strange old world eh
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