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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Yeah, I don't think you can have a rational debate with idiots.  If we ignore them they will eventually disappear and none of us will have to read their shite.

Are you the guy that hit the phenomenal forearm on Richard Spencer?
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I read one suggestion that the continual lying is a deliberate tactic.  Tires out the opposition by constantly making them fact check EVERYTHING and inures folk to the process.  I would hope that this is wrong and that instead it builds the anger and opposition and ruins credibility.

Of course it is. It takes infinitely more time and effort to disprove a lie, even one as mind-bendingly insane as inventing a massacre or there being 100 or a 100,000 of something.

Also, by lying about relative minutia like crowd sizes they can claim detractors moan about everything, even stuff that doesn't matter, when lying through their teeth about stuff that does.

Plenty of good writing on this out there. We should all be permanently horrified or drunk in order to escape the horror.
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Trump repeals a law that was introduced to try to ensure the last big financial meltdown would not be repeated.  Like no more giving mortgages to folk who can't repay them then bundling and selling on the debt.  Big financiers are ecstatic, apparently the act restricted some of Trump's friends borrowing money.

I wonder if this is a decision that will help Trump's core support or is there a possibility that they are the ones most likely to be devastated by another financial disaster that will make the rich richer.

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On 21/01/2017 at 13:58, eez-eh said:

Absolutely shocked to see such intellectual minds as Willie, itzdrk and banana sticking up for Trump, tbh.

No sure how laughing at feminists counts as standing up for Trump tbh.  

I'm willing to be shown wrong mind, plz be specific @eez-eh

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13 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

Interesting.  Just what is the nature of the 1.9 billion people who follow Islam?

To understand you should recite their good book as that is what they do, even though they recite it in Arabic which most of them do not understand. Especially the 5th verse of sura nine and the rest of the verses of the Sword. And understand what abrogation means with regard to the difference between the Meccan and Medinan suras. you should understand that the suras are not arranged chronologically but according to length.

The Meccan verses come from Muhammad's early career and are relatively tolerant, while the Medina verses are more violent and come from his later career. This distinction matters because the Islamic doctrine  of abrogation (naskh) means that Allah can change or even cancel what he tells Muslims. So according to this idea the violent verses of the Sword abrogate the peaceful verses, because they were revealed latter in Muhammad's career and most Muslim authorities agree that the 9th sura was the very last section of the Koran to be revealed. This is why we get radicalisation among young impressionable Muslims. Even though their whole religion is based on a lie.

if you believe in the Christian interpretation of the old testament then scripture was fulfilled when Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her of her soon to be son’s mission. Why then would Gabriel appear to the supposedly illiterate Muhammad, and tell him he was essentially lying to Mary. Muhammad never claimed to be the messiah. In-fact Allah derives from an old Arab moon god.

Muslims theology descends from Sarai's handmaiden Hagar's son Ishmael.

"a wild ass of a man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren."

Jewish and Christian theology descends from Isaac. I think you will not read this but you can do with it what you want.





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Cutting parts of a law because his friends with nice businesses can't create another credit crunch.
His counsellor inventing a massacre while absolutely none of his team mentions Quebec.

#draintheswamp right enough.

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At last, some sanity:-


A US judge in Seattle has issued a temporary nationwide block on President Donald Trump's ban on travellers from seven mainly Muslim nations.

District Judge James Robart ruled against government lawyers' claims that US states did not have the standing to challenge Mr Trump's executive order.

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Him, swampy and the other trump 'supporter' on here really do not deserve to be taken seriously or encouraged.  You're post was absolutely spot on but it was in response to a level of stupidity that is best ignored IMO.

A reason why I have contributed nothing into this thread. It's beyond sensibility to argue the obvious.

I really have no interest in debating Trump with people who have bought into his bullshit hook line and sinker.

The only comment I'd make is there are similarities to Trump being in power to Duterte in The Philippines. Someone with little countrywide political knowledge and zero knowledge of foreign policy, although at least he has been a mayor of a provincial city before.

He came into power from being a rank outsider, on a wave of euphoria, and simplistic policies which he implemented immediately on gaining power (Trump?) It is getting close to one year in the role, he has pissed off most of the countries major foreign investors thus stagnating industry while trying to negotiate the 'best deal for his country' becoming a laughing stock along the way. His homegrown polices really haven't yielded any benefit and he has now an accusation (with supposed evidence) from amnesty international claiming crimes against humanity and could face an ICC investigation which could plunge the country into turmoil.

Politicians are generally abhorrent people, but really, people in senior jobs, really have to have an idea of what their doing and Trump doesn't.

This is already breeding 'alternative truths', slanted views and fictitious enemies. He is out his depth.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Difficult times for Republicans who normally argue for State's rights versus a dictatorial National Government.

Seeing as we're quibbling elsewhere....states' right, buddy.

What astonishes me, though, is Trump's approval rate.  About 48% of the electorate agree with his stance of the immigration ban.

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3 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Seeing as we're quibbling elsewhere....states' right, buddy.

What astonishes me, though, is Trump's approval rate.  About 48% of the electorate agree with his stance of the immigration ban.

As you're here what's happened to Rhod Sharp? My listening to R5 in the middle of the night is a bit random but he hasn't been around for ages. Re the apostrophe, I was referring to the singular Washington State, although I concede it should have been preceded by the definite article. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

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4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

As you're here what's happened to Rhod Sharp? My listening to R5 in the middle of the night is a bit random but he hasn't been around for ages. 

I'll gloss over your apostrophe abuse...you know why ;)

I was "Up all Night" with Rhod on Tuesday.  Not sure how you could've missed it.

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5 hours ago, WaffenThinMint said:

At last, some sanity:-


A US judge in Seattle has issued a temporary nationwide block on President Donald Trump's ban on travellers from seven mainly Muslim nations.

District Judge James Robart ruled against government lawyers' claims that US states did not have the standing to challenge Mr Trump's executive order.

Yup.  CBP have issued a directive stating it's a "return to business as usual", but of course only 109 people were effected...

Trump's not going to get this one through.

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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It's a broad sweep. It would include someone who's too mentally incapacitated to look after his own money but can hunt safely. It also includes full blown psychotic schizophrenics with voices in their head telling them to kill. I'm not sure if they intend to replace the law with something more targeted. By the sounds of it they don't. Anyone can just go to a gun fair and buy an assault rifle with no checks anyway.

People with mental health problems that could make them violent are already supposed to be on the list of people who will not pass background checks. It is said that there are gaps in reporting, but that's an issue of implementation rather than policy. Obama's order made it so that anybody on Social Security or Disability that had a designated trustee for their finances would be put on the list of people who would fail. I'm not sure how being able to control your finances correlates with violent behavior for people who have never committed a crime or been committed to a mental institution.

What's amazing is how often Mr. Danger is wrong, misinformed, or completely misleading in his posts about Trump and American politics. It's quite the skill.

13 hours ago, Cerberus said:

I have not defended the decision by congress.
I don't want potentially schizophrenic people getting access to guns.

My QUESTION was whether or not the ACLU are correct in saying the regulation is discriminatory against disabled people.

I have a mentally disabled uncle. He's not on Disability because he works, but he would easily qualify if our family tried. He can't live on his own mainly because he's incapable of understanding finance, along with his eating habits if food is not prepared for him. He occasionally goes hunting for small animals with a guy from his church. In an alternate world where he was signed up for Disability, he would be among those banned from buying guns.

8 hours ago, WaffenThinMint said:

At last, some sanity:-


A US judge in Seattle has issued a temporary nationwide block on President Donald Trump's ban on travellers from seven mainly Muslim nations.

District Judge James Robart ruled against government lawyers' claims that US states did not have the standing to challenge Mr Trump's executive order.

A judge in Boston just before this cleared the Executive Orders in another ruling. Supposedly this Seattle judge recently declared "Black Lives Matter" from the bench during a police case, drawing gasps from the audience. Hopefully he's just a liberal activist who will be overturned. I haven't seen the basis of the ruling from Seattle, but I did see that the ACLU was arguing in other cases that the EOs were unconstitutional based on the Establishment Clause. Any judge who buys that deserves to have his head examined. I'm not sure how we can extend the Bill of Rights to non-citizens residing in other countries.

7 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Difficult times for Republicans who normally argue for State's rights versus a dictatorial National Government.

Citizenship and immigration is clearly a federal issue.

7 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:


What astonishes me, though, is Trump's approval rate.  About 48% of the electorate agree with his stance of the immigration ban.

How many countries would have 40% favoring immigration from Somalia? 10?

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So despite having a diplomatic passport, the former Prime Minister of Norway was taken in for questioning because he visited Iran a few years back. A fine example of what a fucking mess this is.


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