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So, it looks pretty certain that the Seattle judge will be overruled and the Boston judge which upheld Trump's travel ban made the right call.
This is an article from Dan Abrams' website. He's been NBC's go to guy for law questions since I can remember and used to have his won show on MSNBC.
1. Both judges seemed to reject any Constitutional issues with the Executive Order. No problems with freedom of religion or due process.
2. Both judges seemed to reject any statutory basis for overturning the EO. No problems with the 1965 Immigration Act.
3. The Seattle judge ruled based on "rational basis." Basically a law has to bear some relationship to a legitimate public purpose. For instance, you can't ban Russians from the US in order to stop the growth of cricket. Russians don't play cricket very much and stopping the growth of cricket isn't a legitimate public purpose. While stopping terrorism is a legitimate public purpose, the Seattle judge seemed to say that because the government couldn't prove terrorism was coming from these countries there was no "rational basis." The Boston judge noted that the Supreme Court has stated that rational basis "is not a license for courts to judge the wisdom, fairness or logic of legislative choices."
4. The Boston judge's ruling was detailed and cited a wide range of precedents. The Seattle ruling contained almost no precedents.

How certain are you now?
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4 hours ago, Deplorable said:

So, it looks pretty certain that the Seattle judge will be overruled and the Boston judge which upheld Trump's travel ban made the right call.

This is an article from Dan Abrams' website. He's been NBC's go to guy for law questions since I can remember and used to have his won show on MSNBC.



I'm not sure how inclined I am to side with a so-called lawyer who can't spell the word 'news'.

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41 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

Trump says he respects "killer" Putin and suggests the US is just as bad.

"You get a lot of killers".:lol:


It's almost as if he refuses to be briefed. 

There's honesty and there's stupidity.  Trump may be one, but he's also the other.  The Republicans are going to love that...

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:

It's almost as if he refuses to be briefed. 

There's honesty and there's stupidity.  Trump may be one, but he's also the other.  The Republicans are going to love that...

I'm sure Trump has some skills.  He does not posses the skill set to be the US president.  All past presidents would be able to be interviewed by a hostile reporter (not suggesting O'Reilly was hostile) and be skilled/sufficiently well briefed to pull it off; even George W.

Trump could not do that.  He does not have the intelligence or knowledge and would be incapable of absorbing the required information in a briefing.  Trumpets will suggest his vocabulary is deliberate to engage with his base.  Is it fuck, it's an indication of how devoid of understanding he is.

I cannot see any situation where Trump will allow himself to be interviewed by someone who might ask him a series of difficult questions.


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This sort of thing will be the main reason Trump won't see out a term as President. 
He'll realise that he simply can't govern on a whim and the amount of red tape, overturned decisions and ultimately all the Twitter wars he starts will see him walk sooner or later. 
It's like having a petulant 5 year old in the midst of a temper tantrum running a country. 

He won't last because at some point someone will end up shooting him - probably the CIA the way things are going.
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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I'm sure Trump has some skills.  He does not posses the skill set to be the US president.  All past presidents would be able to be interviewed by a hostile reporter (not suggesting O'Reilly was hostile) and be skilled/sufficiently well briefed to pull it off; even George W.

Trump could not do that.  He does not have the intelligence or knowledge and would be incapable of absorbing the required information in a briefing.  Trumpets will suggest his vocabulary is deliberate to engage with his base.  Is it fuck, it's an indication of how devoid of understanding he is.

I cannot see any situation where Trump will allow himself to be interviewed by someone who might ask him a series of difficult questions.


Exactly this. I see a lot of folk who voted for Trump, loving the hand-wringing and outrage from the Social Justice Warrior, liberal type extreme leftists (who are every bit as bad as the extreme right in their own way). They use language like 'special little snowflakes all hurt because they are not getting their own way' and 'can't accept criticism under any circumstances' yet both of these 'characteristics' encapsulate Trump - a man they continue to champion - perfectly. He doesn't only actively avoid others being critical of him and his ideologies but openly goes on the attack to anyone who dares to second guess his rationale.

A fucking simpleton can see that the behaviours he exhibits are the exact same as the extreme liberals that so many of the 'muh guns, muh freedoms, muh 'Murica' type, slack jawed yokels feel are making their country a worse place.

Edited by djchapsticks
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I'm sure Trump has some skills.  He does not posses the skill set to be the US president.  All past presidents would be able to be interviewed by a hostile reporter (not suggesting O'Reilly was hostile) and be skilled/sufficiently well briefed to pull it off; even George W.
Trump could not do that.  He does not have the intelligence or knowledge and would be incapable of absorbing the required information in a briefing.  Trumpets will suggest his vocabulary is deliberate to engage with his base.  Is it fuck, it's an indication of how devoid of understanding he is.
I cannot see any situation where Trump will allow himself to be interviewed by someone who might ask him a series of difficult questions.

O'Reilly interviewing Trump is like Ruth Davidson interviewing Theresa May.
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2 hours ago, mjw said:

Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!

Trump painting a big target on the judges back.


1 hour ago, Red 'N Yellow said:

"If something happens blame him" Wow what a leader.

If some nut job takes a shot at the judge no amount of spin will get Trump off the hook.

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