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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Watching the press conference now. Too many things to mention, but claiming he had the biggest electoral college victory since Reagan was a bit silly since 2 seconds on google says he only beat Dubya. And talking about Iran being the biggest terrorist sponsors. They back Hezbullah and Hamas, both participating in elected governments, and the Houthi in Yemen, part of the Sunni Shia civil war. The terrorists attacking the West are exclusively on the Sunni side, backed by Saudis and the Gulf States, with a bit of help from the likes of Pakistan. Back to watch the rest...


P.S. He's an hour late. Just before he arrives Bannon and the top White House staffers plant themselves on the front seats. :lol:


Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, Deplorable said:

Trump exposing to the Republican Party voters the lying press, the deep state, and the corrupt leftist judiciary that's been attempting to destroy America for the past 50 years.

Great work so far.


Trump is having a new rally in Florida. It's a great idea. He needs to be having a rally each week to remind people of his popularity with the real people in America. He's been allowing the media to focus on the protests.

Tremendous effort. Absolutely tremendous. 

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2 minutes ago, HTG said:

Tremendous effort. Absolutely tremendous. 

Why the f**k are you biting?


Anyone wanting to continue with the unreal world according to Trump just look at the Fox News website.  Lewis Carroll couldn't have written anything that compares to this.


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16 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Why the f**k are you biting?


Anyone wanting to continue with the unreal world according to Trump just look at the Fox News website.  Lewis Carroll couldn't have written anything that compares to this.


Come on to f**k - a bite would have involved taking his guff with any hint of seriousness. 

This is more of a bite - well played! 

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I watched a bit and the part where he is talking to the journalist about any potential response to Russia is staggering. Particularly when he adopts the strange voice and starts saying 'We are going to Mosul in 3 months' to mock and parody signalling advance intentions to the enemy. You have to pinch yourself to remind yourself this is the 'leader of the free world'

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1 hour ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

You can understand people looking for a new hero in Justin Trudeau, but he and the politics he represents are liable to disappoint you.


Hmm. Trudeau is certainly not governing "to the right of the Conservatives", as the author states, anyway. That fundamentally misunderstands how right-wing the Conservative Party in Canada is - or, perhaps more accurately, just how right-wing Stephen Harper's government was. Trudeau also didn't really 'tack to the left' of the NDP pre-election, either; Mulcair outflanked Trudeau on the right to fight Harper on his own territory, and he in turn helped to create this perception that Trudeau was positioning himself further to the left than he was in reality. Sure, there are some legitimate criticisms to be aimed at Trudeau, but I think you can forgive people for looking at him to be a hero at this moment in time -especially when you take a look at the alternatives, in Canada and elsewhere.

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I'd say that the USA have an imbecile in the White House, if that weren't demeaning to imbeciles. 

'Uranium...they tell me they can do some bad things with uranium...nuclear holocaust...very bad...CNN...you guys are the worst...

They said I wouldn't win. I had the biggest win since Ronald Reagan. I got 306 votes in the Electoral College."

(pesky journalist: "Obama got more..")

"I meant the most votes for a Republican since Reagan.."

(pesky journalist: "George H.W. Bush had a lot more..")

"I have people who tell me these things...I've seen that information around, but...journalists...bad...fake news....very bad...Russia... not so bad...nuclear holocaust...I've read a book...I've been briefed...this would be a real bad nuclear holocaust, believe me.."

It's tempting to say that electing Trump to the Presidency is just one of those inexplicable post-Brexit, post-truth, post-anything-that makes-the-remotest-bit-of-sense-to-anyone-with-a-vaguely-functioning-cerebral-cortex things: a temporary brain fade on the part of the American electorate similar to, say, Harvard University appointing a honey badger as Professor of Diplomacy and International Relations. Both Trump and the badger are eminently unqualified and temperamentally unsuited to the job and it's almost certain that the faculty big-wigs, rather like the electorate, would soon be experiencing those 'morning after' regrets ('why on earth did we promote that erratic mustelid when we could have had Mr Thomson')', but the comparisons end there. No matter how much harm the irascible ratel could inflict on the illustrious academic office to which he had been improbably elevated, the collateral damage to the wider world would be minimal. If only the batshit-crazy critter in the White House's threat could be contained to his immediate vicinity.


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5 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

I see Wikileaks have released CIA espionage orders from the 2012 French presidential election. I trust the US will be outraged at this affront to democracy and will be imposing sanctions on themselves in due course.

To be fair, this is quite a bit different than what the Democrats claim Russia did in the US election. They claim Russia had a preferred candidate and selectively leaked information gained through espionage in order to change the outcome. It looks like the US was just keeping tabs, which I expect is normal. And I suspect that the foreign intelligence services of most countries that matter keep tabs on the US elections. And honestly, I'm not opposed to the US government trying to influence foreign elections in certain instances. Stopping the Communists in certain Western countries post WWII being obvious examples. Like I've maintained throughout this thread, it doesn't offend me even if Russia was trying to influence our election. It's something we do and it's something that countries have done to us since the beginning. It's normal behavior.

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Why the f**k are you biting?
Anyone wanting to continue with the unreal world according to Trump just look at the Fox News website.  Lewis Carroll couldn't have written anything that compares to this.

Which makes it all the more indicative that Fox is currently running a "breaking" story, quoting Trump's hand picked WH staffers, which suggests Trump was fully briefed on the contents of the pre election Russia talks, and allowed both the FBI and Pence to be lied to.

Oh, and this Nat. Sec. replacement fellow has turned the job down, calling it a "shit sandwich.
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6 hours ago, Frankie S said:

I'd say that the USA have an imbecile in the White House, if that weren't demeaning to imbeciles. 

'Uranium...they tell me they can do some bad things with uranium...nuclear holocaust...very bad...CNN...you guys are the worst...

They said I wouldn't win. I had the biggest win since Ronald Reagan. I got 306 votes in the Electoral College."

(pesky journalist: "Obama got more..")

"I meant the most votes for a Republican since Reagan.."

(pesky journalist: "George H.W. Bush had a lot more..")

"I have people who tell me these things...I've seen that information around, but...journalists...bad...fake news....very bad...Russia... not so bad...nuclear holocaust...I've read a book...I've been briefed...this would be a real bad nuclear holocaust, believe me.."

It's tempting to say that electing Trump to the Presidency is just one of those inexplicable post-Brexit, post-truth, post-anything-that makes-the-remotest-bit-of-sense-to-anyone-with-a-vaguely-functioning-cerebral-cortex things: a temporary brain fade on the part of the American electorate similar to, say, Harvard University appointing a honey badger as Professor of Diplomacy and International Relations. Both Trump and the badger are eminently unqualified and temperamentally unsuited to the job and it's almost certain that the faculty big-wigs, rather like the electorate, would soon be experiencing those 'morning after' regrets ('why on earth did we promote that erratic mustelid when we could have had Mr Thomson')', but the comparisons end there. No matter how much harm the irascible ratel could inflict on the illustrious academic office to which he had been improbably elevated, the collateral damage to the wider world would be minimal. If only the batshit-crazy critter in the White House's threat could be contained to his immediate vicinity.


Trump has the lowest approval ratings for a President at this stage of his Presidency, BUT (and it's a big BUT IMO) he still has the overwhelming support of those who voted for him.  That's the audience he's playing to and he and his advisors do not realise that there are other people he has to win over including fellow House and Senate Republicans, professional advisors (as opposed to sycophants), and foreign leaders to name but a few.

What works during an election campaign does not work when you assume office.  Trump has no one willing to tell him that, this is confirmed by the fact that he's going to hold a 2020 election rally in Florida at the weekend.  Why?  Because he needs the unquestioning adulation of a candidate where's it's all cheers and applause and he can make the most outrageous statements without the press challenging him.  He's desperate for the limelight and the approval, he craves it.  But however successful the Florida event may be, however much it boosts his ego and his sense of self importance, once it's over he has to go back to running the country.


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The rally is meant to change the optics that the opposition mainstream media is presenting and to show his drawing power to keep the Congressional Republicans in line.

I know I'm talking out my ass sometimes, but I'm not sure there's a less informed poster here than Mr. Danger.


In other news, Trump kept his promise on repealing Obama's anti-coal regulations that would have cost thousands of jobs in the poorest areas of the country. Trump even invited a coal miner from my town to say a few words.


Edited by Deplorable
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