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The Official Former President Trump thread


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What do you think the photos prove? I'm not really bothered who it is, other than that I'm not going to take someone too seriously who changes from an ultra PC feminist to an alt right White Supremicist in a couple of years.

I think they prove it's not swampy.

I have no idea who swampy (or any other poster is) but the constant 'aye that's plenty swampy' response was boring. It was also piss poor debating form - essentially admitting you can't cope with the argument.

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FYI Swampy always claimed to live in the States, I don't see what else the pictures prove. Knowing that Deplorable is likely a made up persona for role playing/trolling purposes affects how seriously I take him.

P.S. I rarely bring it up btw.

Edited by welshbairn
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12 minutes ago, pandarilla said:


I think they prove it's not swampy.

I have no idea who swampy (or any other poster is) but the constant 'aye that's plenty swampy' response was boring. It was also piss poor debating form - essentially admitting you can't cope with the argument.


The politics forum is largely dreadful because there is no room for accepting other people's arguments.
Any points of debate always ends in the usual welts calling people a troll/WUM/halfwit/racist/idiot/moron/nazi.


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The politics forum is largely dreadful because there is no room for accepting other people's arguments.
Any points of debate always ends in the usual welts calling people a troll/WUM/halfwit/racist/idiot/moron/nazi.

I don't accept this.

It does happen but there's also some healthy debate. Not as much as I'd like, granted, but still.

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51 minutes ago, Randy Giles said:

Jesus fucking christ. Who gives a f**k if it's Swampy or not?

I know it's a bit unfashionable but I'm a stickler for truth. If Deplorable was a genuine Trumpet and his stories of being a late night driver for a Chinese takeaway were true, it would provide an interesting insight into racist America. If not then it's a bit boring. Valiant effort though, if sometimes unsettling. Can't wait for his next regeneration.

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The politics forum is largely dreadful because there is no room for accepting other people's arguments.
Any points of debate always ends in the usual welts calling people a troll/WUM/halfwit/racist/idiot/moron/nazi.

When you "people" , does McSpreader count?
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I know it's a bit unfashionable but I'm a stickler for truth. If Deplorable was a genuine Trumpet and his stories of being a late night driver for a Chinese takeaway were true, it would provide an interesting insight into racist America. If not then it's a bit boring. Valiant effort though, if sometimes unsettling. Can't wait for his next regeneration.

What evidence do you have that he's not?

Reasonable doubt suggests that the photo, taken in a Chinese in America, on that day, is real. Surely?

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It's valid to debate with folk you disagree with.  It's a waste of time arguing with an obvious troll; they're trolling, all you're doing is encouraging them.  To facilitate a bigot is not acceptable IMO.  Continually responding to someone like that is facilitating them.


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12 minutes ago, pandarilla said:


What evidence do you have that he's not?

Reasonable doubt suggests that the photo, taken in a Chinese in America, on that day, is real. Surely?


It's clearly real, the fact he wrote down a fellow posters username is all the evidence needed. Why you would want to engage with an out and out racist is anyone's guess though.

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1 minute ago, AUFC90 said:

It's clearly real, the fact he wrote down a fellow posters username is all the evidence needed. Why you would want to engage with an out and out racist is anyone's guess though.

Swampy always claimed to live in Texas and I believed him. Taking a picture of himself or a friend in a Chinese restaurant in America proves zilch. I am beginning to sway to the "who cares" side though.

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6 hours ago, pandarilla said:


Granny d is a very good poster actually, chief - especially in this thread.

What did you think of the press conference? You can't defend that, surely? The man has some serious psychotic tendencies. His ego is out of control and is affecting the day to day running of your country.

Sure. He has to attack the mainstream media. They are one of his main points of opposition and still the lens through which many people view national politics. Delegitimizing the press is a necessity if he is going to successfully accomplish his agenda because they are going to oppose him and paint his policies in the worst light for his entire Presidency.

6 hours ago, Randy Giles said:

I don't talk to racists. Which is exactly what Yank Mike was banned for. The fact that he's toning it down on this account doesn't mean he isn't a racist. He'll get the respect he deserves from me. Which is absolutely none.

Yank Mike came home drunk from the bar one night, made a joke using the F word in a thread involving accusations regarding King William's sexual orientation. Then he made another joke by replying that he wasn't homophobic when people accused him of being a racist, homophobe.


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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:


Mate I haven't the first clue what swampy looks like and I don't really care that much either way because the guy's been banned once for being a massive racist. I don't want to waste my time arguing with someone who's hit out with crackers about blacks having a cultural problem with wealth and left wingers being naturally more "retarded" on the account where he's toning it down. If you think that adds something then by all means keep stanning for the guy.

I was responding to a specific post saying that taxing the rich in order to give handouts to blacks is the biggest thing you could do for black Americans. I said that blacks on average have different habits regarding spending / wealth that would preclude that idea from working.


Here's an article in a mainstream publication written by a black professor of tax law at Emory University.

If you read through it you'll note two points that are relevant. Even controlled for wealth, houses in black neighborhoods appreciate at a much, much lower rate. She doesn't mention this, but I suspect the reason is that black violence levels at around the 90th income percentile is about the same as white violence levels at around the 10th income percentile. Non-blacks won't move into neighborhoods that are largely back even if it is rich black people. There's also the different sexual habits of black and white youths, which would matter to non-black families raising kids. These are cultural barriers that keep blacks from accumulating wealth at the same rate as white people. The author also notes that white people at each income levels are more likely to invest their money in high return assets like the stock market. One final thing is the difference in family obligations as black people are more likely to feel pressure or obligation to help family members financially. Again, differences in culture even when the income gap is removed.


Here's an article from an Ivy League school noting that blacks spend much more on flashy goods or visible signs of wealth, and that the difference comes out of saving and investing. The article pushes back on the idea that this is purely cultural, but it doesn't matter if this spending is the end result.

Racial reparations is just one jump away from Zimbabwe redistributing farm land and thinking that would fix the racial wealth gap. It's lazy thinking constrained by an obviously wrong headed ideology that there are no average cultural differences between racial groups in America and quite dumb.

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

I know it's a bit unfashionable but I'm a stickler for truth. If Deplorable was a genuine Trumpet and his stories of being a late night driver for a Chinese takeaway were true, it would provide an interesting insight into racist America. If not then it's a bit boring. Valiant effort though, if sometimes unsettling. Can't wait for his next regeneration.

Again, not racist if you believe that racism is based on treating people differently based on their race.

Do you think that if 3 million black Americans moved to Scotland it would be no different in it's affect, both long and short term, than if 3 million white Americans moved there?

Surely you do think there would be a difference. What about 3 million Muslims and 3 million Buddhists?

All I've ever argued is that perhaps we should take some of these differences into account when deciding public policy. To bury our heads in the sand because of a clearly false ideology that all cultures are equal makes life demonstrably worse for large groups of people within society. It stops us from being able to solve real problems.

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The U.S.A. heading back in time.  It's not in the least bit surprising but still sad and sickening when it becomes a reality.

ETA "This week, an Oklahoma bill which would force women to get permission from their sexual partner for an abortion passed its first hurdle."

Edited by Granny Danger
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