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The Official Former President Trump thread


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What are they getting for all this extra money? What is even the point?

Their navy could defeat every other navy on Earth, put together, easily. The US Marine Corps alone is similar in size to the British and French armies combined. They operate more military aircraft than Russia and China combined, and they have enough nuclear weapons to annihilate humanity.

What are they gaining that they can't do already? You'd think that, as a businessman, Trump would notice this is a colossal waste of money. Especially if you ran on a platform that the US military does too much already.

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Nuclear bombs don't kill people, depriving folk of an affordable public healthcare system whilst increasing military spending by billions of dollars kill people.


Can't have dirty socialist ideas like that infecting the American way of life.

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42 minutes ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

What are they getting for all this extra money? What is even the point?

Their navy could defeat every other navy on Earth, put together, easily. The US Marine Corps alone is similar in size to the British and French armies combined. They operate more military aircraft than Russia and China combined, and they have enough nuclear weapons to annihilate humanity.

What are they gaining that they can't do already? You'd think that, as a businessman, Trump would notice this is a colossal waste of money. Especially if you ran on a platform that the US military does too much already.

On the hopeful side he might be trying to do a Reagan in persuading Putin that whatever he spends on new nuclear weapons, America will spend more. On the down side he could be listening to Bannon's prophecy that it's time for a global war every 70 or so years, so America might as well start it. Building up the military and the civil infrastructure is traditional if you're preparing for war apparently.

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I remember his increase in military spending being predicted in December.
Northrop-Grumman builds the F35 and B21 will win some of the big contracts. Unsurprisingly Northrop-Grumman has connections to Goldman Sachs.

The increase is about making the super-rich, super-richer.
At least there will be loads of jobs in San Diego going.

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I'm pretty sure he cut a deal with one of the defence contractors to get a contract for aircraft delivered under the original budget.
The Arms Industry is one of the biggest in the US so a win win for Donald.

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I listened to a fair bit of the reports on CNN (booo fake news) tonight.  Real questions not being answered about how Trump is going to achieve his budget objectives.  Also real tensions building up about the successor to Obamacare.

One thing is certain US foreign aid is going to be slashed, Spicer mentioned it twice despite being told that even if it was cut to zero it would not even account for 1% of the 12% plus that will need to be cut from discretionary spend.

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On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 15:07, Miguel Sanchez said:

Donald eats his steak well done and with ketchup: https://ijr.com/2017/02/810965-trump-ditched-the-press-to-have-dinner-heres-how-the-president-acts-when-no-one-is-watching/amp/

Not that this should cloud your opinion of him.

That's how I would eat steak.

Also, that article shows him personally handing a $100 bill to the bus boy. That would be in addition to whatever tip he left the waiter and is not customary, so we can put to bed the claims from earlier that he doesn't tip when appropriate.

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6 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

That's how I would eat steak.

Also, that article shows him personally handing a $100 bill to the bus boy. That would be in addition to whatever tip he left the waiter and is not customary, so we can put to bed the claims from earlier that he doesn't tip when appropriate.

Yes, when considering Donald Trump how he eats steak is the prime issue.

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22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

 “Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.” Donald J Trump

"I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated,"

Yeah you fucking orange halfwit, lots of people knew it could be so complicated.  Folk who understand that policies go beyond making vague statements about "really great" plans for healthcare.  This guy is so far out of his depth that it's laughable.

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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

On the hopeful side he might be trying to do a Reagan in persuading Putin that whatever he spends on new nuclear weapons, America will spend more. On the down side he could be listening to Bannon's prophecy that it's time for a global war every 70 or so years, so America might as well start it. Building up the military and the civil infrastructure is traditional if you're preparing for war apparently.

Pretty much sums it up. Worth remembering that the military always pressurise a President to increase spending, increase fleet sizes, kill more brown people, etc. They have to justify their own existence in some way. 

It's almost certainly just the case that Trump is listening to them rather than whoever looks after his budgetary concerns. And given the heightening tensions with Russia, it's not a real surprise. If the FBI/CIA etc are genuinely confident about even half of the things they've accused Russia of lately, I'd wager most Presidents would be under pressure to do the same thing.

Not that that means I agree with it. It's lunacy. But America.....

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That's how I would eat steak.
Also, that article shows him personally handing a $100 bill to the bus boy. That would be in addition to whatever tip he left the waiter and is not customary, so we can put to bed the claims from earlier that he doesn't tip when appropriate.

Expenses ?
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Just saw Trump on tv reading a statement.

Like a bloody primary school child. Tracing the words with his finger, stops mid sentence while you can see him struggling as to how to pronounce the next difficult two syllable word, before mumbling on in a monotone.

Good at rabble rousing but absolutely dreadful at public speaking.


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5 hours ago, Deplorable said:
A good hamburger is better anyways.

Regardless of how capable the US military are of defending the country it's for nothing if attitudes like this mean it ceases to be worth defending


Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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6 hours ago, Deplorable said:

That's how I would eat steak.

Also, that article shows him personally handing a $100 bill to the bus boy. That would be in addition to whatever tip he left the waiter and is not customary, so we can put to bed the claims from earlier that he doesn't tip when appropriate.

Do you honestly think that $100 bill came out of his own pocket?

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10 hours ago, Deplorable said:

That's how I would eat steak.

Also, that article shows him personally handing a $100 bill to the bus boy. That would be in addition to whatever tip he left the waiter and is not customary, so we can put to bed the claims from earlier that he doesn't tip when appropriate.

That's nice Mr. Kurtz.

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