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45 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


US Marines deployed in Syria


Trump triples Obama's drone strike rate.

Tell me again about Hilary being a warmonger.

Trump is (sadly) really just following the path that Obama laid out. His ratio will drop over time, and it isn't remotely a change to US policy for the last 8 years. He's strangely the continuity candidate here. 

Clinton had proposed (and doubled down on) a no-fly zone that could've caused any end of issues. Who knows how relationships with Russia would've been without adding that into the mix. 

Regardless of his sheer incompetence, I'm not sure Clinton would comes out favourably in any comparison in this regard. Few less bombs, perhaps, but to be honest the US are where they are now. 

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6 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

Life Expectancy UK 80.54

Life Expectancy US 79.68

And our healthcare is free at the point of service. Imagine.

Left expectancy in Scotland is significantly lower than 80.54 where the NHS probably gives the best service.

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7 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

Left expectancy in Scotland is significantly lower than 80.54 where the NHS probably gives the best service.

I think the older you get the more right wing you become. So with an ageing population "left expectancy" would diminish...

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12 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

The NHS in Scotland does a very good job - there are a large number of things we are absolute world leaders on.

However ultimately it doesn't matter how good your *health system* is if the basic structure of society is saddling people with reduced life chances from the off. Even a world-class hospital isn't going to fix health problems whose root causes are in a broken society. The US *healthcare system* is by all accounts pretty effective, in the sense that it's an attractive place for doctors to work, hospitals are generally well resourced etc. But ultimately if you're from a poor black family in (say) Flint, even if you have health insurance you're probably worse off in terms of healthcare than someone else living in equivalent conditions here in the UK (not to mention paying more).

This is it. People stereotype where I live as giving babies Mountain Dew in their bottles. This actually does happen. It's hard to come back from that beginning.

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23 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

Life Expectancy UK 80.54

Life Expectancy US 79.68

And our healthcare is free at the point of service. Imagine.

Wow! My country is full of fat hillbillies who shoot each other and your life expectancy is less than 1 year more. Your medical system must suck balls.

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18 hours ago, Cerberus said:

Left expectancy in Scotland is significantly lower than 80.54 where the NHS probably gives the best service.


21 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

What are the indicators?

I'm glad ye asked - I'm 74 :unsure:

18 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

I think the older you get the more right wing you become. So with an ageing population "left expectancy" would diminish...

Steady oan there granpaw.

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Judge Andrew Napolitano has gone on Fox News and said that 3 intelligence sources say Obama used Brit intelligence to spy on Trump. This was one of Snowden's revelations. That the Five Eyes countries use each others intel agencies to get around domestic privacy protections. Judge Napolitano is a bit of a right wing maniac, but he's a former New Jersey Supreme Court judge and has been one of Fox News top legal analysts since I can remember.

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8 hours ago, Deplorable said:

... Judge Napolitano is a bit of a right wing maniac, ...and has been one of Fox News top legal analysts since I can remember.




"On "Fox & Friends" this morning, Judge Andrew Napolitano said that even if the Obama administration did spy on Trump, there may never be a way to prove it."



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Jesus Christ! Haha. That was amazing. Every douchey Democrat (a subset of Democrats, there are plenty of decent ones) I knew was texting me before 9 pm sure this was going to be the end of Trump. Impeachment was around the corner. How did this happen? What was Maddow thinking? The only thing I can figure is that she hadn't yet seen the tax returns when she hyped her show, and assumed that something scandalous had to be there. People are saying that Trump had to be behind this leak and put out the year where he paid the most. I'd always assumed that there was nothing more scandalous in Trump's taxes than you'd find in any rich persons (or anybody's really), but he figured that taking the hit of not releasing them was better than letting a hostile media take a fine comb to his finances.

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Regarding the allegation that the GCHQ was spying on Trump for the Democrats, I do remember conspiratorial talk from a few months ago when the GCHQ head resigned a few days after Trump became President. He had only been in the job 2 years and was 51, but he resigned for "family reasons." Interesting timing considering these new allegations from Fox News. It's hard to tell what to believe.

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