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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Director of the FBI confirms an investigation and the Republicans questioning deflect the whole thing onto leaks and seem to imply that Mike Flynn (the serial liar and threat to national security) was somehow hard done by. They are a special bunch.

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Starting to feel a bit sorry for the FBI guy, he's got subtle but strict rules on what he can or not say, he's knackered and the Congressmen keep trying to trip him up for a headline.

P.S. Fascinating details coming out about Trump's alleged pay offs from Russian oligarchs. No idea if they're true.

Edited by welshbairn
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10 hours ago, JamieThomas said:

Well I certainly like Taco Bell and PBR. Oh, and the missus I suppose. Perhaps that where these Syrian lads are going wrong.

Grade D beef. I saw the boxes piled into the dumpsters behind a Taco Bell once.

FYI, 40s of malt liquor bring more hipster cred than PBR. Old E is my personal favorite.

Image result for olde english malt liquor

Edited by Deplorable
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Daniel Horowitz has a few thoughts on how the Republicans can fight back against the courts trampling on the Constitution. It's great that the Founding Father put checks and balances into our system so that no branch can get out of control. The last major fight between the Courts and another branch of government was during Franklin Roosevelt's Presidency. They kept striking down his laws, so he threatened to appoint a bunch of new judges to the Supreme Court. The number of justices are not set by the Constitution. Suddenly they stopped ruling his new laws unconstitutional.



Include the president’s immigration order in the April budget bill in the form of a defunding rider. Congress should defund the issuance of visas from those seven countries (yes, add Iraq back in) and defund refugee resettlement for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Finally exercise Article III Sec. 2 powers to regulate and except the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary, at least beginning with the lower courts. The courts must be stripped of the power to adjudicate any case forcing the entry of a foreign national into the country against the will of the other branches.

Eliminate the ability of lower courts to issue injunctions or restraining orders on major public policy issues outside of their respective jurisdictions.

Strip the Ninth Circuit down to a geographic jurisdiction covering a small part of California and replace the remainder of the area currently covered by the Ninth Circuit with a new 12th Circuit.


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