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The Official Former President Trump thread


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As an aside, the Democratic leadership are completely uninspiring.  I'm sure there are decent, capable and inspiring folk within the Democratic ranks but whilst the old guard continue to control the leadership they won't get a chance.
To maximise the benefits of Trump's ongoing disasters the Democrats need people who will offer a different vision and can sell that vision; the likes of Pelosi and Schumer don't fit that bill.

This Adam Schiff bloke looks every bit presidential material in the ongoing Russian hearings.
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12 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Interesting that despite having a lower life expectancy than most developed Nations, including even artery congealed Scotland, they spend about double what we do on healthcare, about 18% of GDP.


I'm like to see what the breakdown is between the top 10 or 15 percent and the rest.

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49 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

A Republican majority in both houses and he still blames the Democrats - calling the man a fucking moron would be an insult to fucking morons.

Most of the zoomers who support him will buy that excuse, some others won't.  That is how he will lose support from his own voters, incrementally.  When he introduces tax 'reform' that benefits the rich there will be yet more who will realise that they have been duped and abandon him.


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In Scotland, Donald plummets in popularity
Only seven boys born in Scotland were named Donald last year, the fewest on record and a likely
slap at America's new president despite his Scottish roots, birth records out this month show.

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Ivanka's husband and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, has now been revealed to have had a meeting with a head of a sanctioned Russian bank in December. It looks like he's giving evidence.

It's really weird how really influential figures seem to keep having secret meetings about issues of such little consequence that they forget about them after they leave the room.

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Just back from murica and Trump is still strongly supported by the voters who voted for him , but when the general public surveys come out they say that his approval rating is the lowest of any president who has served less than 100 days. His healthcare bill was doomed to failure from the start , it took Obama 2 terms to negotiate with both houses to get his passed and he talked to Democrats and republicans  , Trump rather naively thinks that his " art of the deal" type negotiating will win through . Pelosi  revealed he never approached one democrat to discuss the bill. Even Fox News at first wouldn't admit it was a defeat but when Trump allied his failure to Ryan's inability to get his republicans to vote with the president they had their scapegoat. That's Trumps MO , promise the public the sky , fail to deliver , no problem it wasn't his fault deflect blame fake news , the media and move on. 

'He has alienated the professional politicians or swamp dwellers and they are seizing the chance at retribution when they can , and the worst are his supposed allies in the Republican Party . If the Trump model is seen to work , i.e. Very rich businessperson with no previous experiience can deliver when politicians can't then those senators and congressman and women will do all they can to stop that happening in their districts. 

His public want him to succeed and the slogan America First ,Made in America is on everything from bog paper to cars wrapped in the star spangled  banner , whether Trump succeeds is open to debate but American protectionism is very much to the fore. 

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