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The Official Former President Trump thread


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7 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Sabre rattling in the pacific also...


He wouldn't, would he ?

Trump is an egotistical, uninformed, unstable man child who is totally unfit to be US President*.  Any judgement on what he will or will not do should be considered with these character defects in mind.

Hopefully there are saner voices around him who will stop his more crazy actions.

*So much had happened since his election it's easy to forget the first official briefing by his press secretary was to claim Trump's inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's when it obviously wasn't.  We should never forget that spinning this obvious lie for egotistical reasons this was the priority for the man who had just been elected President of the USA.  It defines who he is.

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9 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Sabre rattling in the pacific also...


He wouldn't, would he ?

According tae the map North Korean missiles cannae reach Scotland so I'll be an interested spectator.

7 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

Tin hats and claymores looked oot then.

Trumps a hawk.

Is that the swords or the mines?
Step on a sword and ye'll cut yourself.
Step on a mine and....

57 minutes ago, Mudder said:

Surely that's okay cos it's our side.
But if it was the pesky Russians who telt Saddam then it would be a f**king outrage.

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30 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

According tae the map North Korean missiles cannae reach Scotland so I'll be an interested spectator.

Is that the swords or the mines?
Step on a sword and ye'll cut yourself.
Step on a mine and....

Surely that's okay cos it's our side.
But if it was the pesky Russians who telt Saddam then it would be a f**king outrage.

That's true, I wonder if he was outraged as well, when Israel illegally used Phosphorus on civilians in Gaza?

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19 minutes ago, Mudder said:

That's true, I wonder if he was outraged as well, when Israel illegally used Phosphorus on civilians in Gaza?

Wheesht! :wub:


Senators differ on Trump's use of military force, want Congress part of future action


A top Senate Democrat and Republican differed Sunday on President Trump having used executive powers to attack a Syrian
airbase but agreed that Congress must be included in further actions. 
… Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told Fox News on Sunday that no
congressional authority exists for going against Assad, so there is no authority to use force.
“The president has some inherent [constitutional] power,” Cardin said. “But as he consulted with us by notice on this attack,
it's incumbent upon him to consult with Congress. And if there is going to be use of force in a continuing basis, he needs the authorization of Congress.”


Sen. Graham wants 6,000 more US troops to fight ISIS


Sen. Lindsey Graham on Sunday took perhaps the most aggressive Washington stance on the country’s simultaneous effort to
defeat ISIS and solve the Syrian crisis -- calling for more U.S. troops in the terror fight and suggesting President Trump already
has broad authority to order missile strikes on Syria.
The South Carolina Republican and military hawk is calling for as many as 6,000 more U.S. troops to help defeat the Islamic State terror group in the Middle East.


and that's how incidents escalate intae wars.

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The Huffington Post with a rare, brutally honest assessment of Trump's actions in Syria.

Wag The Dog — How Al Qaeda Played Donald Trump And The American Media


A critical piece of information that has largely escaped the reporting in the mainstream media is that Khan Sheikhoun is ground zero for the Islamic jihadists who have been at the center of the anti-Assad movement in Syria since 2011. Up until February 2017, Khan Sheikhoun was occupied by a pro-ISIS group known as Liwa al-Aqsa that was engaged in an oftentimes-violent struggle with its competitor organization, Al Nusra Front (which later morphed into Tahrir al-Sham, but under any name functioning as Al Qaeda’s arm in Syria) for resources and political influence among the local population.

Mainstream American media outlets have willingly and openly embraced a narrative provided by Al Qaeda affiliates whose record of using chemical weapons in Syria and distorting and manufacturing “evidence” to promote anti-Assad policies in the west, including regime change, is well documented.  These outlets have made a deliberate decision to endorse the view of Al Qaeda over a narrative provided by Russian and Syrian government authorities without any effort to fact check either position. These actions, however, do not seem to shock the conscience of the American public; when it comes to Syria, the mainstream American media and its audience has long ago ceded the narrative to Al Qaeda and other Islamist anti-regime elements.

That President Trump could be susceptible to such obvious manipulation is not surprising, given his predilection for counter-punching on Twitter for any perceived slight; that his national security team allowed him to be manipulated thus, and did nothing to sway Trump’s opinion or forestall action pending a thorough review of the facts, is scandalous. History will show that Donald Trump, his advisors and the American media were little more than willing dupes for Al Qaeda and its affiliates, whose manipulation of the Syrian narrative resulted in a major policy shift that furthers their objectives. 


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7 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

The Huffington Post with a rare, brutally honest assessment of Trump's actions in Syria.

Wag The Dog — How Al Qaeda Played Donald Trump And The American Media


Responsibility for the chemical event in Khan Sheikhoun is still very much in question.

and that's been my argument since it happened.

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Newt Gingrich: Three critical things everyone needs to know about Trump's Syria airstrikes

Below is the latest post in the comment section

Toddsmith7713 minutes ago


1: I did not read about any actual proof that chemical weapons were used. I only read about hearsay. 

2:  Syria is a sovereign nation and this was an Act of War and did violate International Law.

3: This attack was not so much about Syria but to send a message to the Chinese.

4: This attack did change the geo-politics in the region and Asia.

5: I saw pictures of the aftermath of the 59 missiles and I do not see where 59 missiles caused damage. I read that Russia used a system that prevented 29 from reaching the airbase. That story may be true and if so it will cause a pause within the Pentagon about using the missiles again. Trump said no missiles attacked the runways but I saw at least 1 crater in the runway. Could this be one of the 29 missiles that Russia allegedly veered off course? 

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2 hours ago, Wee Willie said:

Newt Gingrich: Three critical things everyone needs to know about Trump's Syria airstrikes

Below is the latest post in the comment section

Toddsmith7713 minutes ago



1: I did not read about any actual proof that chemical weapons were used. I only read about hearsay. 


2:  Syria is a sovereign nation and this was an Act of War and did violate International Law.





3: This attack was not so much about Syria but to send a message to the Chinese.





4: This attack did change the geo-politics in the region and Asia.

5: I saw pictures of the aftermath of the 59 missiles and I do not see where 59 missiles caused damage. I read that Russia used a system that prevented 29 from reaching the airbase. That story may be true and if so it will cause a pause within the Pentagon about using the missiles again. Trump said no missiles attacked the runways but I saw at least 1 crater in the runway. Could this be one of the 29 missiles that Russia allegedly veered off course? 



I find that article terrifying. How could anybody either write that garbage or, even worse, believe it. I despair about the mentality of a huge percentage of the population of the USA

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I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this Tillerson  showdown actually produced some kind of step change in the conflict.

- Assad apparently decides to start gassing kids when he's on the up.

- Trump apparently stands up to Putin and bombs an empty airbase, thus disproving his Russian puppet status.

- Some kind of settlement is struck in which Russia is able to move its Syrian operations elsewhere, or they are guaranteed continuation under regime change. Which would be palatable to the world in the name of resolving a conflict and stopping a chemical weapon yielding maniac.

- Trump gets something done after taking an L on everything he's tried at home. 

- Russia cashes out on their winning position in the war and can stop dropping seven figure weapons every day to protect a naval base.

- Russia and America emerge as constructive enemies and definitely not bros who divvied up the whole thing.

That would work out amazingly well for everyone concerned.

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Trump and Putin will fanny about but Assad's got a job for life. His constituency know they'll be dead if the Sunnis take over, and I doubt even the Saudis or Qataris really want a Jihadi state. Neither Russia or America are interested in Nation building, which is what they'd have to do if Assad falls.

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