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The Official Former President Trump thread


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He's tweeted that he is under investigation about alleged interference by the Russians in the election/the firing of Comey. Having a bit of a heads gone over it as well in typical Trump fashion.

Edited by RiG
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On the death of Helmut Khol Trump has said he was a great great man.

I would bet that until an aide told him last night he hadn't even heard of Kohl never mind what his achievements were!

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1 hour ago, WILLIEA said:

On the death of Helmut Khol Trump has said he was a great great man.

I would bet that until an aide told him last night he hadn't even heard of Kohl never mind what his achievements were!

RIP one of the finest soccer goaltenders of all time! Sad.

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On 2017-6-16 at 21:27, bob the tank said:

Just heard that he has cancelled the USA / Cuba agreement brought in by Obama. What a fud...

That's the issue that probably swung Florida his way, so even though he probably knows it makes little sense, he goes ahead anyway. American politics as usual rather than a change on that one at least.

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Russian v US fun and games in the Baltics and Syria, along with North Korea apparently preparing for another nuclear test just after the American tourist dies. I'm hiding under the duvet for the immediate future.

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Serial tweeter Trump who quickly responded to the previous three terrorist attacks in London and Manchester has been remarkably quiet about the latest attack in London.  I wonder why.

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It does feel like something more serious could kick off at any moment. Iran are raging after Tillerson said the US policy toward them is to "work toward support of those elements inside of Iran that would lead to a peaceful transition of that government". How can he say that with a straight face after all the 'Russian meddling' nonsense?

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GOP Senators have published their replacement to the Affordable Care Act.  The biggest losers include the demographics who voted in large numbers for Trump.  Insurers and the wealthy are the biggest beneficiaries.

Big shame.

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Flicked onto Fox News's Cavuto show, and surprised to see him and his panel in hysterics ripping Trump apart. 

P.S. The following show is also going pretty hard on Trump. Wonder if the word's come down from Murdoch that he's a lost cause?

Edited by welshbairn
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In less than a year, Ford has said it will cut as many as 1,400 jobs. General Motors has cut production at four U.S. assembly lines, costing 4,400 workers their jobs. Fiat Chrysler laid off another 1,300 workers at their assembly line in Detroit.

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Mitch McConnell has $200 billion to bribe Senators to vote for Trumpcare. Makes the Tory/DUP thing look really small time.

Not enough by the look of things.
Vote postponed till after the July 4th recess.
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