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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Absolutely disgusting spindoctory on the go right now.

'Trump is just unhinged!'


I’ll hold the line against Iranian non-compliance.  That means penalties even for small violations, and keeping our allies on board – but being willing to snap sanctions back into place unilaterally if we have to.

 - HRC September 2015


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That's 2006. The advance in the military and surveillance tech that Israel has compared to then is frightening.
They've got hundreds of the best fighter planes you could have now.

I’m studying drone warfare at uni atm and the one prevailing conclusion is that despite all the modern technology at their disposal, America and Israel, can’t wipe out relatively primitive opposition. All that firepower hasn’t counted for jack shit in really completing any of their stated goals and much of the firepower that they’re deploying doesn’t live up to the expectations. Andrew Cockburn’s book on drone warfare is a really good examination of this.
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 'Trump is hurting the feelings of the nice Iranian government!'


I understand the skepticism so many feel about Iran.  I too am deeply concerned about Iranian aggression and the need to confront it.  It’s a ruthless, brutal regime.  It has the blood of Americans and its own people on its hands.  Its political rallies resound with cries of “Death to America.” Its leaders talk about wiping Israel off the face of the map, and foment terror against it.  There is absolutely no reason to trust Iran.  

- HRC September 2015


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27 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


I’m studying drone warfare at uni atm and the one prevailing conclusion is that despite all the modern technology at their disposal, America and Israel, can’t wipe out relatively primitive opposition. All that firepower hasn’t counted for jack shit in really completing any of their stated goals and much of the firepower that they’re deploying doesn’t live up to the expectations. Andrew Cockburn’s book on drone warfare is a really good examination of this.


That's the salient lesson of air power throughout history, a supporting arm capable of delivering frightening levels of firepower, and dominance of the air will always be a necessary prerequisite to winning a fight but it can't and will never win a war by itself. It lacks the persistence to hold and stop movement, even as it can impede that movement. In the end boots on the ground matter.

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26 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


I’m studying drone warfare at uni atm and the one prevailing conclusion is that despite all the modern technology at their disposal, America and Israel, can’t wipe out relatively primitive opposition. All that firepower hasn’t counted for jack shit in really completing any of their stated goals and much of the firepower that they’re deploying doesn’t live up to the expectations. Andrew Cockburn’s book on drone warfare is a really good examination of this.


Drones are handy for knocking out a jeep in the desert, but the only way they more or less defeated ISIS in Iraq and Syria was by levelling Mosul and Raqqa, same as the Russians and Syrians did in Aleppo  and Eastern Damascus against their enemies. Warfare hasn't really changed since Stalingrad. 

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Drones are handy for knocking out a jeep in the desert, but the only way they more or less defeated ISIS in Iraq and Syria was by levelling Mosul and Raqqa, same as the Russians and Syrians did in Aleppo  and Eastern Damascus against their enemies. Warfare hasn't really changed since Stalingrad. 

The three stated goals of drones are “wiping out Al Qaeda” (they’ve actually spread across the subcontinent), “isolating Al-Qaeda and preventing local support from joining up” (Al-Qaeda are quite effectively recruiting on the back of indiscriminate drone strikes and public opinion everywhere outside of USA is opposed to US drone policy) and “protecting the US mainland” (which maybe could be considered successful but whether the two are related is debatable).
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13 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Must be missing the Hillary Clinton supporters posting on this thread or is that banana just having a stroke again?

Only thing of importance in geopolitics isTrump triggering the libtards.

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'Terrifying arrogance from Trump!'


But the most important thing we can do to keep Iran from cheating or trying to wait us out is to shape Iranian expectations right from the start.  The Iranians and the world need to understand that we will act decisively if we need to.  

So here’s my message to Iran’s leaders: 

The United States will never allow you to acquire a nuclear weapon. 

- HRC September 2015 


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26 minutes ago, mjw said:

Some lassie called Hillary must have knocked Bananaman back one night.
It's the only reason for this level of infatuation.

People who are only capable of thinking in layers of one.  If you don't like Trump, you must be a Clinton-loving libtard, blind to all her faults.

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'Fuhrer Trump's Israel rhetoric is going to destabilize the region!'


 They vow to destroy Israel.  That’s worth saying again – they vow to destroy Israel.  We can’t ever take that lightly, particularly when Iran ships advanced missiles to Hezbollah and the Supreme Leader outlines an actual strategy for eliminating Israel.

 I will deepen America’s unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security, including our long-standing tradition of guaranteeing Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge.  I’ll increase support for Israeli rocket and missile defenses, and for intelligence sharing.  I’ll sell Israel the most sophisticated fighter aircraft ever developed, the F-35.

- HRC September 2015


Edited by banana
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22 minutes ago, JamieThomas said:

You could barely fit a fag paper between the Democrats and Republicans, I'd relish going after that Clinton daftie almost as much as I do the fat lad tbh.

That's really not the case, or at least not at grass roots level, or in the way the parties operate.  On campaign issues, certainly, there are plenty of similarities, but don't conflate presidency campaign issues for domestic issues.

 Hilary is certainly not a daftie, although she's not a likeable or talented candidate.  And she's not blatantly corrupt, pathologically lying, obese or misogynistic.   She has many faults, and would never have been my candidate for the Democratic nomination, but she's a world away from the Tangoman.

Look at the Roy Moore/Doug Jones campaigns.  On a local level, there's a huge difference.  If you're a woman, there's a huge difference, and if you're a Dreamer....

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:

That's really not the case, or at least not at grass roots level, or in the way the parties operate.  On campaign issues, certainly, there are plenty of similarities, but don't conflate presidency campaign issues for domestic issues.

Centre right/right

New Labour/Tories

I may be dumbing it down a little too much, but when the similarities are so numerous, the differences get overlooked.

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