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1 hour ago, Deplorable said:

Here's a local news report from a few years ago in Lee County Florida. They lined up jury records where people were excused from serving due to their status as non-citizens, and then matched those names up to voter roles in the county. They found 1,000 people who voted illegally. That's 1,000 people in a single county.


The bigger issue Trump may be trying to investigate is potential illegal voting in urban precincts where the Democrat vote is 99.9% Democrat and the Democratic Party has a long history of voter fraud going back to the Irish and Italian immigrant days. It's almost 100% that Al Franken, the Dem Minnisota Senator, was elected based on illegal felon voting. He was the deciding vote on Obamacare. This stuff can potentially matter. Using illegal immigrant claims as the motive for the investigation is obviously a more politically correct way to start the investigation.


Lee County you say?

Political consultant investigated for Lee voter fraud now working for Trump

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The voter fraud estimate is seemingly an extrapolation of polling done a while back which asked people if they were illegals and if they voted, and for who.


Based on national polling by a consortium of universities, a report by Mr. Richman said 6.4 percent of the estimated 20 million adult noncitizens in the U.S. voted in November. He extrapolated that that percentage would have added 834,381 net votes for Mrs. Clinton, who received about 2.8 million more votes than Mr. Trump.


No doubt this poll was like voter ID also racist. What people say in polls and what they do in reality is something of course, but either way 1m+ potential voter fraud just in terms of illegals is quite staggering. Whether it'd have changed any state outcome is another question.

Edited by banana
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White House misspells Theresa May's name three times ahead of Trump meeting
LONDON — British Prime Minister Theresa May will become the first foreign leader to meet face-to-face with President Trump on Friday,
continuing her offensive to strengthen the “special relationship” between the two nations.
The proceedings didn’t get to a good start however, when the White House misspelled May’s first name three times in a schedule sent out
 about the impending meetings.
One spelling error referenced a “bilateral meeting” between Trump and “Teresa May,” and the gaffe was repeated while informing readers of a
“working luncheon” between the two. Teresa May is also the name of a British former soft porn actress and model. The errors were later corrected.

The British leader and Trump are expected to discuss topics Friday including terrorism, ending the almost 6-year-old civil war in Syria, relations with Russia,
NATO cooperation and a bilateral trade deal when the U.K. leaves the European Union following a vote to quit the alliance at a referendum in June. 
Trade between the two countries is worth about $187 billion, and the U.S. is the largest single investor in the U.K.

May has come bearing gifts for Trump and the first lady, including apple juice from her country house in England, marmalade, cookies
and an engraved Quaich — a Scottish cup of friendship — reflecting Trump's links to the U.K.
The president's mother, Mary Anne MacLeod, came from the Scottish island of Lewis.


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Trump just related the story of how he was at Turnberry the day before the EU referendum and how he was scorned for predicting that Britain would vote for Brexit.  Then low and behold, the next day he was proved right and we did.

Is this one of those alternative facts?

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20 minutes ago, Shades75 said:

Trump just related the story of how he was at Turnberry the day before the EU referendum and how he was scorned for predicting that Britain would vote for Brexit.  Then low and behold, the next day he was proved right and we did.

Is this one of those alternative facts?

He may be telling the truth.  It's a cunning plan* to confuse us all.


* Baldrick would be proud.

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14 minutes ago, Deplorable said:

Yawn. He predicted Brexit in an interview with his buddy Piers. So he got his timeline mixed up?

Yip flying into a country to look at a golf course and being interviewed on tv is difficult to tell apart so they are swampy :lol:

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The Big Liar telling May he is committed to NATO.  How long before he retracts this in a late night tweet?

May basically threw him under a bus; along with the journalist from BBC, she's got Trump to ostensibly commit to NATO. Theresa May appears moderate and sensible next to him. Just think about that for a moment...

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I think May played him well. It's been said before that his opinion is set by the last person who flattered him and pitched an idea. It was probably a good idea to get in there before Putin. Hope there's something down in writing about NATO.

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22 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


May basically threw him under a bus; along with the journalist from BBC, she's got Trump to ostensibly commit to NATO. Theresa May appears moderate and sensible next to him. Just think about that for a moment...



8 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I think May played him well. It's been said before that his opinion is set by the last person who flattered him and pitched an idea. It was probably a good idea to get in there before Putin. Hope there's something down in writing about NATO.

Do either of you really believe that he couldn't change his mind/have his mind changed simply because of what he's said today?  Whatever I think of Trump I hope you're both right but I genuinely think he will change his position in a heartbeat if he thinks it will play to his audience. 

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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:


Do either of you really believe that he couldn't change his mind/have his mind changed simply because of what he's said today?  Whatever I think of Trump I hope you're both right but I genuinely think he will change his position in a heartbeat if he thinks it will play to his audience. 

No, if anyone on CNN says anything about how well she played him he'll be tweeting about her smelly fanny at 3am. Still good to get her oar in before he talks to Putin over the weekend though.

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