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Cosmic Joe

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Haven't had a cigarette since February of this year, despite getting mashed a few times since then, on about my twelth attempt at stopping (although due to increased appetite and being able to taste foid again ive put on a stone and a half in fat, something that needs sorted over the new year!) Feels weird not getting the cravings anymore - the first 4 weeks were by far the most solid, waking up feeling like shit every morning, waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night - wjole experience was akin to renton's detox in trainspotting - about an inch away from a living hell tbh.

I know at least a couple of people who uave gone 6 months+ without a ciggy, took one when stressed out or inebriated and got hooked right back in so staying aff it will take CONSTANT VIGILANCE, as mad eye moody might say.

Just as well too as my understanding is a measly 10 mayfair is up to £4.85 a packet, 20 packets are dying a death as they keep getting cut down to 19/18 in a pack, and its only going to get dearer and dearer...

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2 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

If you smoke a lot of joints mixed with tobacco you'll end up addicted to it.

Is that what people do? Showing my ignorance here.

4 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Can't really stand outside the pub and have a joint, make do with a fag and the nicotine hit...I guess.

Most weed smokers I've known have had no problem making a roll-up outside pubs or clubs. Ballsy b*****ds, I guess  :lol:

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As a straight male I'll try my best to decide if a woman smoking makes her more or less attractive to me.

Pros: Smoking can look cool as f**k.

Smoking can make you look stylish and like you have a healthy disregard for health warnings and doing what you're told.

They are obviously used to having small things in their mouth so won't judge you too much.

Smokers voices go though a lovely stage which sounds brilliant, but if overdone then just sounds like gravel in a tumble drier.

Cons: Doesn't smell great

Coughing fits don't really do it for me.

Cancer isn't a sexy disease, nor is emphysema.

Teeth look bad.

Voice goes from normal, to sexy, to eventually just horrible.

Skin starts to look worse.

If they smoke Cuban cigars they may not be used to having smaller things in their mouth.

Kissing people who've just smoked isn't as nice as kissing women who haven't. There's the taste of it and I always felt like my mouth was being coated in something unpleasant when kissing my ex who smoked, though that may have nothing to do with smoking and just because she was pure evil.

Yeah all in all it's probably a no from me.

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I watched Diamonds Are Forever last night in the company of my daughter who has grown up with the likes of Skyfall. We laughed our way through the corniness of it all. And it caused us to remark on how times have changed when one of the lassies Bond pumps with apparently monotonous regularity used his chest as the place to park her ashtray. In the modern era I suspect she'd be called out as a clarty cow by most blokes - top drawer pumping quality or not. 

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Never had a draw of fag in my life. Unless they're a total stunner then it is a turn off in most women as well.
It's stinking and I hate the way smokers seem to believe they've a right to drop their doubts where ever they want.
However this nanny state pish where folk want to ban smoking in cars is an absolute joke.

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50 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Can't really stand outside the pub and have a joint, make do with a fag and the nicotine hit...I guess.

If you're going to be smoking weed in a public place, smoking it outside a pub is the best place to do so - plenty of others smokers to mix in with.  

36 minutes ago, JakeSAFC said:


And if you smoke a lot of blunts you will end up a total fried c**t. No winning.


^^^Gets his drug info from Tory MPs.

As for the question in the thread, I found smoking to be really helpful at nightclubs and the like. Firstly it gets you outside and away from the c***s who may not smoke but certainly haven't heard of deodorant (probably a good number of them on this thread calling smokers all the b*****ds under the sun) and secondly if you've played it right and "forgotten" your lighter it makes for an easy conversation starter with any fine, upstanding young ladies in the smoking area. 

I probably wouldn't start smoking cigarettes if I could go back in time, I've cut back to roughly 2 or 3 cigarettes a day now (possibly more if I'm drinking) and generally I only enjoy 1 or 2 in every 10.  Weed is different. Smoke that shit every day and your mate will be cool as f**k.

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As Moonster points out, the smoking area is a great place to chat at clubs and therefore also a great place to meet women.

Used to hit twenty a day but haven't touched on in years, although indulge in the occasional joint. If smoking was cheap, odourless and healthy I'd have two fags in my mouth right now.

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2 minutes ago, mrcat1990 said:

the smoking area is a great place to chat at clubs and therefore also a great place to meet women

Aye because they're so much nicer than the women inside the club. The ones that don't stink of tobacco. 

Yer arse!!!! :lol: 

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15 minutes ago, Blootoon87 said:

They're easier in my experience Trackdaybob.
A big plus.

It's not really, in my experience you play the your "mates deserted you" line and get talking to someone very easily.  And they dinnae stink.  Saying that my club life was just as the smoking ban kicked in I think.

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Joint smoking must be one of the bigger reasons for moving on to cigarettes.

Thats how i started. Came off the weed and just smoked rollies for ages.
Down to 4 ciggies a day and looking at making it 2 in new year and off in March

Not sure why you'd move from hash to tobacco.

This. I deem hash to be soapy which tasted bad in joints so it was just pipes for that. No tobacco was a bonus
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