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Disabled Kid Tortured in Chicago

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On Saturday a teenager called Austin was dropped off at a McDonald's by his parents to meet someone who was apparently his friend, i say apparently because as we all know at this point what happened. Over the next few days the kid was driven around in a stolen van against his will and ultimately tortured live on facebook by the supposed friend and 3 other complete scumbags. Now i don't really wanna get into the "if he was black and they were white this would be different" kinda thing, its pretty clear at this point this was a racially motivated attack and regardless it was a disgusting crime and i honestly hope Chicago is in a state that permits the death penalty, that poor kid will never be the same again after that, his life will have been difficult enough without including what he was put through. 

The main reason i'm posting this as a topic is that a Go fund me was started to raise money for the Victim, it had a $10,000 target but has surpassed $75,000 which i think is fantastic, now money isn't going to solve the kids troubles but its certainly gonna help with any medical bills and therapy, I haven't donated yet but i will be doing so shortly. If anyone is interested in helping the kid out ill leave a link to it. 


The guy who started the fund raiser has been in touch with the Victim's family and said  "Austin is a little sore and moving slowly, but he has been more alert and has been enjoying food again, as well as playing some video games with his brothers." In addition, he has been "amazed to see all the support and prayers he is receiving."

Delighted to hear the kid is doing well considering what he has gone through. 

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Chicago isn't a state, it's Illinois, which doesn't have the death penalty. Even if they did the accused in this case wouldn't be eligible for the death penalty because they haven't committed any capital crimes.

As for the crime, the capacity of human beings to be despicable never fails to surprise.

ETA - I'm wrong, they have been charged with aggravated kidnapping, which was a capital crime until the death penalty was abolished in Illinois. I'm not sure if non-murderers have ever been sentenced to death in recent times in the US. Last ones I can think of off the top of my head were the Rosenbergs.
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Illinois abolished capital punishment pretty recently I'm sure. 2011 sounds right.

Horrific case. Takes a certain type of cretin to indulge in such actions. They've all been Charged so hopefully they'll be hammered for it

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I just checked and the US Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to sentence those convicted of non-homicidal crimes against the person to death. Death penalties for crimes against the state that didn't involve direct murder were permitted to continue.

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12 minutes ago, Flybhoy said:

All joking aside a complete kicking in the slammer would be quite fitting for these scumbags

The girl is in jail not giving a f**k. She's posting on facebook from her cell telling the honkeys and crackahs to ram their petition. She sounds like a right little charmer.

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I just checked and the US Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to sentence those convicted of non-homicidal crimes against the person to death. Death penalties for crimes against the state that didn't involve direct murder were permitted to continue.

So treason, espionage etc?
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22 hours ago, throbber said:


It would be a pretty brutal form of punishment - I certainly wouldn't reoffend after a thousand Estwing blows to my kneecaps.


New Born Bairn could be the executioner. Plenty of experience on his CV.

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