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No Voters - what say you?


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The fact of the matter is that the gnats appeal to that segment of the population who can't take responsibility for their own failures and need to blame others for their own shortcomings. In the referendum they could only gain the support of  37%  of the electorate, despite all their lies regarding the economy, the currency ect. They are however rather good at disseminating lies, feathering their own nests and shouting down opposition, but completely useless at actually making Scotland a better place to live. They used (and are still using) social media to spread disinformation, in a campaign which they coordinated. The sad thing is that so many of them continue to believe fake news sites such as "Bellend Caladonia" and "wangs over Scorchedland". 
Now I'll just sit back and wait for the inevitable abuse from the social inadequates who can't see that they're being taken for mugs. 

Gnats........inevitable abuse.......

Ok then [emoji108]
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Jama will NOT be happy at the way this thread has turned out.
The first few pages actually did see reasoned arguments and more importantly reasons why No voters voted that way & gave the Yes side an insight into what needs to be done to address their concerns & perhaps persuade them otherwise.
Now the thread is infested with Trolls and people replying to trolls.

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Not at all, just being realistic about the level of debate from the nationalist movement from the leadership down, when confronted with uncomfortable facts they abandon factual debate and resort to accusations of anti Scottishness and personal insults. I've tried rational argument, but unfortunately the majority of yessers are highly irrational. But thanks for proving my point.

This comes as a relief as they swore it was all my fault.
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Is there anyone who can actually sell the union to the floating undecideds?

It is always the potential negative aspects of independence that are raised.

Westminster failed to keep promises made during the last indy campaign. After all the uncertainty caused by them, how can they be trusted.

The burden of proof has to lie with unionists.

Prove by staying in union we ain't gonna be shafted again.

Prove we ain't gonna get poorer.

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19 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:



Ireland are doing rather well. They have fuk all oil btw



Can't be. Nowhere can survive without rule from London. To admit that other nations can (and every other state on earth does) would be admitting that Scotland doesn't need to be a region of the UK to survive either. Unless one believes Scotland is uniquely incapable of existing outside imposed Tory governance.

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3 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

Is there anyone who can actually sell the union to the floating undecideds?

It is always the potential negative aspects of independence that are raised.

Westminster failed to keep promises made during the last indy campaign. After all the uncertainty caused by them, how can they be trusted.

The burden of proof has to lie with unionists.

Prove by staying in union we ain't gonna be shafted again.

Prove we ain't gonna get poorer.

David Mundell can sell it. He claimed that "if there was no union, someone would invent it" and Scotland would be scrabbling to dissolve its statehood and become North Britain instead. Not sure why no other nations are seeking incorporation into the British state, but wee David didn't seem keen to dwell on that.

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Is there anyone who can actually sell the union to the floating undecideds?
It is always the potential negative aspects of independence that are raised.
Westminster failed to keep promises made during the last indy campaign. After all the uncertainty caused by them, how can they be trusted.
The burden of proof has to lie with unionists.
Prove by staying in union we ain't gonna be shafted again.
Prove we ain't gonna get poorer.

Neither side can "prove" anything that's the old "lies damn lies and statistics" thing.Proof will be after a scenario occurs the rest is faith in our entrenched positions and no more.
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2 hours ago, Loondave1 said:

Neither side can "prove" anything that's the old "lies damn lies and statistics" thing.Proof will be after a scenario occurs the rest is faith in our entrenched positions and no more.

No. I think there is still quite a chunk of the electorate that are not entrenched.

Barring the "independence will be a disaster" line which is continually trotted out, what is the actual sales pitch of unionists?

Given recent events it surely is no longer status quo or stability.

The unionist side continually demand answers, proof and evidence. Rightly so.

But given how things have turned out since indy ref 1, this needs to be a 2 way process. How about some answers from unionists.

How are we going to better off remaining in union?

How can we ensure the vast new untapped oil discoveries are not going to be squandered on shite again?

Specifically what powers will be devolved and will they be enshrined in law?

How can we prevent policies enacted by Westminster, under powers retained at a UK level which are clearly aimed at issues faced by the South of England, from damaging Scotland and its differing needs?

How can we ever again be a United Kingdom after the advent of EVEL and the usurpation of the UK assembly by English mps?

Answers please.

Edited by git-intae-thum
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49 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

Specifically what powers will be devolved and will they be enshrined in law?

Without attempting to preempt any Yoon's right to reply, I feel that I have to point out that it is impossible for any Westminster Government to bind their successors. 

Accordingly, by definition, it is impossible to enshrine any devolved powers in law.

Asking Westminster to pretend that this is possible is the equivalent of wishing for the moon.

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3 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Ireland are doing rather well. They have fuk all oil btw



Swings and roundabouts really.

Debt to GDP Ireland 94% of GDP, UK 82% of GDP

Deficit as % of GDP Ireland 2.3%, UK 4.4%

Household debt as % of income Ireland 190%, UK 113%

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David Mundell can sell it. He claimed that "if there was no union, someone would invent it" and Scotland would be scrabbling to dissolve its statehood and become North Britain instead. Not sure why no other nations are seeking incorporation into the British state, but wee David didn't seem keen to dwell on that.

Mundell.. an absolute c**t of a man. An anti Scot... complete fanny.
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Nope. Just saying it like it is.
You never answered my Eire question tho?

Parahandy1 did that a bit back.ROI is muddling along better in some fiscal measures and worse in others . I'm not that impressed really.
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I saw my 21 year old nephew and his girlfriend at the weekend.  One of the few raving Yoons I know and I wondered, because I hadn't seen him for a while, whether Brexit had softened his opinion.  Nope.

I knew i was onto plums when he started talking about swapping Westminster for Brussels, followed by some violent headshakes when I tried to explain the difference between an iScotland in Europe and Scotland as part of the UK.  Then his girlfriend mentioned Nicola Sturgeon and wondered "when she would put her dummy back in".

We're 32 pages into this topic now and I haven't seen one cohesive, sound argument for remaining part of the UK.

I was just disappointed to have had first hand experience of young people fervently opposing independence because reasons and SNPbad.

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