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June 8th General Election


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15 minutes ago, Shputnik said:

No way the Tories have won Dumfries and Galloway

Wouldn't surprise me. Unionist vote would go to them rather than labour. That's if they win of course.

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Just now, virginton said:

I said 'BBC analysis and exit poll'. Those are two separate things.

And the BBC are also involved in the exit poll btw. I'm not donning a Yoon conspiracy tinfoil hat about that point, just the quality oft he data. Even the presenters are admitting that they don't really have a clue what's going on in Scotland. All these '50-50 calls' they're talking about they seem to have called against the SNP rather than, well, giving half of them in their favour.

A poor night for the SNP would be around 40. 


No, you said BBC's analysis and exit poll which are not separate things. 

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Just now, jmothecat said:


Aberdeenshire West is the sort of constituency where if it was in England it would be safely Tory, anything is possible. It's where I'm from and I know there's a bit of disquiet from some folk up there about their MP, something like that I guess could be the difference in a tight seat.



I get that there will be tactical voting all over Scotland but the prediction shows the Lib Dem vote holding rock solid. So SNP voters to LDs then LD voters to Tory? It seems unlikely. Not that the Tories won't take the seat but I don't expect the Lib Dems to keep their vote share if they do.

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Short of Charles Kennedy's corpse rising from the grave and actually being the Lib Dem candidate, I find it hard to believe any claim that Blackford will lose his seat.

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Just now, yoda said:

Short of Charles Kennedy's corpse rising from the grave and actually being the Lib Dem candidate, I find it hard to believe any claim that Blackford will lose his seat.

Let's fucking hope so. 

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5 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

99% chance of Angus going? You fucking useless Elgin Tory supporting c***s.

Elgin is in Moray :lol:

EDIT: Or maybe you mean Angus Robertson... duh.

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Just now, yoda said:

Short of Charles Kennedy's corpse rising from the grave and actually being the Lib Dem candidate, I find it hard to believe any claim that Blackford will lose his seat.

Agreed. Charles Kennedy carried a massive personal vote and didn't win last time. This time it's that arsehole Jean Davis.

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