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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

That is clearly an opinion and not a fact.

You express almost nothing but opinions so what the f**k are you on about. And your opinions are usually big sacks of shite.

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I really don't trust the polls anymore.

That's 2 polls in a row showing a sharp rise in Labour support for the GE & now an indy poll showing Yes in the lead.

Welcome as they may be for anti-Tory supporters UK-wide or indy supporters like myself up here I have a sneaking suspicion these polls are being 'designed' to ensure that the Tory voters come out across the UK & to avoid complacency from their voter base.

Hope I'm wrong mind.

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Believing that folk genuinely hate the elderly on an internet forum that you despise , and allowing your misconception to change your voting habits  :lol:

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Davidson will rue turning her whole campaign into one against Indyref2. SNP just need more than 30 seats and they have a renewed mandate. I can't see them losing more than 2 or 3 to be honest. Tories seem to have peaked - Rape Clause, pensions, Brexitshamble and May's avoidance of questioning all taking their toll seemingly.


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I agree.
It's as though the lessons will never be learned.
Once this bunch of "cnts" dies off another generation will replace them.
Also, every other age group saw vast swathes vote No.
Lessons are not being learned and because of this needlessly aggressive attitude, we are heading to another No vote IMO.

Precious snowflakes basing their referendum votes on their own hurt feelings is it? Triggered much?
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Oaksoft is the biggest snowflake on P&B. Just edging out McSpreader in second place. Both are pretty much permanently triggered. 

That'll be you added to that list of cyber bullies those two have compiled.
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2 hours ago, DrewDon said:

Oaksoft is the biggest snowflake on P&B. Just edging out McSpreader in second place. Both are pretty much permanently triggered. 

This is very true.  Old Oakers has a permanent state of being offended by all of P&B.  When you think how he manages this, coupled with having to deal with our stupidity and our lefty ideas, I'm surprised he doesn't have a full-frontal aneurysm.

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Indy at 57% when faced with Tory rule.

Some interesting findings. SNP only at 39% but Tories not making much headway at 24%


Poll shows most Scots would prefer independence in Europe rather than face Tory rule in UK after Brexit

It now looks likely May will have a large majority and will form the most right-wing regime the UK has had since Margaret Thatcher was in her Prime Ministerial pomp.

A hard-Brexit under a hard-right Tory government will inevitably further fuel the desire for independence among a huge swathe of voters in Scotland and the survey results shows this.


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Many of those intending to vote green will be disappointed as they'll not have a candidate to vote for I wouldn't have thought. I suspect a lot of those votes will break to the SNP or possibly the Lib Dems when confronted with a Tory MP in their constituency.

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17 hours ago, Crùbag said:

Indy at 57% when faced with Tory rule.

Some interesting findings. SNP only at 39% but Tories not making much headway at 24%


It's a google survey so I'd take it with a pinch of salt but there is some sort of scientific methodology in it so won't completely dismiss. It does imply that a referendum is more likely to switch people's votes than the EU. You would imagine that the sort of shift that would see is in line with the prediction for a Conservative revival which is predicted by reputable pollsters.

What I find really interesting though is the 27% don't know if they will change their vote (but the don't know value recorded is 4.7%). That's quite a vast number of people who could be swayed and consistently, over the last ten years, the SNP have had a media operation that far exceeds anything else and tends to pick up those loose votes in the late stages. I'm not sure they've got a message yet but if they manage to form a cohesive message on the shitfest that is Theresa May's negotiating skills (destroying the 'strong and stable' myth that they peddle), they can still take a substantial win.

I'd imagine that the Green vote of 8.4% indicates that they've overestimated the younger age bracket or is just the same sort of issue where people always pledge to vote Green in the polling but that changes closer to the time (thanks FPTP). If it's the later, that's quite good news for the SNP as that is likely to break for them.

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