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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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Apologies if it's already been mentioned but aren't the BBC mistaken in their reporting of the numbers?  Almost fraudulently so?
They're showing that the SNP have fallen from 438 seats in 2012 to 431 now (their well-trumpeted 'loss of 7 seats') but wiki shows that SNP only won 425 seats in 2012, so the 431 seats won this year is a rise of 6 seats.

Boundary changes I believe
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Boundary changes I believe

I don't have the data for the whole country but Edinburgh now has four more councillors which means that the SNP's nominal gain of one seat is effectively no real change , the Labour losses are slightly worse than they look and everybody else's gains are slightly less impressive when viewed in that light.

This might encapsulated the kind of confusion that you're taking about.

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On 2017-5-6 at 00:49, Kejan said:

Overall, a very impressive showing from the SNP.

No doubt some small disappointments and it's never good to see the Tories overtake you in a couple of areas Perth Kinross/Aberdeenshire.

After 10 years in government, the SNP vote is as solid as ever.

This was ''WE SAID NO SURRENDER TO THE SNP'' moment for the hardcore, and the SNP machine battled through to win very convincingly again.

150 odd seats is a whopping win, no doubt about it.

^^^ slightly over-egging it , lol!

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Jeezo. In 2017?


Xenophobic, bigoted, homophobic, pro-racist EDL/Britain First and willing to deny schoolchildren a free school meal. Proud Ruth Davidson's new councillors.


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Disgusting stains

Inevitable though given the very shallow talent pool that the Tories have. There was no way they could find nice cuddly tories to be candidates for so many wards.....they had to dip into the dark side
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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:

Some of that article is on the hyperbolic side though. There are undoubtedly a few dodgy characters but attacks like this give credence to the 'political correctness gone mad' brigade.

A phrase usually used by swivel-eyed fascists. I'd argue that the only madness on show here is an elected politician ranting about homosexuality, foreigners the 'undeserving' poor and circulating pro-fascist comments from the likes of the BNP or Britain First.

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17 minutes ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Being proud to be a Protestant makes you an extremist?? And unable to represent Catholics? What a bizarre assumption.

What's is an extremist anyway? Someone that holds minority views? Every movement of social change was an extreme view at one point.

So Rosa Lee Parks and the civil rights movement are roughly equivalent to Ian James and the orange order?

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1 hour ago, Shades75 said:

So Rosa Lee Parks and the civil rights movement are roughly equivalent to Ian James and the orange order?


Lesser in our champion of the white working class' eyes I assume.

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2 hours ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Being proud to be a Protestant makes you an extremist?? And unable to represent Catholics? What a bizarre assumption.

What's is an extremist anyway? Someone that holds minority views? Every movement of social change was an extreme view at one point.

Like arguing with a ten year old.

Extremist Protestants are extremists, simple. Funnily enough, 'true Prods' like the Wee Frees (extremists in their own right) despise the Orange Order. They also despise the hordes at Ibrox who choose to watch football on the Sabbath instead of worshipping the Lord in a church. Not my views but apparently, this is the bedrock of the Protestant faith and one of things which differentiates it from others such as Catholicism. Funny that.

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Being proud to be a Protestant makes you an extremist?? And unable to represent Catholics? What a bizarre assumption. What's is an extremist anyway? Someone that holds minority views? Every movement of social change was an extreme view at one point.



Pride is a sin and so should presumably be left to Roman Catholics



Disclaimer: I'm not actually a qualified theologian. I take no responsibility for your soul

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