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Polling: 2017 General Election, Council Elections and Independence

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9 hours ago, Merkie84 said:

How do we think turnout will be in the day?

Will covid affect it and therefore the final results?


I think this is an unknown which is making me not quite trust the polls more than I usually don't quite trust them.

In P&K we had a by-election 2 weeks ago which had a 45% turnout for a foregone conclusion. That's pretty tasty for an LA by-election in any circumstances.

66% of voters in the area now have postal votes as opposed to less than 20% in 2015.

Postal Votes tend to have a turnout of around 80% as opposed to 50-60% for in person voting.

So, in theory you might actually see turnout up.

My optimist sides says the Tories are depressed. This is not Ruth Davidson's 2016 campaign, this is not the existential crisis of 2014. In PKC in 2017 Local Govt elections the SNP baiscally got the same votes as 2011 but the Tories doubled theirs and won the council. I can see their support staying at home.


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I think this is an unknown which is making me not quite trust the polls more than I usually don't quite trust them.
In P&K we had a by-election 2 weeks ago which had a 45% turnout for a foregone conclusion. That's pretty tasty for an LA by-election in any circumstances.
66% of voters in the area now have postal votes as opposed to less than 20% in 2015.
Postal Votes tend to have a turnout of around 80% as opposed to 50-60% for in person voting.
So, in theory you might actually see turnout up.
My optimist sides says the Tories are depressed. This is not Ruth Davidson's 2016 campaign, this is not the existential crisis of 2014. In PKC in 2017 Local Govt elections the SNP baiscally got the same votes as 2011 but the Tories doubled theirs and won the council. I can see their support staying at home.
Your first sentence is bang on, and anyone making bold statements of certainty based on polling is a bit of a numpty.

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On 08/04/2021 at 22:05, gmca said:

Wouldn't work. I stay in Stirling, so need something that might stand out a bit.

Assumed it must be the Raploch for a second, until I remembered the locals stole all the trees.

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4 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

It’ll be interesting to see if Prince Philip’s death will influence the polls. If it does I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the Tories who take the hit.


Why do you think that?

Hope I'm wrong but I'm inclined to think the Tories might see an upsurge in support, what with the upcoming funeral and general sympathy directed towards the royals, thanks mainly to our ever impartial and always balanced MSM.

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6 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Why do you think that?

Hope I'm wrong but I'm inclined to think the Tories might see an upsurge in support, what with the upcoming funeral and general sympathy directed towards the royals, thanks mainly to our ever impartial and always balanced MSM.

I think it's possible some people might look at the royals, the coverage of this and then look at the Tories as the main British establishment party and think 'had enough of this'.  The viewing figures on Friday on BBC and ITV plummeted, so I'm not sure the media's outpouring of grief is representative of the public as a whole, especially in Scotland.

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5 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Yes, I think that’s correct.

Im a unionist but not a great royalist but the media have gone completely over the top on this.

My wife,  very royalist, was furious at missing the final of Masterchef on Friday.

That last sentence pretty much sums up the vast majority of the UK electorate. 

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On 12/04/2021 at 15:34, Dawson Park Boy said:

Yes, I think that’s correct.

Im a unionist but not a great royalist but the media have gone completely over the top on this.

My wife,  very royalist, was furious at missing the final of Masterchef on Friday.

that so soon coming after her anger at women acting as pundits on men's football; can't be easy for her just now. Thoughts and prayers etc

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