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Yotuber Daddyofive Abuses kids and calls it a prank

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12 minutes ago, DI Bruce Robertson said:

Just viewed their Twitter mess, a lot of their "defence of abuse" tweets, actually implying it's ok to abuse your kid "because in the long run, the family will benefit" were liked by a certain @kmcann, @gmccann.

They must be delighted at being liked by thier mentors 

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Only just read about this family tonight. Utterly sickening to think there are people out there (no less than 800,000 I believe) who think this passes for a laugh. It's deeply disturbing to see grown people (let alone the fact they're the fucking parents in the household) have fun torturing and abusing their children like that. The children, Cody especially, must have been a constant nervous wreck in that house, wondering when the next tirade of abuse and screaming was going to come. And for what? Their 'parents' to get a virtual thumbs up and a few quid? The way they have the children do the "like us on Facebook" spiel is particularly disturbing.

It's maybe not the most morally sensible wish to have, but I would really like to think that the adults in the videos are tormented every single second for the rest of their lives. That's if someone hasn't done that already mind you, something must have been severely fucked up at some point in their lives.

Absolutely over the moon for Cody and Emma to be in a different home, you can only hope they aren't too scarred by the abuse they suffered. I just watched the ink video and it was extremely tough to watch, Cody is a really cute wee lad and you just want to give him a hug and see him smile or something.

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When I read news of a boyfriend killing their girlfriend's child or whatever, I have a real problem imagining the circumstances that could lead up to something so devastating, how a child could be let down so badly and so consistently by the people who are supposed to care for them. Watching the Invisible Ink video, and as disturbing as that is, it's almost like a prologue to something far worse, that this is how it would begin, that it was only a matter of time. Genuinely evil c***s, I'd say.

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Details have came out about the dad having a Domestic Violence charge placed against him on the 28th of April this year, the same day the cops, the mum and her lawyer came to collect Cody and Emma, it would seem that in his frustration over no longer having Cody to bully he decided to kick f**k out the wife. If I read the order correct(I'll link later) he is due in court over it on Friday. 

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There are some real animals out there but imagine doing this to your own kids to cash in on your own infantile narcissism?

That's just about as low as it gets.

The pair of them deserve to be absolutely ruined.

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The Lawyer of Rose, the biological mother of Cody and Emma has revealed some details of the hand over of Cody and Emma on Friday to the CPS/Police, which happened on Friday. They refused to hand over the kids, so when the police forced their hand they just outright refused to give any clothes, medicine, medical details, their doctors details of both children to CPS. This is the same day they were apparently on TV crying and telling people they were amazing parents and they don't deserve the abuse they have received. Eventually on Tuesday the step mother showed up at CPS with a brown paper bag full of loose pills, as in not even in the blister packs, just loose and handed it over saying she didn't want to get into further trouble. They have also apparently been evicted from the house they were living in. 



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Have a little more information.

The remaining 3 kids have been left with Heather's Grandparents, its still not known if Heather and Mike are on the run or not, some people say they are, some say otherwise. But as we speak the Biological mother of Cody and Emma, Rose is in court finding out if she will regain full custody of them, the decision will be made by a judge based on the recommendations of Child Protective Services.

Her Lawyer Tim Conlon is with her at the moment and most of the details about all this are coming from him. Also found out that Tim is doing this entire case free of charge, it seems some of the Youtubers who have been following this so closely where the ones that brought this case to his attention and its fair to say that nothing that's happened so far wouldn't have without him. So fair play to him that's honestly brilliant.

We should know the outcome of this hopefully within the next few hours. 

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Thanks for the updates, EdgarusQPFC, I've been following this thread with interest over the last fortnight.

Mike and Heather Martin seem like an appalling couple who openly abused their children, both physically and emotionally, for financial gain and to sate their own egos, then failed to take any real responsibility of their actions in the aftermath of Philip DeFranco's concerns. It's staggering to think that over 800,000 people have subscribed to this channel - where on earth is the fun in watching children getting slapped about and driven to tears? I could barely watch a lot of the videos posted across this thread, and I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to watch it on a regular basis. Staggering.

I hope the five children get the help and support they need.

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9 minutes ago, Francesc Fabregas said:

Thanks for the updates, EdgarusQPFC, I've been following this thread with interest over the last fortnight.

Mike and Heather Martin seem like an appalling couple who openly abused their children, both physically and emotionally, for financial gain and to sate their own egos, then failed to take any real responsibility of their actions in the aftermath of Philip DeFranco's concerns. It's staggering to think that over 800,000 people have subscribed to this channel - where on earth is the fun in watching children getting slapped about and driven to tears? I could barely watch a lot of the videos posted across this thread, and I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to watch it on a regular basis. Staggering.

I hope the five children get the help and support they need.

No worries bud, i'm just relaying info as i get it from a few Youtubers who are following this very closely. Still wanting on a result from them in regards to the court. 

Hearing some stuff in regards to the media outlet Inside Edition, it seems they have been aggressively pursuing this story, The Lawyer has said that they wanted a interview, but not with him, or Rose, they wanted a interview with only the kids, they wanted to show them videos from the channel and get their reactions to them. Unsurprisingly Rose refused this as its absurd so Inside Edition hit them with a ultimatum "Let us interview the kids or we will go with DaddyOfive's side of the story and pursue it hard" The Lawyer has even been getting followed by them in the hopes of finding where Rose and the kids are staying at the moment.

If any of that is true and given what News of the World used to get up to i wouldn't be shocked its fucking disgusting. 

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Okay so i have some form of update but admittedly its speculative at this point, mostly due to a gag order being placed on the case by the judge. Don't know yet if Rose is keeping custody of the kids, but i have some updates. 

It seems that one of the sources of info on this, a Youtuber called Joy Sparkle BS (seriously, whats with that fucking username) has been rather messing things up because she has been getting involved in the case far beyond her station, posting clickbaity video's claiming to have info when she didn't and various other crap that's actually doing more harm than good. 

A protective order has been issued against Mike "Daddyofive" Martin saying he has to stay away from both rose and both kids for a year.

Unfortunately this doesn't answer whether she is keeping the kids or not, all we can do is wait and see. 

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First I've heard of any of this. Just checked out the Facebook page. He posted a sad face emoji when he lost his kids (lol get it up him). Some brilliant replies on the post including " eat shit and die" and "eat shit with your fat whale of a wife" [emoji38]

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It turns out that the Youtuber i mentioned earlier, the one with the ridiculous username has been bragging about information she has regarding the case but saying due to the gag order she has to keep her mouth shut. This actually causes a problem for Rose as it means someone involved in the case is ignoring the gag order and telling her stuff, which could actually end up affecting the case. 

She has been told repeatedly to just shut up, but it seems this person has a history of doing stuff like this and its all about attention. Which ironically makes her no different than Mike Martin, the same person she says she is so against. 

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9 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

It turns out that the Youtuber i mentioned earlier, the one with the ridiculous username has been bragging about information she has regarding the case but saying due to the gag order she has to keep her mouth shut. This actually causes a problem for Rose as it means someone involved in the case is ignoring the gag order and telling her stuff, which could actually end up affecting the case. 

She has been told repeatedly to just shut up, but it seems this person has a history of doing stuff like this and its all about attention. Which ironically makes her no different than Mike Martin, the same person she says she is so against. 

Is this your full time job?

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It turns out that the Youtuber i mentioned earlier, the one with the ridiculous username has been bragging about information she has regarding the case but saying due to the gag order she has to keep her mouth shut. This actually causes a problem for Rose as it means someone involved in the case is ignoring the gag order and telling her stuff, which could actually end up affecting the case. 

She has been told repeatedly to just shut up, but it seems this person has a history of doing stuff like this and its all about attention. Which ironically makes her no different than Mike Martin, the same person she says she is so against. 

You should start all your posts with "My sources are telling me...".
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2 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Say's the lad with close to 15,000 posts on this forum

:lol:. It's probably much more but after the forum changeover a year or so back, loads of posts went missing for some of the more prolific on here. There are a few on here that have well over 50,000 posts but they just dont show anymore. Some people were averaging over 15 posts or more per day for about 10 years on here. 

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