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Yotuber Daddyofive Abuses kids and calls it a prank

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10 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

It turns out that the Youtuber i mentioned earlier, the one with the ridiculous username has been bragging about information she has regarding the case but saying due to the gag order she has to keep her mouth shut. This actually causes a problem for Rose as it means someone involved in the case is ignoring the gag order and telling her stuff, which could actually end up affecting the case. 

She has been told repeatedly to just shut up, but it seems this person has a history of doing stuff like this and its all about attention. Which ironically makes her no different than Mike Martin, the same person she says she is so against. 

All youtubers, just by the nature of what they've chosen to spend their lives doing, are extreme attention seekers. I seriously don't understand them tbh, how on earth people can want to sit and watch someone going about their mundane life every day is beyond me.

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11 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

All youtubers, just by the nature of what they've chosen to spend their lives doing, are extreme attention seekers. I seriously don't understand them tbh, how on earth people can want to sit and watch someone going about their mundane life every day is beyond me.

To be fair there is much more to it than that. Most of the decent gaming channels keep their personal BS out of their video's

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  • 2 months later...

Not sure of the authenticity of this, but this particular account has been pretty factual with info in the past so im willing to give it the benefit of doubt. Since the previous updates things have been pretty quiet, but recently the Martins have been trying to come back to youtube under the guise of "doing it for their kids" Astounds me that after everything they did to their kids and losing two of them(not been officially stated yet but its been confirmed that Cody and Emma are back with Rose full time now) for abuse that anyone still supports them.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just reading this thread for the first time now.  What an absolutely staggeringly horrific couple.  I'm not even going to watch any of the videos.  As a Dad myself, it would anger me too much to see what I've read about here.

Mike Martin is an ubercunt of the highest order.  I hope he never sees any of those kids again.  Hope they're thriving, poor weans.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not really up to speed on the American (or our to be fair) judicial system but that seems like utter horse shite to me?! 5 years probation for being evil bullying b*****ds?
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3 hours ago, NorthernJambo said:

I'm not really up to speed on the American (or our to be fair) judicial system but that seems like utter horse shite to me?! 5 years probation for being evil bullying b*****ds?

It seems it was part of a deal. From what i understand about American probation with regards to cases involving parents and their children, it basically means they will be under regular supervision by court appointed care givers/monitors to make sure they are being fit parents. In light of there being 3 kids in the house still, not breaking up a family by sending one or two parents to jail etc, this is the best result for the children. 


Got a little more detail about the sentence, Its a suspended 10 years jail sentence for the both of them on the grounds that they don't f**k up once during this 5 years supervised probation. Also they are not permitted to have any contact whatsoever with Cody and Emma for at least the next 5 years unless a judge permits it and the judge will have full authority to determine what that contact would be. Heather and Mike are also banned from posting images or videos of either Cody and Emma on any platform unless in a private family related manner, private facebook accounts or something to that effect.

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