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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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Cherry will never be leader of the SNP. I might be a few pages late on that while the debate has raged on to another topic but there's just no point knicker-wetting over it.

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14 minutes ago, GiGi said:

Cherry will never be leader of the SNP. I might be a few pages late on that while the debate has raged on to another topic but there's just no point knicker-wetting over it.

It's mainly wishful thinking on the part of trembling unionists, asides from the odd ba'athist.

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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

Anything to say on our large membership or does that stick in the craw?

The £500k was supposed to be ring- fenced!

Anyway, once the Treasurer responds to Stuart Campbell, we’ll know the answer.

Tell me I’m wrong, but I think the m’ship has dropped substantially recently.

Whats the current figure?

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There is also the question of the ‘missing’ £500k plus within the SNP accounts?
This was supposedly ring- fenced money for the indyref campaign.
Letters have gone to both the previous and new treasurer but answers there have been none.
This scunnered a lot of activists.
The treasurer issued a statement about that months ago. It's still there, stop talking shite was the jist, I believe.
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24 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:
4 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:
There is also the question of the ‘missing’ £500k plus within the SNP accounts?
This was supposedly ring- fenced money for the indyref campaign.
Letters have gone to both the previous and new treasurer but answers there have been none.
This scunnered a lot of activists.

The treasurer issued a statement about that months ago. It's still there, stop talking shite was the jist, I believe.

There’s nothing like that amount in the Balance Sheet.

where is it?


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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Anyway, once the Treasurer responds to Stuart Campbell, we’ll know the answer.

Jesus, your go to sources are a right pair of wallopers, Toby Young and Stuart fucking Campbell. :lol:

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That's miles off, Dunning... miles and miles...
Sturgeon 'responded' to maybe a couple of dozen resignations from the more vocal youth section... she's said precisely nothing about the c. 40,000 members who've left over the past three years. It's impossible to say why those people left, but reasonable to speculate that a. fumbling the Brexit ball and b. concerns about the erosion of women's rights have been significant factors.
If she can be silent about tens of thousands of defections for those reasons, it's clear the decision to speak yesterday was motivated by, let's say, 'other concerns'. She's in full deflection mode, simple as that.
I couldn't give a flying f**k about Joanna Cherry, but what you're just not acknowledging in your reading of the factional positioning is that Cherry and many others _know_ what happened in the Salmond stitch-up... there's no way they're going to let that pass, for moral and political reasons alike.
Sturgeon is the cause of the split that's about to stagger the SNP. You're giving her far too much credit.
What a pile of steaming shite.

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15 hours ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

That's miles off, Dunning... miles and miles...

Sturgeon 'responded' to maybe a couple of dozen resignations from the more vocal youth section... she's said precisely nothing about the c. 40,000 members who've left over the past three years. It's impossible to say why those people left, but reasonable to speculate that a. fumbling the Brexit ball and b. concerns about the erosion of women's rights have been significant factors.

If she can be silent about tens of thousands of defections for those reasons, it's clear the decision to speak yesterday was motivated by, let's say, 'other concerns'. She's in full deflection mode, simple as that.

I couldn't give a flying f**k about Joanna Cherry, but what you're just not acknowledging in your reading of the factional positioning is that Cherry and many others _know_ what happened in the Salmond stitch-up... there's no way they're going to let that pass, for moral and political reasons alike.

Sturgeon is the cause of the split that's about to stagger the SNP. You're giving her far too much credit.


Apparently of the 20 or so that that poisonous conceited idiot Rhiannon Spear listed as having left the SNP because of the 'transphobia' within the party more than half listed rape victims being allowed to request a biologically female examiner as the main reason.

Imagine how demented you would have to be to think that way.  Who would object to that?  Wild

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2 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Apparently of the 20 or so that that poisonous conceited idiot Rhiannon Spear listed as having left the SNP because of the 'transphobia' within the party more than half listed rape victims being allowed to request a biologically female examiner as the main reason.

Imagine how demented you would have to be to think that way.  Who would object to that?  Wild

Imagine how demented you would have to be think that's the reason they quit.

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At a time when 99% of rapes do not result in a conviction.  Holy shit.

As I said what really happens is a bunch of people, many on here, genuinely think they are more enlightened that someone like me for example and I'm just a backwards bigot, and they've never taken the time to look into what goes on and have no idea what they're defending.

Advocating discriminating against trans people in law would be transphobic. Criminalising them would be transphobic. Refusing to call a trans person by their chosen name or prefix would be transphobic. Not agreeing with every single facet of every single trans or trans 'allly' person's view on the subject is not fucking transphobic. 

Now we are going to allow a tiny band of nutters to write a definition of transphobia (hello there's one in the fucking dictionary) and it is to be applied retrospectively to all SNP members and representatives, not even from now on, if its found you said something in the past that offends someone you're gone.

Its okay to send thousands of death threats to 'terfs' though cause reasons.  That's where we are.

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2 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Where have, at least, 11 people who quit the party came out and said "I am quitting the party because I don't want rape victims to be allowed to request a biologically female examiner." Who are these 11 people? 

Or is it a little bit more nuanced than yer weird attempts to reduce it to shite?


Do you believe rape victims should be allowed to make that request? Yes or no

Its a simple question, do you think they should or not?

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Just now, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:


Do you believe rape victims should be allowed to make that request? Yes or no

Its a simple question, do you think they should or not?

I don't believe that request is enforceable. So they can make it, no qualms with that, just no idea how that could ever actually be enacted mind you. Like all trans exclusive legislation it will almost certainly lead to cis women being accused of being "men in drag" with no actual benefit to women overall. As far as I understand any woman undergoing a forensic examination (or any examination) can refuse examination from any medical health professional and request another without having to give a reason. As can anyone at all. 

And, twitter you say, I just went on there and never saw it. Again can you point me, exactly, to where at least eleven people have said they are quitting the SNP because of the precise reason you said?

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8 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

I don't believe that request is enforceable. So they can make it, no qualms with that, just no idea how that could ever actually be enacted mind you. Like all trans exclusive legislation it will almost certainly lead to cis women being accused of being "men in drag" with no actual benefit to women overall. As far as I understand any woman undergoing a forensic examination (or any examination) can refuse examination from any medical health professional and request another without having to give a reason. As can anyone at all. 

And, twitter you say, I just went on there and never saw it. Again can you point me, exactly, to where at least eleven people have said they are quitting the SNP because of the precise reason you said?

I'm afraid you're wrong.

See what I mean, you don't even know what you're defending.

To make that request is considered transphobic. That makes you a bigot.

There's a lot more than twenty, I can give you specific examples if you want.

Edited by Carnoustie Young Guvnor
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