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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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4 minutes ago, Andre Drazen said:

Incredible that even after admitting they're a troll, Stormzy still gets this much attention. 

I've addressed your misrepresentation plenty of times. 

I've been guilty of trolling in the past, most people on here have, it doesn't mean that everything I ever say should be ignored because I've acknowledged that fact. It's not a definitive thing, I'm not an alias or parody account. Who hasn't posted something on here that could be considered bait/fishing/trolling/joking..

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7 minutes ago, Whitburn Vale said:

And yes you follow the "party line",the tick book of do's and don'ts.......,cult member...


Which are? None of my political thoughts are derived from supporting Rangers. 

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Just now, Boo Khaki said:

Wish they'd do something about the carpet in the chamber. It's horribly dated already, strobes like a b*****d on the telly, and must be responsible for inducing fits in vulnerable viewers. :angry:

The entire chamber gets on my tits, especially those swirly lines on each podium.

Telts a plenty so far this afternoon.

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3 minutes ago, Stormzy said:


Great post. 

Just because you're narrow minded don't presume I am. Very idiotic to presume someones politics based on the football team they support. 

It's not at all though, is it? You're obviously not going to be right 100% of the time but if you were given two people and asked to guess which one was the unionist and which one was the nationalist and all you knew was that person A supported Rangers and person B supported Montrose. If you get it tight, you win £1 million. Are you seriously saying you wouldn't immediately guess that person A is the unionist without any qualms whatsoever?

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1 minute ago, Gordon EF said:

It's not at all though, is it? You're obviously not going to be right 100% of the time but if you were given two people and asked to guess which one was the unionist and which one was the nationalist and all you knew was that person A supported Rangers and person B supported Montrose. If you get it tight, you win £1 million. Are you seriously saying you wouldn't immediately guess that person A is the unionist without any qualms whatsoever?

I’d have to check how many poppy posts they had on Facebook too. That would seal it.

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5 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

I’d have to check how many poppy posts they had on Facebook too. That would seal it.

Ridiculous to presume a person's political leanings just because they've decorated their garden like the Somme and are berating acquaintances on Facebook about not being grateful to Captain Tom (RIP - with the angels now) and arr boys because you'd be speaking German if it wasn't for them, interspersed with with poignant excerpts from the war poets.

Edited by Gordon EF
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Nicola absolutely brilliant on FMQ's with her put downs.

Easily the most capable politician in the uk, pity the scottish tories,labour, liberal parties can't put up leaders as formidably efficient instead of the pathetic bunch we have.

Nicola's performance reminded me of Denis Healy's famous quote that " Debating with Geoffrey Howe was like being savaged by a dead sheep"

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