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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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Vote SNP 
for corruption but with a Scottish twist 
Simple solution - if Scotland was independent and you didn't like the current government you can vote them out... had every single Scot voted for a party other than the Tories in the last General Election, we'd still have Johnston, Patel, Hancock, Cummings, Rees-Mogg etc. If you feel so strongly about corruption, why not buy a white suit and stand as a Martin Bell style independent in an election?
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A serious point. Presumably following today's and any other sessions the Inquiry Committee will be delivering a report of some sort. How does last night's declaration of a VONC by the Tories square with the ability of the Tory members of the committee to now deliver credible input to the proceedings ?

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Nothing has come out from anyone as yet that would suggest that NS did anything inappropriate and certainly nothing which would justify a no confidence vote or resignation, on the contrary, the way She acted should be applauded as had She done any different it would have been tantamount to major corruption having shielded / deflected an investigation away from her former Boss, former party leader and close friend. 

Could anyone imagine what the outcry from Davidson et all would have been had that happened ???

Ironically, the main thing I'm taking from all this is how pathetic, underhand, vindictive and downright incompetent the opposition has been and I'm sure many will be like me and remember that more than anything else.

Every time they pull a stunt like this NS just turns the tables on them and they've now become desperate and lost the little credibility that they ever had and even their extremist friends in the media can't help them now.

Roll on the May elections..............



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Whatever the motivation, Jackie Bailie is the only person capable of asking the difficult questions.  

I don't want Sturgeon to resign incidentally.  

Edited To Add Murdo doing a decent job as well.  Sturgeon doesn't directly answer all the questions she's asked.  



Edited by tirso
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4 minutes ago, Angus_Don said:

So has anyone landed a knockout blow on wee Nicola yet cant watch the action?

Jackie Ballie heard from a guy down the pub seems to the best they have so far 

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Rangers fans complaining about people talking about Rangers when the majority of mentions of Rangers have come from Rangers fans.

There, that should even it out a bit

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7 minutes ago, Angus_Don said:

So has anyone landed a knockout blow on wee Nicola yet cant watch the action?

She couldn't be more comfortable if she was lying in a hammock, smoking a cigar and drinking a pina colada. Bailie, Murdo and ACH are all just asking the exact same question over and over again, and are getting the exact same answer, none of which is damaging Sturgeon in any way, shape or form.

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