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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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51 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar Tier 3 said:

I am certainly not blind to Sturgeon. But is she on trial for anything in court? Your denial of anything other than perfection of Salmond is very worrying. 

Interesting that you ignore the judgement of the courts and a couple of posts later use the courts as justification for Sturgeon being cleaner than a whistle.  Of course not being in court and being in court and found not guilty are not equivalent.  

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9 minutes ago, strichener said:

Interesting that you ignore the judgement of the courts and a couple of posts later use the courts as justification for Sturgeon being cleaner than a whistle.  Of course not being in court and being in court and found not guilty are not equivalent.  

Where did I say Sturgeon was cleaner than a whistle?

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3 hours ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

^^^^^ Can’t read.

This one! I read this one.

Are they all of this quality? Bit disappointed TBH.

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2 hours ago, Stinky Bone said:

It is amazing.  We want Independence but are prepared to ignore government failings and blatant attempts to get an innocent man jailed for life. 

Is that the Scotland we want?

If so, we are no better than the scum in westminster. 



Innocent men don't tend to get jailed for life and I'm not sure what "blatant" refers to.

What is incontrovertible with A Salmond, despite his cheery with a bit of steel persona, he is a bit old school and he continuingly put himself in positions of terrible weakness.

I'm not sure that it is appropriate to blame anyone else for his predicament.

I wish things were different but unless he is willing to take personal responsibility for his actions, he is destined to be forever dining with Baron Watson of Invergowrie.

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3 hours ago, Stinky Bone said:

It is amazing.  We want Independence but are prepared to ignore government failings and blatant attempts to get an innocent man jailed for life. 

Is that the Scotland we want?

If so, we are no better than the scum in westminster. 

Oh yes we are.

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5 hours ago, Stinky Bone said:

Where is your evidence?

Here's a link to the BBC story which quotes Jackson. It's one of pages of results when one uses google. Of course you knew this.


I am also quite sure that had he not said the things quoted in that article, he'd have taken the BBC, and whoever else to court (what with being a lawyer and all), rather than simply resigning as Dean of the Faculty of Advocates with some vague references to a "set up" which he clearly did absolutely nothing about. 

Salmond is certainly not guilty of the charges brought against him. Of that there is no doubt. However I certainly do believe he has probably crossed the sexual harassment line on a number of occasions, both due to his own QC's comments and from other anecdotal stuff I am aware of. 

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5 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

The billboard changing at the end is tremendous.

And so is this.


There's a twitter thread which suggests that fella has a reputation for not paying his bills and left Japan owing money to folk

And some shite about a visa problem in the US but I'd lost interest by that point.

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11 hours ago, Stinky Bone said:

Where is your evidence?

Huge fan of conspiracy theorists asking for evidence on other points, while claiming there was a conspiracy to frame Alex Salmond and presenting no evidence for it.

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14 hours ago, Stinky Bone said:

Court found him not guilty, not proven. 

Now jog off you disinformation troll. 

Alex Salmond was found Not Guilty on all 12 counts of sexual assault, attempted rape and indecent assault.

He was found Not Proven on sexual assault with intent to rape.

The reason why many have labeled Alex Salmond a sex pest is that in court he gave an admission, in his own words, that there had been an incident in Bute House with a female civil servant and that he later apologised to her.

If you read the court transcript, which is readily available, you can read her version of events and Alex Salmond's version, whichever you believe the fact is there was an incident.

Another reason I think is that Not Proven verdict which has always given the public a measure of doubt, it would beneficial if the courts removed that verdict.

Gordon Jackson QC was filmed on a train journey telling a passenger that Alex Salmond was a sex pest and a bully, he also named two of the female complainers again that is documented on the internet.

GordonJackson QC later resigned as  Dean of the Faculty of Advocates as the Faculty was considering disciplinary  proceedings regarding his conduct.

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I posted this on another topic but might be better on here, if so i will remove it from other part of forum.

I would say it is hardly surprising that with the Tory media having launched a non stop propaganda attack on FM/SNP it would have some effect on polling.

As much as i hate negative campaigning it does work. that is why over next few weeks the SNP/YES movement should start an all out blitz of negative campaigning on Tory party/PM & Brexit. They literally have tons of ammunition and should use it. Of course they will have to use twitter, email, posters etc as the press will not help them the way they do with the Tories

Secondly we know that there is a small but vocal hardcore of YES voters who have been out to get FM long before the AS enquiry, they have been having a go at her since early 2017. The AS affair has just motivated them even more.

There is no point in trying to reason with them as it is like arguing with the town drunk, not only that but some like the Rev Campbell start foaming at mouth at mention of FM's name.

I actually think that most YES voters should starve their opinions of oxygen on social media, as the more you share it when replying, just gives it more air time and encourage the Unionists to keep stirring things.

These "Indy voters" actual think it would be better for FM to resign humiliatingly over next few weeks and for SNP to go into May's elections leaderless, than for her to stay. They say if she stays the attacks by media will continue.

Now fisrtly while i agree that attacks will continue just now,  if James Hamilton report exonerates the FM of any deliberate breaking of code then they will become much more toothless.

Secondly can you imagine the field day the Tory/Unionist media would have if FM resigns, they would spend next 2 months blasting it from pillar to post and it would be open season on destroying the SNP/YES movement. The attacks would be tenfold compared to just now and if anyone thinks there will be a Pro Indy majority after that they ae deluded.

The only way the FM should have to go is if James Hamilton finds that she knowingly & deliberately breached code, end of.

Also we know that Nicola Sturgeon is a formidable debater as we saw glimpses of the other day. She is light years ahead of Anas Sarwar, Douglas Ross & Willie Rennie. Once the election campaign starts and debates begin i strongly suspect that her ratings and SNP's will improve again, especially if James Hamilton has not found against her.

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23 hours ago, BFTD said:

This one! I read this one.

Are they all of this quality? Bit disappointed TBH.

They're much better than that, tbh... give it a try...

Then read some of the (cough) evidence on the Parliament website, Dangerfield etc. If you conclude after that that there's no cover-up, don't bother coming back to me... Seek help.

22 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Ok. 10 pound charity bet says she's still First Minister 1st July 2021.. So that's post James Hamilton and post May Elections.

Deal... but I'm such a fair man I'll give you midnight on 31st May, same date as suggested by Welshbairn or ParsForLife.

To repeat, if I end up losing I will be giving not one f**k about the money (I'm sure you'll choose worthy causes); I'll just be gutted that Scotland and Scottish politics if fucked for the forseeable.

22 hours ago, sophia said:

Innocent men don't tend to get jailed for life and I'm not sure what "blatant" refers to.

What is incontrovertible with A Salmond, despite his cheery with a bit of steel persona, he is a bit old school and he continuingly put himself in positions of terrible weakness.

I'm not sure that it is appropriate to blame anyone else for his predicament.

I wish things were different but unless he is willing to take personal responsibility for his actions, he is destined to be forever dining with Baron Watson of Invergowrie.

That's right, he didn't get jailed... turns out he was innocent and the whole police investigation and prosecution was a pile of garbage. Happens all the time.

I think one or two posters (eight?) have made this clear many times: we know, from the admission of Salmond and others, what happened... and if it had come out at the time, he would have had to step down as FM. But that's not what happened.

There is no justification for what did happen next, on moral or legal grounds, in any of the above, no matter where you stand on 'old or new' school.

He isn't blaming anyone else for his 'predicament': he's trying to overcome years of sustained smearing, which didn't stop after the govt's actions were declared unlawful or even after acquittal in a criminal court.

I have no idea in what universe a person is supposed to take 'personal responsibility' for being framed.

You don't have to like him to be concerned that the criminal prosecution process has been abused in the way it has.

12 hours ago, Dunning1874 said:

Huge fan of conspiracy theorists asking for evidence on other points, while claiming there was a conspiracy to frame Alex Salmond and presenting no evidence for it.

Of course, you know very well that there's already plenty of substantive evidence in the public domain... and that more is being suppressed by... oh wait... the very people who claim they have nothing at all to hide.

Huge fan of people bandying around cheap pish like 'conspiracy theory' (still, ffs) while pretending that not wanting to know (cos they'd never fall for anything as daft as a 'conspiracy theory', right?) gives them the intellectual high ground.

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7 hours ago, paolo2143 said:

I posted this on another topic but might be better on here, if so i will remove it from other part of forum.

I would say it is hardly surprising that with the Tory media having launched a non stop propaganda attack on FM/SNP it would have some effect on polling.

As much as i hate negative campaigning it does work. that is why over next few weeks the SNP/YES movement should start an all out blitz of negative campaigning on Tory party/PM & Brexit. They literally have tons of ammunition and should use it. Of course they will have to use twitter, email, posters etc as the press will not help them the way they do with the Tories

Secondly we know that there is a small but vocal hardcore of YES voters who have been out to get FM long before the AS enquiry, they have been having a go at her since early 2017. The AS affair has just motivated them even more.

There is no point in trying to reason with them as it is like arguing with the town drunk, not only that but some like the Rev Campbell start foaming at mouth at mention of FM's name.

I actually think that most YES voters should starve their opinions of oxygen on social media, as the more you share it when replying, just gives it more air time and encourage the Unionists to keep stirring things.

These "Indy voters" actual think it would be better for FM to resign humiliatingly over next few weeks and for SNP to go into May's elections leaderless, than for her to stay. They say if she stays the attacks by media will continue.

Now fisrtly while i agree that attacks will continue just now,  if James Hamilton report exonerates the FM of any deliberate breaking of code then they will become much more toothless.

Secondly can you imagine the field day the Tory/Unionist media would have if FM resigns, they would spend next 2 months blasting it from pillar to post and it would be open season on destroying the SNP/YES movement. The attacks would be tenfold compared to just now and if anyone thinks there will be a Pro Indy majority after that they ae deluded.

The only way the FM should have to go is if James Hamilton finds that she knowingly & deliberately breached code, end of.

Also we know that Nicola Sturgeon is a formidable debater as we saw glimpses of the other day. She is light years ahead of Anas Sarwar, Douglas Ross & Willie Rennie. Once the election campaign starts and debates begin i strongly suspect that her ratings and SNP's will improve again, especially if James Hamilton has not found against her.

The truth is in there.

But it got lost somewhere along the way.

The 'attacks' are simply not going to stop, because the political classes know they have an endless supply of material and there's no way the Unionists (who have little else) are not going to use it. I happen to think Hamilton will find her guilty of 'technical' breaches and she'll continue to tough it out... but it won't go away, because it runs too deep and too many people know what happened (although maybe not very many at all have a clear handle on the extent and nature of Sturgeon's involvement; but that won't matter in the end).

As for the 'hardcore' Yessers who've parted company with her... no point in reasoning with the crazy indoctrinated fools, eh? The mad b*****ds seem to think that the Unionist establishment finally getting to Sturgeon during an election campaign or even (no laughing) during a referendum campaign would be much worse than her bowing to the inevitable now! Crazed, drunken, etc, etc...

Must justa woke up one day and decided they didn't like her, something like that...

Sure, the opposition would celebrate a resignation... but that buries Sturgeon, not the SNP. A full-on 'disgraced in public office scenario' blows a large hole in the independence movement.

Whether you want to believe it or not, the only outcomes over the next few months (maybe longer) are 'not great', 'really pretty bad', and 'holy f**k'.

Her political career is approaching its end.


p.s. she has clearly and deliberately breached the ministerial code, but I'm almost past caring alongside the rest of the shambles.


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34 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

The truth is in there.

But it got lost somewhere along the way.

The 'attacks' are simply not going to stop, because the political classes know they have an endless supply of material and there's no way the Unionists (who have little else) are not going to use it. I happen to think Hamilton will find her guilty of 'technical' breaches and she'll continue to tough it out... but it won't go away, because it runs too deep and too many people know what happened (although maybe not very many at all have a clear handle on the extent and nature of Sturgeon's involvement; but that won't matter in the end).

As for the 'hardcore' Yessers who've parted company with her... no point in reasoning with the crazy indoctrinated fools, eh? The mad b*****ds seem to think that the Unionist establishment finally getting to Sturgeon during an election campaign or even (no laughing) during a referendum campaign would be much worse than her bowing to the inevitable now! Crazed, drunken, etc, etc...

Must justa woke up one day and decided they didn't like her, something like that...

Sure, the opposition would celebrate a resignation... but that buries Sturgeon, not the SNP. A full-on 'disgraced in public office scenario' blows a large hole in the independence movement.

Whether you want to believe it or not, the only outcomes over the next few months (maybe longer) are 'not great', 'really pretty bad', and 'holy f**k'.

Her political career is approaching its end.

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p.s. she has clearly and deliberately breached the ministerial code, but I'm almost past caring alongside the rest of the shambles.


'Almost past caring'.  That will come as a surprise to anyone following this thread over the last week or so - obsessive is the word that springs to mind.  And therein may lie the flaw in your argument; not everyone shares that close level of interest and there comes a point at which the incessant attacks start to become counter productive.  Much is being made over a couple of poll results in the last couple of days suggesting a leveling off on the independence question; given that Sturgeon, Swinney and the good ship SNP have recently been under very heavy bombardment from the opposition parties and the media I think they can view these numbers as losing the top of the mizzen mast, all things considered.



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