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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Because if the vehicle for independence is shown as being corrupt, then people will go off the idea and support for the Union will increase.

The pursuit of independence is perfectly laudable but if the organisation  behind it is rotten then the idea will wither.

Seems simple to me.

Rule Britannia.

That definitely seems the plan. We're losing the independence argument. So let's go after the organisation behind it.

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10 hours ago, thisal said:

That definitely seems the plan. We're losing the independence argument. So let's go after the organisation behind it.

Who's losing the Indy argument? The Unionsits who are currently existing in the Union? 😂

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Who's losing the Indy argument? The Unionsits who are currently existing in the Union? [emoji23]
That's the sort of complacent attitude that Remain had in the EU referendum.

The thing is - they cannot go wholly on Project Fear next time round because some of the key foundations of the original Project Fear have been removed.

At some point they have to tell people why they should stay in the Union, not just rely on exagerrated fears of what a Scexit might mean - especially when one of those key fears in IndyRef1 - losing EU membership - has been undermined by being part of the Union.
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You guys are acting like there will deffo be a referendum coming up soon, if there isn't then how could my side possibly be losing? 

What do you guys think will happen in the scenario that the SNP don't get a majority? 

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You guys are acting like there will deffo be a referendum coming up soon, if there isn't then how could my side possibly be losing? 
What do you guys think will happen in the scenario that the SNP don't get a majority? 
I did say next time round - I did not put a timescale on it.

So you don't think there will ever be a referendum again?

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5 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

I did say next time round - I did not put a timescale on it.

So you don't think there will ever be a referendum again?


There very well could be I just find it amusing when people say Unionists are on the losing side when we are still in the Union with a slim chance of having a referendum for the next 5 years or so imo. 

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There very well could be I just find it amusing when people say Unionists are on the losing side when we are still in the Union with a slim chance of having a referendum for the next 5 years or so imo. 

Genuine question here, are there any circumstances under which you would ever consider supporting the position of Scottish independence? Blatant, almost gleeful corruption at almost every level of the conservative government, rising poverty throughout the UK, the Brexit catastrofuck, constant underfunding of public services, the wasting of revenues from Scottish natural resources - to name but a few - obviously aren’t sufficient enough reason, so is there any tipping point that would make you rethink, or are you just “No” forever regardless of scenario?
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53 minutes ago, speckled tangerine said:

Ask Erich Honecker how that kind of mindset went for him.....

Poor old Erich, he seemed truly baffled and I well recall his and his and his cohort's empty eyed rhetoric right across the region, all in the face of an inevitable movement.


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This Govt's attempt to discredit, smear, and then use as an excuse to take control, of any Region or Nation in UK that strongly opposes them should set alarm bells ringing. Especially in Scotland.

Just like Scotland, Liverpool is a region that strongly despises the Tories and lo and behold we have similar situation.

We have also had Tory Ministers suggesting if you don't like  Union Jacks shoved endlessly in your face at every interview/briefing, then perhaps you should think if UK is where you want to stay.


We also have under the watch of the "Tory" appointed chairman of BBC Huw Edwards being ordered to remove tweet joking about having Welsh flag in his profile.


So apparently in Boris Johnson's UK it is okay to hail Union Jack but not be proud of being Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

Combine that with introduction of recent Police bill being forced through, and more of the right wing press becoming emboldened as the Tories push through policies that UKIP would be proud of, we are in dangerous times.

I think not just Scotland but every region that opposes the current UK Tory Govt should be afraid of what is coming next.

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2 minutes ago, paolo2143 said:


This Govt's attempt to discredit, smear, and then use as an excuse to take control, of any Region or Nation in UK that strongly opposes them should set alarm bells ringing. Especially in Scotland.

Just like Scotland, Liverpool is a region that strongly despises the Tories and lo and behold we have similar situation.

We have also had Tory Ministers suggesting if you don't like  Union Jacks shoved endlessly in your face at every interview/briefing, then perhaps you should think if UK is where you want to stay.


We also have under the watch of the "Tory" appointed chairman of BBC Huw Edwards being ordered to remove tweet joking about having Welsh flag in his profile.


So apparently in Boris Johnson's UK it is okay to hail Union Jack but not be proud of being Scottish, Welsh or Irish.

Combine that with introduction of recent Police bill being forced through, and more of the right wing press becoming emboldened as the Tories push through policies that UKIP would be proud of, we are in dangerous times.

I think not just Scotland but every region that opposes the current UK Tory Govt should be afraid of what is coming next.

I'm not concerned. Thatcher famously said that you can't buck the market and whereas it is so difficult elsewhere and especially in England, these changes will hasten and make our choice even easier.

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21 minutes ago, J_Stewart said:


Genuine question here, are there any circumstances under which you would ever consider supporting the position of Scottish independence? Blatant, almost gleeful corruption at almost every level of the conservative government, rising poverty throughout the UK, the Brexit catastrofuck, constant underfunding of public services, the wasting of revenues from Scottish natural resources - to name but a few - obviously aren’t sufficient enough reason, so is there any tipping point that would make you rethink, or are you just “No” forever regardless of scenario?


Absolutely nothing to back it up but quite a few people I know have changed from Remain to Leave regarding the EU based on the mess up they’re making on vaccinations.
If this is correct, then it would have quite an effect on Scottish independence.

Have any polls been done on this?

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Nicola Sturgeon like all strong leaders didn't get where she is without being a shrewd and clever operator.

If you think of the likes of Thatcher, Blair, Salmond & even Boris Johnson they all knew how to read the voters most of the time and that is why they were successful.

Right now i believe Nicola will have been thinking of what strategy to adopt depending on outcome of James Hamilton report.

As long as she is not found to have broken the code knowingly/deliberately i suspect she is safe and that when it comes to voting a lot of the public who are YES voters will be stick by her & the party.

However she will also have been thinking of what to do in the event that James Hamilton finds against her.

I believe in those circumstances she will come out and declare she is going to resign. I also believe she is clever enough to portray this in a positive way. 

She could say while she still believes she acted in good faith she accepts James Hamilton's findings and unlike the Tories she takes the Ministerial code seriously and therefore will stand down. She could also say that even although she is resigning as FM, she will continue to try & protect Scotland from Covid until the elections are over and new FM in place.

The above serves a twofold purpose. It will weaken the Tory attacks on her being a liar & charlatan as she will have been seen to do the honorable thing unlike Ms Patel. Dominic Cummings or PM. this also makes Douglas Ross even more of a hypocrite if he continues to try and attack her character.

Secondly by  continuing to put Covid at top of her agenda even though she has resigned i suspect that will play well with Scottish public, a lot of whom are sympathetic to her situation even if they don't fully believe her.

I suspect she is giving this a lot of thought and it is the way i would go.

Hopefully it won't be needed as she will still be FM at when elections commence as she is light years ahead of any alternative FM right now.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, paolo2143 said:

Hopefully it won't be needed as she will still be FM at when elections commence as she is light years ahead of any alternative FM right now.

Of course she is, and everyone knows and acknowledges this.

Which is why the Tories, their MSM lapdogs, and their rat supporters are desperate to get her out. 

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