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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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5 minutes ago, jakedee said:



I would imagine (I know it's not exclusive) that the majority of people who are choosing whether to heat or eat, and are at risk of "starving or freezing to death" are tenants and therefor it is the responsibility of the homeowners to upgrade their fire alarms.
Elderly and disabled already qualify for free smoke alarms from SFRS. Have had personal experience of this.


You'll get nowhere on these forums talking sense like that. 

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6 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

The "majority" of us will never have our lives saved by crumple zones, seat belts or airbags.  Should we abolish all safety rules just because the "need or want" might never apply to us as individuals? 

Seems a pretty good deal to me. £200 or less to save the lives of everyone in a family?

Fair enough for the folk who can't afford heating or food to complain about the cost, but I suspect that most P&B members spend more than that on pints and takeaways in a month. 

Ah the good old airbag and seatbelt argument.  Why use that as an equivalent when it just proves how ridiculous the nanny state has become.  By all means enforce it on new builds (which was already in place) but how many cars built in the 1950s have the government forced owners to retrofit airbags and seatbelts to?


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36 minutes ago, jakedee said:



I would imagine (I know it's not exclusive) that the majority of people who are choosing whether to heat or eat, and are at risk of "starving or freezing to death" are tenants and therefor it is the responsibility of the homeowners to upgrade their fire alarms.
Elderly and disabled already qualify for free smoke alarms from SFRS. Have had personal experience of this.


There are not interlinked detectors from SFRS.  The SG has made £1m available to assist with the costs which they themselves have stated will be an average of £220.  You have to be off your trolley to believe that only 5000 homes will meet the eligibility criteria


To be eligible for support from Care & Repair Scotland, you must live in and own your home that has a Council Tax banding of A-C. You must also either be in receipt of guaranteed Pension Credit, or have a disability and be in a support group for Employment and Support Allowance.


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3 hours ago, Left Back said:

Can’t seem to find an answer to this. Are councils being forced to put interlinked alarms into their properties or just private landlords?

I think it's all landlords, public and private. No doubt some will see that as overreach/overkill/ infringement of landlords' rights etc. 

Edited by Salt n Vinegar
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52 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I think it's all landlords, public and private. No doubt some will see that as overreach/overkill/ infringement of landlords' rights etc. 

did eventually find the answer.  Private landlords had to do this a while back.  Social housing landlords now have to comply along with homeowners 


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11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

I've simply clad my whole house in asbestos rather than installing new fangled fire alarms. "Wee Nippy" doesn't get to dictate to this home owner what he installs in his own house emoji2957.png

^^installed smoke detectors in every room, just to show he cares more than Nicola.

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On 07/02/2022 at 16:10, Salt n Vinegar said:


A quick Google found an article from June last year stating that in the previous 12 months 46 out of 53 fire fatalities resulted from house fires. Not particularly 'theoretical' for them, their friends and families. 

Zero covid Twitter for this weepy, utter drivel argument.

What is the demonstrable benefit of the scheme and what are the demonstrable costs (to nearly every fucking household in the country)? Those are the only two relevant points deciding how monumentally shite a policy this has been. 

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On 02/02/2022 at 18:21, Dawson Park Boy said:

Appalling behaviour by Sturgeon.

Doesn’t she realise he’s been playing for Clyde for the last 5 years?
She is absolutely appalling.

I always thought that people with left wing views had compassion and forgiveness and believed in forgiveness?


Absolutely Dawson, the left normally love emptying prisons and defending “wrong uns”.  The cynic in me would suggest that this McDermid bloke/woman must be a member of the “civic and joyous SNP cult”, hence the outrage from Sturgeon. Not a peep from Sturgeon re Goodwillie’s previous 4/5 seasons at Clyde. Selective outrage.

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Absolutely Dawson, the left normally love emptying prisons and defending “wrong uns”.  The cynic in me would suggest that this McDermid bloke/woman must be a member of the “civic and joyous SNP cult”, hence the outrage from Sturgeon. Not a peep from Sturgeon re Goodwillie’s previous 4/5 seasons at Clyde. Selective outrage.

Spotted the bigot, unsurprisingly.
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13 hours ago, virginton said:

Zero covid Twitter for this weepy, utter drivel argument.

What is the demonstrable benefit of the scheme and what are the demonstrable costs (to nearly every fucking household in the country)? Those are the only two relevant points deciding how monumentally shite a policy this has been. 

Irrelevant pish thread for that. 

Commenting on anything remotely progressive on this site is like poking a stick into a nest of angry vipers

Lets see... How to address some of the guff in some folk replies. Comparing the new alarms to retrofitting seat belts and airbags? That might be remotely relevant if we knocked down houses and replaced them with new ones as regularly as folk scrap and replace cars. I'd "respectfully" suggest that there's damn more 10 year old houses knocking around than there are 25 year old cars. 

Demonstrable benefit? Well I suppose if you discount a country-wide general improvement in fire safety regulations, removing the consequences of failure to replace batteries, all alarms going off at the same time, probable earlier detection and resulting less damage and more importantly fewer fatalities then you would think there were no benefits. 

You'll always get folk opposed to changes. Folk complained about the smoking ban in public places ffs, and some of the howlers against health measures on the covid thread had tonbe seen to be believed. 

To those interested in carrying on arguing this stuff I'll close with... have a good day mate. I'm not feeding any more trolls. 

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18 minutes ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

Irrelevant pish thread for that. 

Commenting on anything remotely progressive on this site is like poking a stick into a nest of angry vipers

Lets see... How to address some of the guff in some folk replies. Comparing the new alarms to retrofitting seat belts and airbags? That might be remotely relevant if we knocked down houses and replaced them with new ones as regularly as folk scrap and replace cars. I'd "respectfully" suggest that there's damn more 10 year old houses knocking around than there are 25 year old cars. 


That's some logic there.  You basically compared the current requirements for smoke detectors to seatbelts and airbags and are now claiming that they aren't equivalent.

Since it was specifically the retrofitting that people have issues with then the only guff here is your idiocy in using comparators that you now say are not comparable.

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On 02/02/2022 at 18:47, Amarillo Bairn said:

Folk moaning about Sturgeon comments, would be the same people moaning if she never said anything about the top thing on every news programme, newspaper, social media etc,
Sturgeon could come to there door and hand them a cheque for a £1 million and these people would be straight on social media slagging her for it not being in cash.

I'm not so sure, it's not just this issue, I feel she might be straying into Margaret Thatcher Poll Tax era, her political nous seems to be far less atuned to the public mood than it has been for the bulk of her tenure - with the next Tory leader likely to substantialy less of a pantomime villian than BJ she'll have a bit of work to do to to regain that position.


As an out&out natter I hope the next Tory leader is that well known supporter of UK cheese Liz Truss....

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3 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:



"this McDermid bloke/woman"

Seriously get so far to f**k with that shite. That should be enough to get someone emptied from this or any other site you utter cretin. Just crawl back under the rock in your cave and stay there.


What on earth are you on about? Emptied because I can’t tell if it’s a man or a woman. Seems harsh.

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