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Ruth Davidson.


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Davidson on Sunday Politics. Now she deluded by her own self-importance she continues to ignore the will of the Scottish Parliament by saying the Government has no mandate for a referendum. Never seen Gordon Brewer looking so angry. She's all over the shop. Can't keep the lies straight. Just like her boss.

And apparently only 'young girls' died at Manchester.

She's an abomination of human being. I hope her Scottish contingent get absolutely battered at the election. The question I want to hear is will she consider her position if there are no Tories from Scotland at Westminster.

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5 minutes ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

Davidson on Sunday Politics. Now she deluded by her own self-importance she continues to ignore the will of the Scottish Parliament by saying the Government has no mandate for a referendum. Never seen Gordon Brewer looking so angry. She's all over the shop. Can't keep the lies straight. Just like her boss.

And apparently only 'young girls' died at Manchester.

She's an abomination of human being. I hope her Scottish contingent get absolutely battered at the election. The question I want to hear is will she consider her position if there are no Tories from Scotland at Westminster.

Apparently there is "no support" for an independence referendum in Scotland.  None.  Nada.  Zero.

They continue to get away with claims of this type by our media, primarily the BBC.

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 Ruth Davidson said today, in discussing a possible review on the ground operation of the 2 children benefit cap( Rape Clause) that this was not about Child Benefit because there were no limits to what families get in Child Benefit, 'even to the 10th Child'. She appears to be unaware of the 2102 changes by George Osborne to the Child benefit scheme which I have set out below. Another one of her lies?

Child Benefit

The 2012 Budget:

 Chancellor George Osborne announced an amended plan to steadily withdraw child benefit from families where one parent earns more than £50,000.

In detail, the benefit received will be recouped gradually as the income of the highest earning parent rises above £50,000, with the child benefit being eroded completely once their income is £60,000 or more.

This change came into effect on 7 January 2013.

It is called :Child Benefit High Income charge rather than Means tested.

If one of the parents earns more than £60,000, they may choose to stop claiming child benefit, or persuade their partner to do so, and save the tax authority the trouble of getting it back.

If they or their partner keeps claiming it, then the higher earner will have to admit this in a self-assessment tax form.

Then, HMRC will tax the high earner on the child benefit which they, or their partner, claims.



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20 hours ago, Chapelhall chap said:



 Ruth Davidson said today, in discussing a possible review on the ground operation of the 2 children benefit cap( Rape Clause) that this was not about Child Benefit because there were no limits to what families get in Child Benefit, 'even to the 10th Child'. She appears to be unaware of the 2102 changes by George Osborne to the Child benefit scheme which I have set out below. Another one of her lies?

Child Benefit

The 2012 Budget:

 Chancellor George Osborne announced an amended plan to steadily withdraw child benefit from families where one parent earns more than £50,000.

In detail, the benefit received will be recouped gradually as the income of the highest earning parent rises above £50,000, with the child benefit being eroded completely once their income is £60,000 or more.

This change came into effect on 7 January 2013.

It is called :Child Benefit High Income charge rather than Means tested.

If one of the parents earns more than £60,000, they may choose to stop claiming child benefit, or persuade their partner to do so, and save the tax authority the trouble of getting it back.

If they or their partner keeps claiming it, then the higher earner will have to admit this in a self-assessment tax form.

Then, HMRC will tax the high earner on the child benefit which they, or their partner, claims.



2102 Changes?  No current claimants will be eligible for Child Benefit then. :P

More seriously, she didn't actually lie.  My wife received the letter from DWP that makes it clear that you are still entitled to CB regardless of income and that you may wish not to claim it.  So technically she is correct but in practise I am sure most people with sufficiently high earnings won't claim and then repay through their Self Assessment. 

Incidentally, I cannot see that anyone can think that the state should be providing a bounty to parents where one earns over £60,000.  There are far better uses for this money.

Edited by strichener
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A wee split in the Tory ranks. Davidson obviously sees herself as better than May though TBH that bar aint set very high. The Tory leaflets I've received don't mention May at all but call for a 'vote for Ruth Davidson's Conservative Party'. As if she has any power in Westminster.


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It looks like there could be a bit of a comeback up here for the Tories. Shame a lot of thickos were deterred after Nicky Ridley's poll tax and the rest of it. Then there were the idiots that fell into Blair's trap. Sooner The SNP return to being a wasted vote the better. 

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It looks like there could be a bit of a comeback up here for the Tories. Shame a lot of thickos were deterred after Nicky Ridley's poll tax and the rest of it. Then there were the idiots that fell into Blair's trap. Sooner The SNP return to being a wasted vote the better. 

You've been waiting since 2015 to tell us the SNP are on the way out?
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59 minutes ago, strichener said:

More seriously, she didn't actually lie.

I did have a question mark in my comment so I can see where you are coming from. It all depends on what you mean by "actually". If you did have 10 children and did have 50 thousand plus. it effectively takes away that child benefit amount from that family in increased taxation. The debate on whether all children should be supported by a universal benefit from the State is for another day. I used to argue for a means tested Child benefit but like ruth on the Winter Fuel benefit I have changed my mind.

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6 minutes ago, Chapelhall chap said:

I did have a question mark in my comment so I can see where you are coming from. It all depends on what you mean by "actually". If you did have 10 children and did have 50 thousand plus. it effectively takes away that child benefit amount from that family in increased taxation. The debate on whether all children should be supported by a universal benefit from the State is for another day. I used to argue for a means tested Child benefit but like ruth on the Winter Fuel benefit I have changed my mind.

10 children do not come about by accident!

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23 hours ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

Davidson on Sunday Politics. Now she deluded by her own self-importance she continues to ignore the will of the Scottish Parliament by saying the Government has no mandate for a referendum. Never seen Gordon Brewer looking so angry. She's all over the shop. Can't keep the lies straight. Just like her boss.

And apparently only 'young girls' died at Manchester.

She's an abomination of human being. I hope her Scottish contingent get absolutely battered at the election. The question I want to hear is will she consider her position if there are no Tories from Scotland at Westminster.

It will matter not a jot.
She is already destined to follow her predecessor to her rightful place at the top of British society.

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