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21 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

You sound like you might actually believe that pish.

The capacity of Nationalists for self-delusion is almost beyond parody..

You lose the referendum. Say that's game over for a generation. Leave an ambiguous paragraph about indy in your manifesto which nobody takes any notice of when voting for the SNP in the Holyrood elections, where you lose your majority but gain power due to the disingenuity of the Green party, then drag that paragraph out from the back of the cupboard, dust it off and suddenly claim it was the most significant pledge in the manifesto but only after your leader was made to look weak, ineffectual and irrelevant over the Brexit issue. She pushes through a vote in Holyrood that represents the views of a handful of MSP's and not the people and undemocratically elevates the voice of MSP's above that of the Scottish electorate.

Sturgeon demands another Indyref, is told to f*ck off by May and doesn't have a scooby do wtf to do next, realises the public mood is against her and then has a road to Damascus moment and suddenly claims ownership of Theresa May's insistence that an indyref is preferrable after the Brexit talks..

Sturgeon is a seething mass of ineffective , irrelevant opportunism with just one thing on her mind.....securing her place in history against all common sense and the good instincts of the majority of Scots. 

You sound like you might actually believe that pish.

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1 hour ago, mizfit said:



Surely someone, somewhere will pull her up over this.

Nothing will happen at Holyrood, Kez and Rennie will view it as a good attack on the SNP.


No one will pull her up.  She's fucking Teflon. Let's just hope karma is a bitch.

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1 hour ago, McSpreader said:

You sound like you might actually believe that pish.

The capacity of Nationalists for self-delusion is almost beyond parody..

You lose the referendum. Say that's game over for a generation. Leave an ambiguous paragraph about indy in your manifesto which nobody takes any notice of when voting for the SNP in the Holyrood elections, where you lose your majority but gain power due to the disingenuity of the Green party, then drag that paragraph out from the back of the cupboard, dust it off and suddenly claim it was the most significant pledge in the manifesto but only after your leader was made to look weak, ineffectual and irrelevant over the Brexit issue. She pushes through a vote in Holyrood that represents the views of a handful of MSP's and not the people and undemocratically elevates the voice of MSP's above that of the Scottish electorate.

Sturgeon demands another Indyref, is told to f*ck off by May and doesn't have a scooby do wtf to do next, realises the public mood is against her and then has a road to Damascus moment and suddenly claims ownership of Theresa May's insistence that an indyref is preferrable after the Brexit talks..

Sturgeon is a seething mass of ineffective , irrelevant opportunism with just one thing on her mind.....securing her place in history against all common sense and the good instincts of the majority of Scots. 



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9 hours ago, happysouth said:


How can anyone wake up that angry!


That must be how you feel. I've never been happier and I find the political scene extremely amusing at present. 

You should ask yourself how you got that so wrong!

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That must be how you feel. I've never been happier and I find the political scene extremely amusing at present. 
You should ask yourself how you got that so wrong!

You must find the fact that around 75% of your fellow countrymen find you & your ilk as a disgusting alternative.
You've nothing to contribute (Tories), come join the Chaos Coalition.
You might find you like it.
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That must be how you feel. I've never been happier and I find the political scene extremely amusing at present. 
You should ask yourself how you got that so wrong!

...and you're still angry at teatime!
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11 hours ago, McSpreader said:

You sound like you might actually believe that pish.

The capacity of Nationalists for self-delusion is almost beyond parody..

You lose the referendum. Say that's game over for a generation. Leave an ambiguous paragraph about indy in your manifesto which nobody takes any notice of when voting for the SNP in the Holyrood elections, where you lose your majority but gain power due to the disingenuity of the Green party, then drag that paragraph out from the back of the cupboard, dust it off and suddenly claim it was the most significant pledge in the manifesto but only after your leader was made to look weak, ineffectual and irrelevant over the Brexit issue. She pushes through a vote in Holyrood that represents the views of a handful of MSP's and not the people and undemocratically elevates the voice of MSP's above that of the Scottish electorate.

Sturgeon demands another Indyref, is told to f*ck off by May and doesn't have a scooby do wtf to do next, realises the public mood is against her and then has a road to Damascus moment and suddenly claims ownership of Theresa May's insistence that an indyref is preferrable after the Brexit talks.

Sturgeon is a seething mass of ineffective , irrelevant opportunism with just one thing on her mind.....securing her place in history against all common sense and the good instincts of the majority of Scots. 

The only delusion on display here is you thinking you have a good grasp of what's going on up here.

We can disagree about Sturgeon's capabilities and motivations. The paragraph in the manifesto wasn't ambiguous and it certainly was noted by more than a few people. It was quite a big talking point up here.

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11 hours ago, McSpreader said:

You lose the referendum. Say that's game over for a generation. Leave an ambiguous paragraph about indy in your manifesto which nobody takes any notice of when voting for the SNP in the Holyrood elections, where you lose your majority but gain power due to the disingenuity of the Green party, then drag that paragraph out from the back of the cupboard, dust it off and suddenly claim it was the most significant pledge in the manifesto but only after your leader was made to look weak, ineffectual and irrelevant over the Brexit issue. She pushes through a vote in Holyrood that represents the views of a handful of MSP's and not the people and undemocratically elevates the voice of MSP's above that of the Scottish electorate.

Sturgeon demands another Indyref, is told to f*ck off by May and doesn't have a scooby do wtf to do next, realises the public mood is against her and then has a road to Damascus moment and suddenly claims ownership of Theresa May's insistence that an indyref is preferrable after the Brexit talks..

Fair play to you m9. That's a shitload of things to get wrong in just 2 paragraphs.

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2 hours ago, McSpreader said:

That must be how you feel. I've never been happier and I find the political scene extremely amusing at present. 

You should ask yourself how you got that so wrong!

Yes, I too find the rising levels of poverty and inequality, xenophobia and neo-fascism barely disguised as right wing populism as 'extremely amusing'.


I don't really obvs.


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Yes, I too find the rising levels of poverty and inequality, xenophobia and neo-fascism barely disguised as right wing populism as 'extremely amusing'.

Spoiler I don't really obvs.


Tbf, watching TM fall apart like a Buffy vampire in the midday sun is quite amusing, dragging her party down to the point where they lose even if they win is fucking hilarious. Ruthie exploding in an angry fireball of mass confusion and hate would be just glorious.


My cock may fall off.


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3 hours ago, happysouth said:


...and you're still angry at teatime!


Well there you go then, eh!

1 hour ago, Alan Stubbs said:

The only delusion on display here is you thinking you have a good grasp of what's going on up here.

We can disagree about Sturgeon's capabilities and motivations. The paragraph in the manifesto wasn't ambiguous and it certainly was noted by more than a few people. It was quite a big talking point up here.

By ardent Nationalists perhaps. 'Down here'  a whole 55 miles away from Edinburgh, it was a once in a generation referendum.

Personally, I'm not interested in destroying Scotland's economy  just so Sturgeon can be Queen of Scots .

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2 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Well there you go then, eh!

By ardent Nationalists perhaps. 'Down here'  a whole 55 miles away from Edinburgh, it was a once in a generation referendum.

Personally, I'm not interested in destroying Scotland's economy  just so Sturgeon can be Queen of Scots .

Can you give an example of independence destroying the economy of a European nation, please?

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4 minutes ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

Can you give an example of independence destroying the economy of a European nation, please?

Under Sturgeon we would join the EU. As we have the worst deficit in the whole Universe we'd be f*cked.

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Can you give an example of independence destroying the economy of a European nation, please?

Under Sturgeon we would join the EU. As we have the worst deficit in the whole Universe we'd be f*cked.

None then?
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8 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Well there you go then, eh!

By ardent Nationalists perhaps. 'Down here'  a whole 55 miles away from Edinburgh, it was a once in a generation referendum.

Personally, I'm not interested in destroying Scotland's economy  just so Sturgeon can be Queen of Scots .

No, it* was very broadly known about it in Scotland. E.g. the Scottish Tories were already well into their policy-free fleg stage at that point and screamed from the rooftops about another referendum.

*It being the SNP's not remotely ambiguous position on a Leave result, not the "once in a generation" line that you're bringing in now. Dont give up and change the subject that easily.

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7 minutes ago, McSpreader said:

Under Sturgeon we would join the EU. As we have the worst deficit in the whole Universe we'd be f*cked.

If you actually believe this about the deficit, how on earth can you support the union?  

If we are so much worse off than every other country in the EU, despite our absolute embarrassment of resources, then clearly being ruled by Westminster is disastrous for Scotland.

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