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The European football level St. Mirren FC 2024/25 thread

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10 minutes ago, Black_and_White_Stripes said:

I don't agree with this at all, for a number of reasons.

You quite rightly state that the 'wee bangers' are envious of Carson's job. Indeed, they are, because being a professional footballer is something millions of people aspire to but never attain. He's living the dream, so to speak. At St. Mirren he was earning a salary of £83,000,  if this source is to believed: https://salarysport.com/football/scottish-premiership/st.-mirren/ , and even if it isn't reliable I would suggest his earnings would be close to that. It was these 'wee bangers' who were indirectly paying his salary, remember.

Let's not pretend that being a footballer isn't pretty lucrative, glamorous and when you're doing well you will be adored and quite literally hailed as a hero by his club and in the national press:






Tell me, when was the last time you were hailed as a hero in the media for doing your job? Part of being a footballer involves receiving media coverage and having a public profile. He's a minor celebrity. 

The idea that he's just your average guy, going to work and coming home is absurd. As a footballer you can expect praise and adoration when you're doing well - hearing your name chanted from the stands, etc. Conversely, you can also expect public criticism and ridicule when things don't go well for you. That's part and parcel of his job.

Goodwillie would have never attracted the criticism he did, were it not for his profile. Indeed, it was said many times that playing professional sport was a 'privilege' and not just about earning a living, e.g.:

Carson acted appallingly at St. Mirren and, quite rightly, the St. Mirren fans made their feelings known when he played on Saturday. They also made their feelings known on Twitter, a public forum in which he had chosen to participate.

If he'd received threats or similarly unsavoury abuse then I would agree it was out of order. But people making memes of his face and posting songs is perfectly acceptable and the minimum he can expect. 

If he cannae hack it, then he should find a new career. The guy's clearly got a fragile ego and it was hilarious seeing him getting wound up on Saturday.

Getting precious about 'poor Carson' is pathetic. Most people work longer hours, for less pay and don't get any of the recognition or prestige footballers get - take a casualty nurse, literally saving lives. 

Fucking boooooo! 🤬

"He gets paid loads of money so it's cool to just pile on".

What a load of absolute shite. Have a word with yourself.

David Goodwillie was convicted of rape in a civil court. Carson just decided he wanted to change jobs. This is one of the worst posts I've seen on this site and a good example of why the general public are just not equipped for the social media age. People like you are a danger. Dangerously idiotic stuff.

There's no other way of saying this. But that post makes you come across as a total arsehole.

Edited by VincentGuerin
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7 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

"He gets paid loads of money so it's cool to just pile on".

What a load of absolute shite. Have a word with yourself.

David Goodwillie was convicted of rape in a civil court. Carson just decided he wanted to change jobs. This is one of the worst posts I've seen on this site and a good example of why the general public are just not equipped for the social media age. People like you are a danger. Dangerously idiotic stuff.

There's no other way of saying this. But that post makes you come across as a total arsehole.

I don't think you understood my post.

He gets paid a lot of money, aye, AND he has a public profile. He literally plies his trade in front of crowds of several thousand spectators. He is very privileged to be a professional sportsman and that includes sometimes being lauded as a hero and also cast as a villain. I wasn't comparing him to Goodwillie, unsure whether you're being deliberately obtuse, but I was stating the fact that Goodwillie's behaviour received the amount of press coverage it did because he's a footballer. He's in the public eye. If Goodwillie had been employed at Greggs there wouldn't have been a public debate about him.

If you choose an occupation with a public profile - be it a politician, sportsman, actor, musician - then you can expect memes, ridicule and criticism. That is part and parcel of having a public profile. If he doesn't like it he can get an ordinary job. I think most folk on here would swap places with him in a heartbeat.


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5 minutes ago, Black_and_White_Stripes said:

I don't think you understood my post.

He gets paid a lot of money, aye, AND he has a public profile. He literally plies his trade in front of crowds of several thousand spectators. He is very privileged to be a professional sportsman and that includes sometimes being lauded as a hero and also cast as a villain. I wasn't comparing him to Goodwillie, unsure whether you're being deliberately obtuse, but I was stating the fact that Goodwillie's behaviour received the amount of press coverage it did because he's a footballer. He's in the public eye. If Goodwillie had been employed at Greggs there wouldn't have been a public debate about him.

If you choose an occupation with a public profile - be it a politician, sportsman, actor, musician - then you can expect memes, ridicule and criticism. That is part and parcel of having a public profile. If he doesn't like it he can get an ordinary job. I think most folk on here would swap places with him in a heartbeat.


Oh dear.


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42 minutes ago, Black_and_White_Stripes said:

Goodwillie would have never attracted the criticism he did, were it not for his profile.

Jinkies, it's not that I don't not see your point, but I think you've used a sledgehammer to crack a nut there, bud.

Carson getting pelters online should be compared to other footballers getting pelters online and perhaps the scummy nature of social media, not somehow linked to the actions of a rapist.


Apologies to @VincentGuerin as I originally posted this with his comment making it look like he was the one that initially mentioned him.



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The point is that Carson (apparently) had a complete temper tantrum and acted in a very disrespectful way towards the club, the manager and his teammates. He was offered a chance to apologise and move on but instead doubled down a demanded a move despite having signed a contract extension last season.

He then acted like a complete f*d when Dundee got their penalty and effectively tried to psych out Hemmings (with big Joe's help - lest we forget).  That left a very sour taste in the mouths of St Mirren fans but what made it glorious was the way it totally backfired on him.

I totally support his right to act like a complete p***k but what the complete p***ks of this world forget is that their right to be a p***k is counter balanced by the right of everyone else to say that they are acting like a p***k.

Carson's own actions brought this on him as could be seen by the reception he received compared to Big Joe who was applauded by the St Mirren fans.  From the outside this might just look like fans giving an ex-player a ridiculously hard time but it's really not.

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Just now, Ric said:

Jinkies, it's not that I don't not see your point, but I think you've used a sledgehammer to crack a nut there, bud.

Carson getting pelters online should be compared to other footballers getting pelters online and perhaps the scummy nature of social media, not somehow linked to the actions of a rapist.




It's being referred to as 'abuse', but all I have seen is a meme of his face as the ball apparently hits the back of the net (it might be in the match thread), the Live It Up song and a few posts along the lines of GIRUY. I have seen far worse 'abuse' on this forum, to be honest. I think the idea that Carson's being persecuted by a  hateful mob online, as implied by the hysterical @VincentGuerin, is frankly ridiculous.  

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Just now, Black_and_White_Stripes said:

It's being referred to as 'abuse', but all I have seen is a meme of his face as the ball apparently hits the back of the net (it might be in the match thread), the Live It Up song and a few posts along the lines of GIRUY. I have seen far worse 'abuse' on this forum, to be honest. I think the idea that Carson's being persecuted by a  hateful mob online, as implied by the hysterical @VincentGuerin, is frankly ridiculous.  

As I say, it's not that I don't get your point, and I get his too.

Just taken a little back by the inclusion of the other lad, you know.

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St Mirren manager Stephen Robinson today confirmed that Mark O'Hara is set for a short spell on the sidelines following a scan yesterday. 

The Saints captain missed Saturday's win against Dundee in the cinch Premiership after picking up the thigh injury in training on Friday.

O'Hara is expected to miss upcoming matches against Motherwell and Aberdeen, but scan results showed the injury wasn't as bad as initially feared and the midfield man could return ahead of the international break in September.

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6 minutes ago, Ric said:

As I say, it's not that I don't get your point, and I get his too.

Just taken a little back by the inclusion of the other lad, you know.

I was just making the point that footballers are in the public eye. The other lad played for Raith Rovers, remember, not Barcelona, and look at the exposure it got. Would it have got that sort of exposure if he worked in Sainsbury's? I think we know the answer. Maybe it was a bad example, but my other point was how it was said he was privileged to be a professional sportsman. Again, my point is that footballers are privileged and as well as being lauded as heroes, they're likely to get some stick. It's not a normal profession.

Anyway, I think I have made my point! 😉 I'm still toiling away, trying to finish up for the day...and all for an average wage in a job in which I get minimal recognition. 

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As SR said after the game, football is pantomime 

Carson spat the dummy cos he didn’t play in a dead rubber against Rangers where he’d brought his Rangers supporting family over from Ireland to watch him

I get it from Carson’s point of view but he obviously doesn’t understand or get how much us Saints fans hate Rangers.

We’ve paid his wages and he’s obviously totally obvious to our club’s history. 

He’s totally disrespected us and he really does deserve to be booed and get abuse on twitter

He’s got a 3 year contract from a club whose supporters sing “hello hello we are the Dundee Derry Boys”

I didn’t actually think he was that good, he was average, too short

Fuck him

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I don't think I've ever booed a player, not even opposition ones. I never even booed Mo Camara who was such a charlatan he could have been replaced by a second hand couch and it would do a better job of defending than he did!

I have, however, roundly booed referees and officials.



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3 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

Why was Robinson so desperate to play a weakened team against Rangers?

He wasn’t 

He gave a game to Urminsky in goal, who’d been on the bench all season and who is our number 2 this season, he gave a game to Boyd-Munce who hadn’t yet started a game and who is now an integral part of the squad and also Jamieson, who also got a year’s contract.

Alll perfectly reasonable and more important than Carson’s family 

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10 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

Why was Robinson so desperate to play a weakened team against Rangers?

He didn’t play a weaker team, he gave the back up keeper Peter Urminsky 90 mins after he spent the entire season on the bench as back up. 
Carson acted like a complete fud by emptying his pram when he returned from Ireland with his *** supporting family thinking he was playing against his beloved team.

Carson also never seemed to give two fucks about the effect his tantrum might have on the young keeper, who was given his chance in a high profile match.

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1 hour ago, VincentGuerin said:

"He gets paid loads of money so it's cool to just pile on".

What a load of absolute shite. Have a word with yourself.

David Goodwillie was convicted of rape in a civil court. Carson just decided he wanted to change jobs. This is one of the worst posts I've seen on this site and a good example of why the general public are just not equipped for the social media age. People like you are a danger. Dangerously idiotic stuff.

There's no other way of saying this. But that post makes you come across as a total arsehole.

Whether your opinion on this is right or wrong is up for debate, but what is certain is that you are (I suspect deliberately) missing the point. 
You keep (disingenuously) stating Carson just “wanted to change his job”. Folk weren’t picking on Carson for wanting to change his job. Players do that all the time. The point is WHY he wanted to change his job. But then I think you knew that. 

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1 hour ago, VincentGuerin said:

Oh dear.


Goodbye and good riddance. We don’t need an Edinburgh *** on here telling us what to think or say about one of our ex players.

Carson acted like a fanny and got the abuse on Saturday that he deserved. His new team got pumped and we move on(wards) and upwards. I doubt we’ll even bother with him next time we meet. 

ps Have you got a sore neck looking up at us in the table 

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When Carson ran out the tunnel, I booed. Thousands of home fans booed. I turned to the guy who sits a couple of seats away from me who was loudly booing, and said ‘when does the pantomime booing stop’. He reckoned until he runs towards the South Stand at the start of the second half.

After the game, to let traffic die down (mostly the feckin’ Govan traffic), I wandered around the stadium. If I had encountered Trevor Carson coming out the ground, I’d have said something like ‘all the best, you were a good keeper for us’, and went on my way. The thought of abusing a player either in person or online simply doesn’t enter my brain. It’s because I’m not a braindead p***k who understands common decency. If I’d bumped into prime time Scott Brown out on a street, I’d have said, ‘wish we had you in our team’ or something.

The pantomime booing is where my line in the sand is drawn. Anyone stepping over the line into personal / sustained abuse needs a word with themselves.

Edited by pozbaird
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