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Height Difference in Relationships

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My Missus is 5'2" but wearing heels more often than not. I'm 5'10".

Went out with a Dutch girl that was slightly taller than me. Can't say it bothered me, might have bothered her mind you....

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My current girlfriend is about 5' 8", and I'm 6' 2", which I think is reasonable. I went on a Tinder date a while back and was running late so said I would meet her in the restaurant. She was sat down when I went in, looked really nice, had very good chat, was all going really well. Until, she stood up to go to the bathroom. She was 4' 10". We looked odd as f**k walking about afterwards.

I really thought she was a quality lassie, so met her again for a second date. Again, went well, but just felt dead awkward being out with her, so shamefully ended it.

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I'm between 5'4" and 5'5". I think my tallest conquest is 6'5". Shortest would be 5'1" or 2". I don't recommend it, it's logistically challenging. 
I've set my POF search for a minimum 5'7".

Dating website, thank you! 
Got a shag or two off it though, right enough. 

My current girlfriend is about 5' 8", and I'm 6' 2", which I think is reasonable. I went on a Tinder date a while back and was running late so said I would meet her in the restaurant. She was sat down when I went in, looked really nice, had very good chat, was all going really well. Until, she stood up to go to the bathroom. She was 4' 10". We looked odd as f**k walking about afterwards.

I really thought she was a quality lassie, so met her again for a second date. Again, went well, but just felt dead awkward being out with her, so shamefully ended it.

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16 minutes ago, Adam said:

My current girlfriend is about 5' 8", and I'm 6' 2", which I think is reasonable. I went on a Tinder date a while back and was running late so said I would meet her in the restaurant. She was sat down when I went in, looked really nice, had very good chat, was all going really well. Until, she stood up to go to the bathroom. She was 4' 10". We looked odd as f**k walking about afterwards.

I really thought she was a quality lassie, so met her again for a second date. Again, went well, but just felt dead awkward being out with her, so shamefully ended it.

I can get where you're coming from but I got a mate who's about 6'5" and his ex wife was about 5' and while they were an odd looking couple (I even told them I'd love to see them fucking, just for the sheer 'what the f**k' rather than the pervy aspect (we were good friend but not that good)). I also had a 'dalliance' with a burd who had been with a guy who had a massive tadger, she reckoned that it wasn't all that great because he was so big she couldn't be 'tossed around' the same (she wasn't exactly a pixie herself), we're a funny bunch us people and have our own set of priorities whether its height or whatever.

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5'10" and a wee bit for me, while Mrs Shotgun is listed at 5'3". That would make the top of her head a convenient place to rest a pint glass when out socialising if I could only talk her into it.

Like others have said; I'd feel uncomfortable carrying on with a wumman taller than me although that's mostly just my own insecurities. Saying that; I did once spend a long ago summer mooning after an utter wid who was 6'2". She ended up marrying some mutant basketball player type who was around 7'. It was fucking weird watching the pair of them walk about in a crowd.

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I'm 6 foot but I'm not particularly bothered by height- just bloody grateful whoever it is...!

At a Billy Connolly show I once sat next to a damn gorgeous blonde who was about 6ft 4. Her boyfriend was of similar height but distinctly ordinary looking and I thought "you're just going out with him because he's tall...".

Going out with a girl taller than you might save your life though- in a thunderstorm they'll be struck by lightning first. 

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I can get where you're coming from but I got a mate who's about 6'5" and his ex wife was about 5' and while they were an odd looking couple (I even told them I'd love to see them fucking, just for the sheer 'what the f**k' rather than the pervy aspect
(we were good friend but not that good)).


I also had a 'dalliance' with a burd who had been with a guy who had a massive tadger, she reckoned that it wasn't all that great because he was so big she couldn't be 'tossed around' the same (she wasn't exactly a pixie herself),


we're a funny bunch us people and have our own set of priorities whether its height or whatever.

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Several inches taller, about the same height when she wears her highest heels, or whatever they are. That I can accept, just as well she can't walk in anything higher, otherwise we'd have a problem. [emoji23]

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Just now, DI Bruce Robertson said:

My ex-fiancé was 5'11", I'm around 5'8", not really a problem, other than the fact she was a psychotic arsehole.
That, and she used to borrow my trainers.

Thought you needed to be taller than that to join the Police? 

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