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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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15 hours ago, hellbhoy said:

Most annoying when she calls time to log out of P&B. She says how sad I am chatting about football on an open forum for hours on end, she does not know this thread exists. :)

Is this your mum or your wife you're talking about? If you go onto www.testicles.com you should get yourself a pair there.

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Directions in the car.

Me: "Keep following this road until I say otherwise.
Her "left here?"
Me: "No, a while yet".
Her (10 secs later): Left here??


Same applies to "take next left, just where that red car is coming out now".

"This one?"


"You sure?"


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1 minute ago, Hedgecutter said:

Directions in the car.

Me: "Keep following this road until I say otherwise.
Her "left here?"
Me: "No, a while yet".
Her (10 secs later): Left here??


Same applies to "take next left, just where that red car is coming out now".

"This one?"


"You sure?"


You do sound a bit officious tbf. She's probably just teasing.

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6 minutes ago, Stinky Bone said:

She pisses me off every Sunday by not making dinner.  Usually I have to settle for a Pot Noodle or Super Noodles, even though there is a Chicken or Beef in the fridge.  WTF, it's not BBQ weather so I won't be cooking, get in the kitchen and make me food. 

This Sunday I have a nice bit of brisket waiting to be slow cooked.  I could get off of my arse and make it but I don't want her to think she is getting above her station.  

As usual I will have to make Sunday dinner myself.  She has bought me a real treat, a pizza called sloppy giuliano.  Can't help but think that when I am at work tomorrow, some greaseball pasta eater will be eating my brisket.  

Think I will come home early tomorrow and if I see any Italian/Sicilian/Mafia types in my home I will go Corleone on them.  Those greasy c***s are not getting my beef. 

So much misogyny and racism in one post.  Away and watch your Love Thy Neighbour box set if you haven't worn it out already.

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She pisses me off every Sunday by not making dinner.  Usually I have to settle for a Pot Noodle or Super Noodles, even though there is a Chicken or Beef in the fridge.  WTF, it's not BBQ weather so I won't be cooking, get in the kitchen and make me food. 
This Sunday I have a nice bit of brisket waiting to be slow cooked.  I could get off of my arse and make it but I don't want her to think she is getting above her station.  
As usual I will have to make Sunday dinner myself.  She has bought me a real treat, a pizza called sloppy giuliano.  Can't help but think that when I am at work tomorrow, some greaseball pasta eater will be eating my brisket.  
Think I will come home early tomorrow and if I see any Italian/Sicilian/Mafia types in my home I will go Corleone on them.  Those greasy c***s are not getting my beef. 

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She pisses me off every Sunday by not making dinner.  Usually I have to settle for a Pot Noodle or Super Noodles, even though there is a Chicken or Beef in the fridge.  WTF, it's not BBQ weather so I won't be cooking, get in the kitchen and make me food. 
This Sunday I have a nice bit of brisket waiting to be slow cooked.  I could get off of my arse and make it but I don't want her to think she is getting above her station.  
As usual I will have to make Sunday dinner myself.  She has bought me a real treat, a pizza called sloppy giuliano.  Can't help but think that when I am at work tomorrow, some greaseball pasta eater will be eating my brisket.  
Think I will come home early tomorrow and if I see any Italian/Sicilian/Mafia types in my home I will go Corleone on them.  Those greasy c***s are not getting my beef. 

I'm not greasy I just sweat a lot.
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46 minutes ago, Stinky Bone said:

She pisses me off every Sunday by not making dinner.  Usually I have to settle for a Pot Noodle or Super Noodles, even though there is a Chicken or Beef in the fridge.  WTF, it's not BBQ weather so I won't be cooking, get in the kitchen and make me food. 

This Sunday I have a nice bit of brisket waiting to be slow cooked.  I could get off of my arse and make it but I don't want her to think she is getting above her station.  

As usual I will have to make Sunday dinner myself.  She has bought me a real treat, a pizza called sloppy giuliano.  Can't help but think that when I am at work tomorrow, some greaseball pasta eater will be eating my brisket.  

Think I will come home early tomorrow and if I see any Italian/Sicilian/Mafia types in my home I will go Corleone on them.  Those greasy c***s are not getting my beef. 

It seems to me that there are two lazy b*****ds in your household.

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1 hour ago, Stinky Bone said:


This Sunday I have a nice bit of brisket waiting to be slow cooked.  I could get off of my arse and make it

If you are going to get off youre arse and slow cook it you'll be eating pretty damn late. Should have made that decision at lunch time


 sloppy giuliano.   

Not even a real pizza


  Those greasy c***s are not getting my beef



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I had to kill chickens when I was a nipper cause my mum didn't like to.
All we had was a small BB gun which didn't kill the chicken quickly unless you could catch them and fire straight into the head. The easiest way was to fire 5 or 6 rounds as quickly as possible into them.
You then had to then pluck the feathers.
Why didn't we just go to KFC?

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39 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

I had to kill chickens when I was a nipper cause my mum didn't like to.
All we had was a small BB gun which didn't kill the chicken quickly unless you could catch them and fire straight into the head. The easiest way was to fire 5 or 6 rounds as quickly as possible into them.

FFS.  Barbaric ways to slaughter an animal thread for this shite.  You'd be the second poster after the bloke who tried to kill coos with a lump hammer.

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Her: "can we watch a film?" 

Me "aye, what do you fancy?" 

Her "I don't mind you pick" 

Me *suggestion of many films*

Her "hmm don't fancy that how about we watch [the latest shite Adam Sandler has produced/some chick flick]" 

She will immediately spend the first half hour of the film on her phone before falling asleep, on me, with the controller just out of reach. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. 

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Her: "can we watch a film?" 
Me "aye, what do you fancy?" 
Her "I don't mind you pick" 
Me *suggestion of many films*
Her "hmm don't fancy that how about we watch [the latest shite Adam Sandler has produced/some chick flick]" 
She will immediately spend the first half hour of the film on her phone before falling asleep, on me, with the controller just out of reach. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. 

Saturday afternoon we chucked Netflix on, I suggested something lighthearted and easy, (the longest yard, anchorman, that sort of thing), she put Adulthood on after much meaning, turned it off after 20 minutes when I started getting into it because "I'm not feeling it".

Every damn time.
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She moans like f**k at me for being noisy and waking the weans up before I go to work. So I try to creep about like a cat burglar and keep noise to a minimum or if I'm an early start, I'll get up and get a shower in work.

This morning, her, the weans and subsequently I, have been up since 6am. She didn't take it well when I blamed the drone of her fucking hairdryer, the 'click-click-click' of her fucking straighteners or her emptying the cupboard under the stairs for her work bag.

Cue a massive barney, her fucking off in a huff and me left with a tired, grumpy 4 year old who wants to wear her roller skates and a grumpy 10 month old who's needing a sleep.

The annoying thing is the double fucking standards. She moans like f**k when I leave the tap running but can't understand why I complain about the hairdryer.

This will rumble on all week.

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My wife fell asleep on the couch last night and when I went to bed I tried waking her and convincing her to come up the stairs as well.  This went on for about 10 minutes until I gave up.

Half 4 this morning she finally wakes up and decides to come up the stairs, waking me up and then telling me how sore her neck is because I let her sleep for so long on the couch.

Edit: if the situation had been reversed and I'd came up and woken her up, divorce proceedings would have started first thing in the morning. 


Edited by KnightswoodBear
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1 hour ago, The_Craig said:

She moans like f**k at me for being noisy and waking the weans up before I go to work. So I try to creep about like a cat burglar and keep noise to a minimum or if I'm an early start, I'll get up and get a shower in work.

This morning, her, the weans and subsequently I, have been up since 6am. She didn't take it well when I blamed the drone of her fucking hairdryer, the 'click-click-click' of her fucking straighteners or her emptying the cupboard under the stairs for her work bag.

Cue a massive barney, her fucking off in a huff and me left with a tired, grumpy 4 year old who wants to wear her roller skates and a grumpy 10 month old who's needing a sleep.

The annoying thing is the double fucking standards. She moans like f**k when I leave the tap running but can't understand why I complain about the hairdryer.

This will rumble on all week.

oh thats a tricky one to deal with, well only tricky if you cannot decide what hand to curl up into a fist and lamp her one with, my missus moans when i put my phone light on at 5am when i am getting ready for work, i get one day off a week and you can be sure when she gets up the fucking curtains are not only opened, im sure she actually rips them off the fucking rail, all the while sky news is fucking blaring from the next room

i hate mornings in my house

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