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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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Few things rolled into one here....

Starting with whining about being hungry and wanting her dinner, which I have made and is now ready, but she is on here EVERY NIGHT phone call to her gran which for some reason CANNOT be cut short by saying "that's my tea ready, speak to you again about this inane shite in less than 24 hours".

Similar applies with here nightly call from her pal who always says "hi, are you busy" to which the reply can seemingly never be "yeah il phone you back in 10", regardless what's going on.

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28 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Few things rolled into one here....

Starting with whining about being hungry and wanting her dinner, which I have made and is now ready, but she is on here EVERY NIGHT phone call to her gran which for some reason CANNOT be cut short by saying "that's my tea ready, speak to you again about this inane shite in less than 24 hours".

Similar applies with here nightly call from her pal who always says "hi, are you busy" to which the reply can seemingly never be "yeah il phone you back in 10", regardless what's going on.

She's needing fed a length. 

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Was asked to go along for tea. 

Got to her door and got a text "X is here to do my hair for holiday, I'll bell you in a bit". 

I go in anyway, they're talking shite so I go to fill up van and get a Screwfix order collected. 

"What's up with you, you're in a weird mood. Just sort your own tea". 

Sorted my own tea and went along. 

"Can't believe you ate without me. What will I do with this pizza?" 

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Was asked to go along for tea. 
Got to her door and got a text "X is here to do my hair for holiday, I'll bell you in a bit". 
I go in anyway, they're talking shite so I go to fill up van and get a Screwfix order collected. 
"What's up with you, you're in a weird mood. Just sort your own tea". 
Sorted my own tea and went along. 
"Can't believe you ate without me. What will I do with this pizza?" 
Pop it in the oven, obviously.
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1 hour ago, beesher said:

She’s bought a bottle of alcohol free Gordon’s gin for £15.

£15 for flavoured fucking water.

That has to be one of the best marketing wheezes I've heard. Let us know how it tastes will you.


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On 04/05/2022 at 18:19, Bairnardo said:

Few things rolled into one here....

Starting with whining about being hungry and wanting her dinner, which I have made and is now ready, but she is on here EVERY NIGHT

Send her a PM then, FFS.

2 hours ago, beesher said:

She’s bought a bottle of alcohol free Gordon’s gin for £15.

£15 for flavoured fucking water.

Beer, sure, but I've genuinely never heard of alcohol-free spirits.

That's like solvent-free glue. What would it even consist of?

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It tasted ok. To be honest if I’m not drinking then Diet Coke or Irn Bru do me fine.

The price is absolutely obscene though. The great thing was, we bumped into a friend of hers in the supermarket, and when she mentioned the gin and the price the friend was as perplexed as me.


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11 hours ago, beesher said:

She’s bought a bottle of alcohol free Gordon’s gin for £15.

£15 for flavoured fucking water.

Gin companies are on a right winner at the moment. 

Gin is 'fashionable' right now. 

Make it a pretty colour. They'll be swarming to buy it. 

Like you say, it doesn't even need to be alcohol. Coloured 'gin' is all that matters right now. Loads of likes and shares etc etc. 

Mrs tdb's daughter has bottles of the stuff. All pretty colours. She doesn't drink any of it. That doesn't seem to matter. 

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Came in yesterday, yet again bemoaning the rising costs in the supermarket, including the price of the nice specially selected cooked meat she'd bought.

Walked into the kitchen a wee while later to find her feeding a couple of slices of said meat to the dug. Now I'm very fond of the dug, he's a great wee c*nt, but with the speed he rattles his food at, I doubt he'd have known whether it was honey roast ham or donkeys bawbag. At least she'd kept enough for my piece.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Spends the past week and a half packing and preparing for her holiday today. Yet, somehow, is still charging around in a panic this morning, rummaging under the bed and making a racket looking for something while I’m trying to have a lie in.

HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE? After a week and a fucking half of watching her flap around “preparing” she STILL isn’t ready to go on the day?

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27 minutes ago, pj_puttz said:

Spends the past week and a half packing and preparing for her holiday today. Yet, somehow, is still charging around in a panic this morning, rummaging under the bed and making a racket looking for something while I’m trying to have a lie in.

 How long was it until you got given the demand of "can you get up and help me look for it please?!".

I had similar yesterday, needing to get out of the house for 10:45 latest to make something in time for 11:30 (that she had organised a week ago).  I'm out of bed by 10, got breakfast, showered, packed etc was ready at the front door at 10:40.  We didn't get into the car until 11, and of course, were quarter of an hour late.  Arguably worse was that another friend of hers was half an hour late, which she then tried to claim made our lateness "not too bad".

eta: now taking a strimmer to her mother's overgrown front garden* this afternoon because she couldn't be arsed putting down tarpaulin when we told her to months ago.  That and filling a skip, which as I previously illustrated through the medium of MS Paint**, they are absolutely useless at.


*not a euphemism.


** may as well show again (them left, me right):


Edited by Hedgecutter
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We are lucky enough to be relatively well off in general, however we have a few big expenses coming up and have agreed the need to save some money. Great, but she can't seem to comprehend weekend takeaways and lunch out with her pals during the week are luxuries! Ffs I feel guilty for buying a coffee at work, then find out she's spent another £15 on brunch! 

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We are lucky enough to be relatively well off in general, however we have a few big expenses coming up and have agreed the need to save some money. Great, but she can't seem to comprehend weekend takeaways and lunch out with her pals during the week are luxuries! Ffs I feel guilty for buying a coffee at work, then find out she's spent another £15 on brunch! 
This x 1000
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On 10/05/2022 at 13:20, Busta Nut said:

Her unwillingness to do the shopping online is gonna break me. Using the wean as a reason she couldn't go do some food shopping.

Completely relate to your pain. She doesn't use the wean as an excuse, she just "doesn't know how to" yet seems well rehearsed in clicking and buying stuff onlinr from Amazon, JD Sports, M&S, Very etc. 

But it's my fault if I miss something from the shopping online 

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