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Junior football, what is the future?


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3 minutes ago, Shannon said:

I can understand this but supporters and clubs won't and will just go with flow and think West Region will get in. Clubs are unaware West Region won't be accepted as a whole and will have to apply to West of Scotland League. Will take the West Region quote at face value.

Well if they take things at face value they deserve all they get. They'll find out next year there won't be any promotion. They'll find out when they try and get an SFA Licence there isn't a chance as the League they are in is not part of the Pyramid.

The face value applies to the WoSL as well.

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1 minute ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

It's this sort of thinking that made me believe that e-mail was why the West Region were going rogue from the SJFA. So many clubs are sick of the SJFA - it makes sense that at least one of the regions is equally sick of them

Both SJFA and WRJFA I should add, remember the President and Secretary of the SJFA are both west men.

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1 minute ago, Shannon said:

This post completely confuses the issue.

Supporters will think West Region will get their club entry into pyramid then not apply to new West of Scotland league.



That's the plan.  "Set for green light" is completely false from the journo, perhaps deliberately so.


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20 minutes ago, Shannon said:

I am even confused now....!! Majority of Junior clubs will now wait for full West Region to be accepted into pyramid. Can this happen?

Lowland League and West Region need to have talks as totally head f**k now and get it sorted.

Clubs now won't apply to new West of Scotland League as will believe full West Region will join. Will they?

It's a complete shambles from all involved.

This is the West Region's aim. It is a "complete shambles" from one party involved, and nobody needs to have talks to sort this out. It's like me buying my shopping from Tesco, not giving them money and then me saying that we need to discuss it to sort it out.

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1 minute ago, Burnie_man said:


That's the plan.  "Set for green light" is completely false from the journo, perhaps deliberately so.


It's not deliberate, he's just not been following the story and isn't the most investigative journalist about.

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Well if they take things at face value they deserve all they get. They'll find out next year there won't be any promotion. They'll find out when they try and get an SFA Licence there isn't a chance as the League they are in is not part of the Pyramid.
The face value applies to the WoSL as well.
Clubs and supporters who will vote on what to do next won't all know this though.

The meeting of clubs wishing to join West of Scotland league will hopefully help to clear things up asap but this is a card played by West Region and SJFA that will lead to clubs waiting and not applying to new West of Scotland league as they think it's a done deal that full West Region will join anyway.
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2 minutes ago, Killiepiyo said:

Be interesting to see how it all plays out, I would rather a west region ran league than some LL league run mystery box 🤷‍♂️

See the good thing about all of this is, the LL will host a meeting where clubs can ask anything they want to clarify what is planned.

Can you detail what the WRJFA have planned?

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1 minute ago, Shannon said:

Clubs and supporters who will vote on what to do next won't all know this though.

The meeting of clubs wishing to join West of Scotland league will hopefully help to clear things up asap but this is a card played by West Region and SJFA that will lead to clubs waiting and not applying to new West of Scotland league as they think it's a done deal that full West Region will join anyway.

I'm fairly sure not all fans are thick as mince and lead by the nose, some do have the capability of reading these forums and elsewhere and finding out the facts themselves.

It is also incumbent on clubs to provide them with the facts without prejudice, and let them decide.

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Be interesting to see how it all plays out, I would rather a west region ran league than some LL league run mystery box [emoji2369]
Well, I think that is actually the thing but not that way round.

The LL would be completely open, no mystery, the SJFA have proved not to be.

The LL would after a season or two hand the running over to the clubs (if they wished) the SJFA would never.
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That must have taken some time gaz5 but it is a brilliant post. Shows how ridiculous the threat of legal action is.

What exactly do they think the legal challenge might be?

SJFA: "Our clubs are being denied access to the SFA Pyramid"

Court: "I see, so there is no league within the SFA structure for your clubs to apply for membership of?"

SJFA: "Well, no, there are two league's and 25 of our members applied and were accepted into one two years ago and 30 applied and were accepted into another this year"

Court: "So how many clubs who have applied have been denied access thus far?"

SJFA: "Well none m'lord, but ra juniors and that"

Court: "What's ra juniors, is that some youth football organisation?"

SJFA: "Well no, it's a different grade of football, we operate separately to the Senior grade"

Court: "So you are by your own design separate from the SFA and you want to remain so, but any of your members who do want access can and have been able to move and not a single one has been rejected?"

SJFA: "Well yes, but you're missing the point, they're poaching our clubs and not letting us run the show and junior football is special"

Court: "I see, does it play to different rules than normal association football with different requirements or some such?"

SJFA: "Well, no, it's the same rules and that, we just charge money for friendly permits and take money off teams in fines for extra things and a few other things out of 1800's Scotland"

Court: "OK, so any of your clubs who want to play in the Pyramid do have access and none have ever been denied?"

SJFA: "no, you're not understanding, they're not being accepted in by the terms that we want to set, and they're taking our clubs"

Court: "So these league's are actively canvassing your members and building their organisation only with those clubs?"

SJFA: "Well, no, they've got a set criteria and have accepted anyone from any organisation who successfully meets the entry criteria, some of whom used to be ours but not all"

Court: "So, basically none of your clubs have been denied access to anything, you just don't like that you are not in charge of it?"

SJFA: "We should be in charge, yes"

Court: "And you were never given any opportunity to be involved at the outset, this was forced upon you?"

SJFA: "Well, no, not quite, we were at the table originally but we thought it was garbage and the juniors was the dogs danglies so we laughed at them originally then spent the next 5 or 6 years claiming it was inferior and scaring our membership into not going with talk of £150k toilets and wet Tuesday nights in Elgin for £30 a ticket, but it's not as bad as we thought"

Court: "Wait, so you walked away originally and actively discouraged your members from wanting to join with claims you knew not to be true and now they've realised you were lying they are leaving you?"

SJFA: "Well that's a simplistic way of looking at it, but sure, it was going well till those pesky kids at Kelty figured it out and everyone realised we were talking nonsense, then we were denied access"

Court: "So you didn't even want access till your members started figuring out you were lying and the decision to resign from your organisation to pursue their future in another?"

SJFA: "Well, you could interpret it that way"

Court: "Sir this is a Burger King Drive through window, there's a huge line behind you, could I please take your order or ask you to move on"

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1 hour ago, Burnie_man said:

The WRJFA aren't going independent, they will remain an SJFA league, and want to run their own discipline (fines?) and fixtures, same management committee.  Therefore, they are going against SJFA members by going rogue and trying to get in by themselves.

I think 'On a frolic of their own' is the legal lingo for 'going rogue'. 

Rogue might be used to describe those involved in the frolic, mind you.

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It's really simple a LL/EoS back WoSFL and a SJFA/WJFA backed WoSFL.

One is organised by leagues actually in the pyramid. One is organised by those that couldn't get into the pyramid when it was being offered to them, and who would have to negotiate their place in the pyramid with the LL/EoS.

You go with the LL/EoS one. Cut out the middle man that has not part to play in this essentially.

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