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Junior football, what is the future?


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3 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Whats to stop any club being forced to give notice playing in both set ups and fielding a reserve team in the juniors (or an under tens team) and joining the EOSL as a ‘new club’. If he wants to act the arse about it the clubs can just make a mockery of him.

I was thinking similar - any team forced to "give notice" could just take the fattest, shitest Sunday amateur team they can find and send them out as themselves for a season as a pisstake.

Any sort of Project Fear isn't going to win any wavering hearts and minds and would only be counterproductive in the long run.

I recall someone in my place leaving for another job being held to a 28 days' notice thing out of spite. He basically downed tools and spent the remainder of his time there in the smoking shelter...what were they going to do - put him on a warning?


Edited by Hillonearth
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20 minutes ago, Baxter's Nutmeg said:

The rule doesn’t exist! The 12 month period refers to moving region.

Wouldn't you just fancy your chances in a game of Poker with TJ & Co!

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2 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

I was thinking similar - any team forced to "give notice" could just take the fattest, shitest Sunday amateur team they can find and send them out as themselves for a season as a pisstake.

Any sort of Project Fear isn't going to win any wavering hearts and minds and would only be counterproductive in the long run.


I volunteer, I'm not the fattest, but I'm definitely shit at playing football.

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4 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

I was thinking similar - any team forced to "give notice" could just take the fattest, shitest Sunday amateur team they can find and send them out as themselves for a season as a pisstake.

Any sort of Project Fear isn't going to win any wavering hearts and minds and would only be counterproductive in the long run.


It seems to me, although I am no legal eagle, that what TJ has referred to should be read in the context of the constitution i.e, Junior clubs swapping regions, and nothing-else.

Even that seems highly dubious if contested in a court of law. Constraint of trade is the term which springs to mind.

But I'm no legal eagle!

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4 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

I was thinking similar - any team forced to "give notice" could just take the fattest, shitest Sunday amateur team they can find and send them out as themselves for a season as a pisstake.

Any sort of Project Fear isn't going to win any wavering hearts and minds and would only be counterproductive in the long run.


The fact this is the man is in charge of the entire junior game and after all this time  with clubs piling out the door that's his statement. He's either thick as f**k or an arrogant cnut

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2 minutes ago, kenny131 said:

The fact this is the man is in charge of the entire junior game and after all this time  with clubs piling out the door that's his statement. He's either thick as f**k or an arrogant cnut

And the very same man should be charged by his fellow Hampden blazers for bringing the game into disrepute, or if he was in the Military he would have been court  martialed.

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5 minutes ago, kenny131 said:

The fact this is the man is in charge of the entire junior game and after all this time  with clubs piling out the door that's his statement. He's either thick as f**k or an arrogant cnut

But how do you get rid of him, even if the clubs were willing, would a vote of no confidence at the AGM set about change, after all he's not an elected official.

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15 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:

I recall someone in my place leaving for another job being held to a 28 days' notice thing out of spite. He basically downed tools and spent the remainder of his time there in the smoking shelter...what were they going to do - put him on a warning?


Had a boss once that spent his notice period playing Championship Manager and leaving me to do all of the work. 

If Camelon need a team to shithouse their way through the Superleague next season then bagsy left back.

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4 hours ago, Auld Heid said:

3. The county shall be divided into the following Regions, viz: NORTH EAST WEST


The committee may, with the consent of the Region interested, transfer a club from one Region to another and the club so transferred shall thereafter, for all purposes, be a member of the Region for which it is transferred. Any club intending to resign from a Region must give 12 months notice to that Region and the Scottish Junior FA.

The SJFA constitution is a clumsily written document and contains several glaring errors such as "county" above and the ambiguous "transfer" rule, which is virtually unintelligible (it refers to transferring a club between 2 Regions, so which of them is the "Region interested" that has to give consent? And which is the "Region for which it is transferred"? Gobbledegook!

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Funnily enough the only club who are actually giving 1 years notice.
I dont see what ‘trap’ they could spring as I assume clubs admitted to the EOSL are not going to attend the sjfa agm.
As has already been said theres no way any club can be forced to give 1 years notice and even if there was they could play in both.

Only because that’s what suits them though.
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19 minutes ago, archieb said:

The SJFA constitution is a clumsily written document and contains several glaring errors such as "county" above and the ambiguous "transfer" rule, which is virtually unintelligible (it refers to transferring a club between 2 Regions, so which of them is the "Region interested" that has to give consent? And which is the "Region for which it is transferred"? Gobbledegook!

Agreed. Even as a rule for controlling movement of clubs between regions it is poorly written. Imagine a club gives notice in January, would they start their fixtures in the new region in the following January?

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I am wondering if it is a shot across the bows of any clubs wanting to leave next season. I wonder if there will a new rule written in this year. If I was running a west club and was thinking of leaving I would be immediately resigning and work with other like minded clubs to make sure a working west league is in place for 19/20.

It is very poor form for the SJFA to be thinking along these lines and it’s time for clubs to move away from an association who threatens there members.

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3 hours ago, lithgierose said:

Our sjfa delegate,who was for the rose to move.was asked the question on monday night regarding.can a club be fined for leaving.one word answer,NO!!.and I do believe Les Donaldson knows his onions regarding junior football rules and regulations.case closed.

The same mr donaldson stood up and tried to put clubs off moving in inverkeithing not long ago ..and he knows his onions ...or maybe not .. 


The year notice is a load off bull .

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5 hours ago, Stag Nation said:

Even if the 12 months' notice is applicable, what can the SJFA do about it in practice? I suppose they could go to court and seek an injunction (interdict in Scotland?), but that would be risking a lot of their funds in legal fees. And if they won there would inevitably be appeals, with escalating costs.

It's a bit like an employee walking out without notice: even if you could force him to stay you don't want the disgruntled b*stard around the place for the next month poisoning the atmosphere.


3 hours ago, lithgierose said:

Our sjfa delegate,who was for the rose to move.was asked the question on monday night regarding.can a club be fined for leaving.one word answer,NO!!.and I do believe Les Donaldson knows his onions regarding junior football rules and regulations.case closed.

This is coming up a lot, and there is one potentially scary possibility.

If the SJFA protest to the SFA, the SFA could require the clubs to honour their obligations to their association and tell them they couldn't move to the EoSFL until 19/20.

I think it's highly unlikely for a number of reasons, but it is possible.

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15 minutes ago, FairWeatherFan said:


I look forward to those who said not all the applicants would be admitted coming on here to say that they were wrong, that their opinion was baseless and their judgement not worth listening to.

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2 minutes ago, GordonS said:

If the SJFA protest to the SFA, the SFA could require the clubs to honour their obligations to their association and tell them they couldn't move to the EoSFL until 19/20.

I think it's highly unlikely for a number of reasons, but it is possible.

If they did that after never having made a fuss in the past (Kelty/Northern Juniors), it'll just rip the SFA apart.

1 minute ago, GordonS said:

I look forward to those who said not all the applicants would be admitted coming on here to say that they were wrong, that their opinion was baseless and their judgement not worth listening to.

You'll be waiting a while :)

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7 minutes ago, GordonS said:

I look forward to those who said not all the applicants would be admitted coming on here to say that they were wrong, that their opinion was baseless and their judgement not worth listening to.





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7 minutes ago, GordonS said:

I look forward to those who said not all the applicants would be admitted coming on here to say that they were wrong, that their opinion was baseless and their judgement not worth listening to.

One of a huge number of lies told so far.  League numbers capped at 32 (or whatever it was).  Quite entertaining to see which lie people move onto once one has been disproven.  The whole of the East Juniors promised a place in the pyramid with the organisation and leagues intact, EoS capped at a certain number of clubs, junior clubs have to give a year's notice to leave and others I've probably missed.

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2 minutes ago, stanley said:

One of a huge number of lies told so far.  League numbers capped at 32 (or whatever it was).  Quite entertaining to see which lie people move onto once one has been disproven.  The whole of the East Juniors promised a place in the pyramid with the organisation and leagues intact, EoS capped at a certain number of clubs, junior clubs have to give a year's notice to leave and others I've probably missed.

I found it insane when the 32 clubs cap popped up again today.

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