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18 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Got a member of management messaging me every 10 minutes asking for an update on what I’m doing as I’m working from home.

This is going to be a long day.

Reply - "Replying to your messages asking what I'm doing. What are you doing?"

Catch the dumb c**t in an infinite loop.

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Got a member of management messaging me every 10 minutes asking for an update on what I’m doing as I’m working from home.

This is going to be a long day.

We had a piece of work to do following some exam results being released on Monday. The guy contacted our team five different times throughout Tuesday, each time cc’ing in someone more senior. He was asking for the world having the spreadsheet formatted the way he requested, easily a 10 hour job for one person. Just don’t think that these people understand that by continually pestering, it isn’t going to make me work any harder, more than likely the opposite tbh.
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We had a piece of work to do following some exam results being released on Monday. The guy contacted our team five different times throughout Tuesday, each time cc’ing in someone more senior. He was asking for the world having the spreadsheet formatted the way he requested, easily a 10 hour job for one person. Just don’t think that these people understand that by continually pestering, it isn’t going to make me work any harder, more than likely the opposite tbh.

I’ve slowed my rate of work right down just for the constant pestering.
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I work for a life insurance company and we deal with the first contact from clients, so unless we redirect the mail to our home, we have to be in the office. We started a job share at the start of the lockdown so I'm only in every second working day. I'm sharing the days with a woman who irritates the f**k out of me, so I'm actually enjoying going in, knowing she won't be there. I'm also finishing earlier since we've been told we can go once that day's mail has been processed. The latest I've been away has been 3 o'clock. And they've switched off the parking meters in Glasgow which means I can drive to work. I'm really going to miss it when everything gets back to normal.

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10 minutes ago, microdave said:

I work for a life insurance company and we deal with the first contact from clients, so unless we redirect the mail to our home, we have to be in the office. We started a job share at the start of the lockdown so I'm only in every second working day. I'm sharing the days with a woman who irritates the f**k out of me, so I'm actually enjoying going in, knowing she won't be there. I'm also finishing earlier since we've been told we can go once that day's mail has been processed. The latest I've been away has been 3 o'clock. And they've switched off the parking meters in Glasgow which means I can drive to work. I'm really going to miss it when everything gets back to normal.

Life Insurance..

Hi there Mr Dave, I'd like to take out a policy please.

Name...it's conner, Frank conner

Full cover please

Thank You x


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I work for a life insurance company and we deal with the first contact from clients, so unless we redirect the mail to our home, we have to be in the office. We started a job share at the start of the lockdown so I'm only in every second working day. I'm sharing the days with a woman who irritates the f**k out of me, so I'm actually enjoying going in, knowing she won't be there. I'm also finishing earlier since we've been told we can go once that day's mail has been processed. The latest I've been away has been 3 o'clock. And they've switched off the parking meters in Glasgow which means I can drive to work. I'm really going to miss it when everything gets back to normal.

I’m in home insurance and I’m working from home. Quite surreal arguing with a customer whilst in your pyjamas and lying in bed.
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We had a piece of work to do following some exam results being released on Monday. The guy contacted our team five different times throughout Tuesday, each time cc’ing in someone more senior. He was asking for the world having the spreadsheet formatted the way he requested, easily a 10 hour job for one person. Just don’t think that these people understand that by continually pestering, it isn’t going to make me work any harder, more than likely the opposite tbh.

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, it's entirely possible he's getting messages every five minutes from the tosspot he's cc'ing in..."Oi, cunto! Where that spreadsheet, you useless walloper?"

Either that, or he's just a micromanaging arsehole, and you should murder him forthwith. We'll give you an alibi.
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On 18/04/2020 at 14:08, Adam said:


We had a piece of work to do following some exam results being released on Monday. The guy contacted our team five different times throughout Tuesday, each time cc’ing in someone more senior. He was asking for the world having the spreadsheet formatted the way he requested, easily a 10 hour job for one person. Just don’t think that these people understand that by continually pestering, it isn’t going to make me work any harder, more than likely the opposite tbh.


Lockdown is hard for people whose job it is to go to lunch and send emails in between.

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4 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Lockdown is hard for people whose job it is to go to lunch and send emails in between.

It’s funny when you see email wars at work, my boss is really bad for this.

One ended up with another departments boss telling him that he was lying with a severe telt after he cc’d half the company when a part went out of stock.

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17 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Lockdown is hard for people whose job it is to go to lunch and send emails in between.

I'm seeing that just now with our lot - the ones that seem to be struggling the worst are that tier of middle management whose working lives are structured round an endless series of meetings, emails and networking...which is essentially what you start calling talking to your pals once you get promoted to a certain level.

We've got one who is currently reduced to C&Ping and sending out the content of emails that everyone has already received once from the top management just to be seen to be doing something.

Edited by Hillonearth
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Back to work after being shut down for three weeks. Hardly any customers to pester.me  due to covid 19 restrictions and the annoying upper management bassas in the office have been sent home for another 3 weeks.  Just us good guys cutting about now.  I could get used to this.

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On 20/04/2020 at 09:17, Hillonearth said:

I'm seeing that just now with our lot - the ones that seem to be struggling the worst are that tier of middle management whose working lives are structured round an endless series of meetings, emails and networking...which is essentially what you start calling talking to your pals once you get promoted to a certain level.

We've got one who is currently reduced to C&Ping and sending out the content of emails that everyone has already received once from the top management just to be seen to be doing something.

That's half my work management/bum lickers anyway. Get the same email 4 times each with the email chain deleted so they look good/busy

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My job requires me to travel between Scotland and Belgium a lot. When the lockdown started over here I was given the choice to work from home in either country, and I chose to remain in Belgium. 
We had a conference call on Friday, with the CEO just going through how the Coronavirus is effecting the company, with one of the points he made that no one will be expected to do any international travel anytime soon.
Under normal circumstances I would be working in Scotland this week but obviously not right now. Straight after the call, I got an email from another senior colleague who was on the same call informing me that the Eurostar is still running and that I should contact the travel department to arrange my train journey back to Scotland.

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My job requires me to travel between Scotland and Belgium a lot. When the lockdown started over here I was given the choice to work from home in either country, and I chose to remain in Belgium. 
We had a conference call on Friday, with the CEO just going through how the Coronavirus is effecting the company, with one of the points he made that no one will be expected to do any international travel anytime soon.
Under normal circumstances I would be working in Scotland this week but obviously not right now. Straight after the call, I got an email from another senior colleague who was on the same call informing me that the Eurostar is still running and that I should contact the travel department to arrange my train journey back to Scotland.
Easy solution mate.
Point out Eurostar does not go to Scotland [emoji6]
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We've got somebody relatively new and fairly junior that was given a side project to do in relation to the graduated return to office working plan. Unfortunately that wee bit of responsibility has gone to his head and he's sending out emails to all and sundry along the lines of "You WILL do X and Y", and berating those that don't ask "how high?" when he asks/tells them to jump.

It'll end badly I've no doubt but for the moment the high-ups are humouring him, mainly because it's a laugh. One of them told me it's a bit like your dog walking into the living room and telling you it's time for YOUR dinner.

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6 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

We've got somebody relatively new and fairly junior that was given a side project to do in relation to the graduated return to office working plan. Unfortunately that wee bit of responsibility has gone to his head and he's sending out emails to all and sundry along the lines of "You WILL do X and Y", and berating those that don't ask "how high?" when he asks/tells them to jump.

It'll end badly I've no doubt but for the moment the high-ups are humouring him, mainly because it's a laugh. One of them told me it's a bit like your dog walking into the living room and telling you it's time for YOUR dinner.

These types are generally best dealt with by waiting until their own loud opinion directly contradicts a company policy, or even better, a HSE/legal guideline that they invariably haven't bothered to read.

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We’ve got a smelly guy at work, he’s beyond vile, if taken to a Vet id imagine he’d be put down instantly. Lives off coffee and fags, and in the last year has decided to grown this abomination of a pony tail which I’d imagine absorbs the stale smell of smoke. He used to just stink of coffee and fags, which is bad enough, but BO and staleness has crept in. He came into our office the other day and my boss, who’s the same level as this guy, told him bluntly to f**k off until such time as he’s had a shower and cleaned his teeth. There’s no shaming these people.

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