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20 hours ago, Buzz Killington said:

I may have posted similar before but never , ever tell a collegue you can do anything other than sums on Excel.  

I used a keyboard shortcut in Excel and I am now the "Excel guy" at work.

I know how to do subtraction too. 

The Office Darts Team are always asking for my help.

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1 hour ago, Jives Miguel said:

Excel I use fairly regularly. For yer standard affair of vLookups, pivot tables, IF statements, LEFT, RIGHT etc etc.


Its not difficult, there is literally an insert function button that explains what they all do, and near enough holds your hand through completing each step. Maybe the problem is the absence of knowledge that these tools and formulas/functions actually exist, but beyond that anyone should be able to teach themselves without anymore aid than a 5 minute YouTube video.

I’d definitely describe myself as borderline useless with excel but the basics are easy to learn and the stuff you mention I can just about manage when I have the time to go through it. Not sure how anyone could survive in finance without being able to do the bare minimum that I can do.

Edited by Ross.
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3 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

"Hi" teams messages are absolutely ignored until there is a follow up message stating what it is they want.

"Hi" without your name appearing next is the sure sign of someone who's about to have a go at you about something, justfied or othwrwise. 

Best left ignored. If it's urgent they can call. 

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5 hours ago, Ross. said:

I’d definitely describe myself as borderline useless with excel but the basics are easy to learn and the stuff you mention I can just about manage when I have the time to go through it. Not sure how anyone could survive in finance without being able to do the bare minimum that I can do.

Maybe they use other applications.

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6 hours ago, Jives Miguel said:

Excel I use fairly regularly. For yer standard affair of vLookups, pivot tables, IF statements, LEFT, RIGHT etc etc.


Its not difficult, there is literally an insert function button that explains what they all do, and near enough holds your hand through completing each step. Maybe the problem is the absence of knowledge that these tools and formulas/functions actually exist, but beyond that anyone should be able to teach themselves without anymore aid than a 5 minute YouTube video.

This is about my level of Excel usage. Though I did think outside the box, used my basic Excel knowledge to complete an XML table, with thousands of entries, in around two hours. It had been estimated that the work would take at least a week, so when I did it that quick, they thought I was the mutts nuts.

Been make a living off that 'wizardry' for the last four years.

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I became my department's Excel Guy when the former Excel Guy left, his holiday sheet broke, and I was his mate.

15 minutes ago, SomersetBairn said:

This is about my level of Excel usage. Though I did think outside the box, used my basic Excel knowledge to complete an XML table, with thousands of entries, in around two hours. It had been estimated that the work would take at least a week, so when I did it that quick, they thought I was the mutts nuts.

Been make a living off that 'wizardry' for the last four years.

Twenty odd years of such wizardry across two continents. If it wasn't for Excel I'd be on the dole.

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7 minutes ago, mathematics said:

Bane of my life as I’ll forget every time, EVERY FUCKING TIME, that the lookup data needs to be in alphabetical order.

Cheeky wee OFFSET & MATCH gets you round that.

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Not the biggest news ever, but David (aka The Prof) has started his phased retirement. From February he will be working just 3 days a week.

Then, a year later, 2 days...then 1...then no longer a P& B favourite

Basically he is pissed off. When he came to us the management promised him loads of stuff, not least that he would be leading a team that, he later found, doesn't exist. He was saddled with terrible students, in huge numbers. He lives in Manchester but bought a flat here to stay in a couple of nights a week. The commute is getting to him, and he could sell the flat and make a few bob.

Just had enough.

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10 hours ago, BFTD said:

"Hi" is the kind of message you get on WhatsApp from scammers to see if your number's active. I'm perplexed as to why somebody would do this on a work instant messaging service, so I'd be ignoring it too.

If they complain that you never responded, you can say that you thought they must be a Ukrainian model looking for someone to marry, if only they could find someone willing to buy them a plane ticket, and you didn't think your wife would approve.

I send "hi" because on normal email programs the return key starts a new line and doesn't just send the first one. 

I will generally send the rest of the message though, but it might be a minute or two. 

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56 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Not the biggest news ever, but David (aka The Prof) has started his phased retirement. From February he will be working just 3 days a week.

Then, a year later, 2 days...then 1...then no longer a P& B favourite

Basically he is pissed off. When he came to us the management promised him loads of stuff, not least that he would be leading a team that, he later found, doesn't exist. He was saddled with terrible students, in huge numbers. He lives in Manchester but bought a flat here to stay in a couple of nights a week. The commute is getting to him, and he could sell the flat and make a few bob.

Just had enough.

Working 3 days a week- so he's upped his contribution then? 

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