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Star Trek Discovery


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For me the episodic approach is best.  Each episode a different story all wrapped up by the end.  Maybe an underlying story arc but enough of a fix with one episode on its own.

One of the better Discovery episodes was with Harry Mudd and the time loop thing.  Can be enjoyed almost in isolation to all the other episodes.

By comparison one episode stretched into ten is like a badly chaired meeting that goes on longer than it should.  You wish weren't there.

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1 minute ago, Fullerene said:

For me the episodic approach is best.  Each episode a different story all wrapped up by the end.  Maybe an underlying story arc but enough of a fix with one episode on its own.

One of the better Discovery episodes was with Harry Mudd and the time loop thing.  Can be enjoyed almost in isolation to all the other episodes.

By comparison one episode stretched into ten is like a badly chaired meeting that goes on longer than it should.  You wish weren't there.

...except they turned a comedy character into a psychopath.

I get what you are saying, but serialised stories worked well in DS9 and Enterprise.

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12 hours ago, scottsdad said:

...except they turned a comedy character into a psychopath.

I get what you are saying, but serialised stories worked well in DS9 and Enterprise.

Ds9 doing it with the dominion war did it well because every so often there would be a normal stand alone episode that had barely anything to do with the big plotline, but still was written well enough to use the plotline and reference it

And sometimes they just downright left out the big plot lol

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I asked ChatGPT to write an episode of discovery 😃

Mystery solved as to the writing standard!


Title: "Echoes of the Ancients"

Act 1:

[Scene: USS Discovery bridge. Captain Saru stands at the center, overseeing operations.]

Captain Saru: (addressing the crew) Set course for the Kaelon system. Lieutenant Detmer, engage at warp six.

Lieutenant Detmer: Aye, Captain. Warp six, engaged.

[The Discovery jumps to warp.]

[Scene: Science lab. Commander Stamets and Lieutenant Commander Tilly are analyzing data.]

Commander Stamets: This anomaly we've detected—it's unlike anything we've encountered before.

Lt. Cmdr. Tilly: It appears to be emitting an energy signature similar to that of the ancient Iconian technology.

Commander Stamets: Iconian? That's impossible. Their civilization disappeared millennia ago.

Lt. Cmdr. Tilly: Agreed, but the data doesn't lie. We need to investigate further.

[Scene: Engineering. Lieutenant Commander Reno and Ensign Owosekun are working on modifications to the ship's systems.]

Lt. Cmdr. Reno: If we're going to approach that anomaly, we'll need to reinforce the shields and boost power to the deflector array.

Ensign Owosekun: Aye, Commander. I'll get right on it.

Act 2:

[Scene: The Discovery approaches the anomaly in the Kaelon system. The crew is on high alert.]

Captain Saru: Red alert. All hands, prepare for possible confrontation.

[The anomaly emits a burst of energy, causing the ship's systems to falter momentarily.]

Lt. Cmdr. Stamets: Shields holding, but we're being pushed off course!

[The Discovery struggles against the anomaly's energy field.]

Ensign Tilly: Captain, we're losing power to the engines!

Captain Saru: Detmer, get us out of here!

[The Discovery manages to break free from the anomaly's grasp, but sustains damage in the process.]

Captain Saru: Damage report.

Lt. Cmdr. Reno: Main power is offline. We're running on emergency backups.

Captain Saru: Tilly, Stamets, I want a full analysis of that anomaly. We need to find a way to neutralize it before it poses a threat to this sector.

Act 3:

[Scene: Science lab. Tilly and Stamets pore over data collected from the anomaly.]

Lt. Cmdr. Tilly: It's almost as if the anomaly is responding to our presence, as if it's alive.

Commander Stamets: Fascinating. If we can establish a communication link, we might be able to learn more about its origins and intentions.

[They continue their analysis, trying to decipher the anomaly's signals.]

[Scene: Engineering. Reno and Owosekun work to repair the damage sustained during the encounter.]

Ensign Owosekun: Commander, I'm detecting a subspace transmission originating from the anomaly.

Lt. Cmdr. Reno: Can you isolate the signal?

Ensign Owosekun: I'm trying, but it's highly encrypted. It'll take some time to crack it.

Act 4:

[Scene: Bridge. Saru receives an update from the science lab.]

Captain Saru: Tilly, report.

Lt. Cmdr. Tilly: Captain, we've made some progress in deciphering the anomaly's signals. It appears to be trying to communicate with us.

Captain Saru: Can you establish a link?

Lt. Cmdr. Tilly: Not yet, but we're getting closer.

[The bridge suddenly shakes as the anomaly emits another burst of energy.]

Lt. Detmer: Captain, the anomaly is destabilizing!

Captain Saru: All hands, brace for impact!

[The Discovery is engulfed by the anomaly's energy, and everything goes dark.]

Act 5:

[Scene: Main engineering. The crew works frantically to restore power.]

Lt. Cmdr. Reno: We need to reroute auxiliary power to the main systems.

Ensign Owosekun: I'm trying, but the energy fluctuations are making it difficult to stabilize.

[The lights flicker back on as power is restored.]

Captain Saru: Status report.

Lt. Cmdr. Reno: Main power restored, Captain. We're back online.

Captain Saru: Helm, get us out of here before that anomaly destabilizes further.

[The Discovery manages to escape the anomaly's influence and jumps to warp.]

Act 6:

[Scene: Captain's ready room. Saru meets with Tilly and Stamets.]

Captain Saru: Your efforts in analyzing the anomaly were commendable, but we still have many unanswered questions.

Lt. Cmdr. Tilly: We were able to establish a brief communication link before the anomaly destabilized. It seemed to be trying to convey a message, but we couldn't decipher it in time.

Commander Stamets: Whatever it is, it's unlike anything we've encountered before. We need to remain vigilant as we continue our journey.

Captain Saru: Agreed. Until we have more answers, we'll proceed with caution. Dismissed.

[As Tilly and Stamets leave, Saru reflects on the mysterious encounter, knowing that the echoes of the ancient anomaly will continue to linger in their minds as they explore the depths of space.]

[End credits.]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest episode was OK. Time loops always go well, and focusing on the new character was a bonus. More action, less introspection and ripping off pish. 

I expect normal service to resume next week.

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Long story short this week - the Discovery straps on a pair of Gape Gloves and holds the orifice open wide enough for a big object to pass through. 

The storyline of the series moved along about half an inch. 

They spent 5 minutes smashing up the Strange New Worlds sets. 

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I just watched S5 Ep1 last night, and I have a question (not just why I was watching).

Burnham is standing on top of the fleeing spaceship, trying to break the engines. There are 2 Federation ships hanging around really closely too, which are able to beam her up.

Why don't they beam her inside the fleeing ship, where she can do much more damage? Or is that too simplistic?

Edited by Boghead ranter
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6 hours ago, Boghead ranter said:

I just watched S5 Ep1 last night, and I have a question (not just why I was watching).

Burnham is standing on top of the fleeing spaceship, trying to break the engines. There are 2 Federation ships hanging around really closely too, which are able to beam her up.

Why don't they beam her inside the fleeing ship, where she can do much more damage? Or is that too simplistic?

They would never hear the end of it.

"What are you doing?  This was my plan.  You need to believe in me.  Did I ask you to beam me inside the ship?  Did I?  Did I?"

Golden rule.  Michael decides everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

In the writer's room, someone must have piped up "You know what we need? We need a detailed examination of Michael's psyche! Let's have half the episode set in her brain where she examines her own mind"

That half was abysmal. On the other half, just sad that the Breen didn't take the chance to turn them into dust. 

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Of course..what we needed was a tearful Michael getting in touch with her feelings, and naturally solving the clue in the process! Noticing that, as this Season progresses, its Michael (who else) who starts to solve the clues pretty much by herself.

Surely the finale is leading up to a tearful group hug, while they all express their inner emotions prior to Michael saving the day 

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Why do they beam everywhere, like from room to room?

What happened to the Ginger conn officer?

Could anybody care less about Saroo's wedding?

This week was...ok, which by Discovery standards is fantastic.

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...and there it is.Michael stops mid-dangerous mission, for a chat with Book, about her 'feelings' and getting in touch with herself.

Then she inevitably gets fired into the Founders Machine...to no doubt have a chat about feelings with Moll, before saving the day.

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1 hour ago, Jedi2 said:

...and there it is.Michael stops mid-dangerous mission, for a chat with Book, about her 'feelings' and getting in touch with herself.

Then she inevitably gets fired into the Founders Machine...to no doubt have a chat about feelings with Moll, before saving the day.

Every week I read a post about this week's episode, and struggle to actually watch it.

Up until now, I've ploughed on out of habit, but based on @Jedi2's post above, I reckon this is the week I fire this show into the bin.

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21 hours ago, Boghead ranter said:

Every week I read a post about this week's episode, and struggle to actually watch it.

Up until now, I've ploughed on out of habit, but based on @Jedi2's post above, I reckon this is the week I fire this show into the bin.

Nah, only one more episode to go after this one and then your suffering is all over, might as well complete it!!!

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Think it's telling that when I had a month's trial of Paramount Plus I binged SNW and watched about 2 and a half episodes of Discovery before looking at what else PP had on offer. Final episode better be Michael waking up from a dream and she's still court martialled. Only way it makes sense for every single little thing to be about her.

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