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c***s on the road

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20 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

Somebody once followed me in a road rage 

They changed their mind when I parked outside a Police station and skedaddled 

Silly thing to die for/cause somebody to lose their life

Imagine being that much of a seething mess that you'd chase someone because they done something stupid whilst driving.

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Happened to my old man once. He quite rightly beeped his horn at a silly c**t who cut a corner and Just missed my dad's motor. The idiot did a u-turn and followed us, and my dad had to pull over and listen to the c**t threatening him. My dad just laughed at him. The next day at work, I served a policeman in his uniform. It was the same idiot that threatened my auld man.

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17 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

Related story. Working on Tiree with a couple of colleagues, we went to one of the two pubs on the island for tea and a drink after work. Being responsible citizens, one of the guys said he'd drive and not drink, although in the end he had one pint with his food while me and the other guy had 2 or 3.

The friendly barman advised us that the local policeman was off duty in the bar, just in case we had planned to have more drinks and drive back. Knowing that even one pint would likely put him over the limit, the workmate decided to not risk it and we all resigned ourselves to walking the 4 or 5 miles back to the house.

After 15 minutes walking a car pulled over and a local offered us a lift, which we gladly accepted. It immediately become clear once in the car that he was completely sozzled and reeking of spirits, and a few times we had to remind him to keep his eyes on the road as he kept being distracted talking to us. At one point he veered off the road onto the soft verge, which he seemed to find hilarious.

In short, our responsible and cautious approach to drink driving certainly was not shared by this local gentleman.

In Turin years ago at a conference, and I was sat in a group. There was this older professor there who was a great guy. The meal came and served with various drinks, and he told us all the order in which to drink them. "Always go up in alcohol level, never down". He was a local so we were happy to follow his lead in the food and drink stakes.  So, as the meal went by I was getting utterly, utterly pished. Barely able to talk by the end of the meal. So much booze. 

The next morning, I realised two things. This old professor was matching us drink for drink; and he drove us all back to our hotel in his car. Quite how he managed, I'll never know. 

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I hate when pedestrians push the button at traffic lights without thinking even if there is hardly any traffic on the road before promptly walking across the road leaving the approaching driver to wait at red light with no-one there. 

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6 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

I hate when pedestrians push the button at traffic lights without thinking even if there is hardly any traffic on the road before promptly walking across the road leaving the approaching driver to wait at red light with no-one there. 

Even worse, was in Aviemore yesterday, it was pretty busy, went to cross the road at the crossing at Tesco and stood in the crowd waiting to cross (about 10 people when I turned up) and noticed that it seemed like ages for the crossing to change. Turns out the stupid middle aged woman that was standing right in front of the button blocking it just hadn't pressed the button despite it being heaving.

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15 minutes ago, 2426255 said:

I hate when pedestrians push the button at traffic lights without thinking even if there is hardly any traffic on the road before promptly walking across the road leaving the approaching driver to wait at red light with no-one there. 

I used to push them as i was walking past, with no intention of crossing. Girfuy

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

I used to push them as i was walking past, with no intention of crossing. Girfuy

That's different to what I'm talking about. It's the dumplings that are doing it lazily without thinking about it that bother me. It's a subtle difference - you're making a choice, they're being stupid.

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4 hours ago, 2426255 said:

I hate when pedestrians push the button at traffic lights without thinking even if there is hardly any traffic on the road before promptly walking across the road leaving the approaching driver to wait at red light with no-one there. 

Or, if there is traffic, so you press the button but the lights take so long to change that the traffic clears, so you cross. You walk away from the crossing and you're almost 50m away from it before the lights change, by which time the traffic is busy again, but there's now no one needing to cross.

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On crossing the road, I remember being in Copenhagen and approaching a very empty road. There was an old woman waiting at the crossing. I got there, looked both ways, saw no cars at all, and started crossing over.

This old wife started screaming abuse at me in Danish. It was like I had kicked a puppy into an electric fan, the way she was going on. I just shrugged and kept going, whilst she waited for permission from the green man.

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15 hours ago, Newbornbairn said:

I lived on Arran for a while and worked as a farmhand.  Every year there was a particularly big livestock auction in Brodick which most of the farmers attended. I went through with the boss having been explicitly told by his wife that if he had a drink, I was to drive him home. Well after the market, all the farmers retired to a nearby hotel and the drinking started - led by the local bank manager whose bank had sponsored many of the trophies handed out that day. This led to a big silver trophy being filled with 6 bottles of whisky then passed around the room until it was empty, re-filled and passed around again. Man, I've never seen drinking like it and I was in the Navy! A few hours later, with me being reasonably sober and certainly the most sober one there, we got in the Subaru pickup with my boss and some of his mates. By some I mean we had 4 or 5 in the back of the pickup with two sheepdogs and 3 of us in the front. He'd promised to take these guys back to their wives so off we set in a groaning Subaru. At each farm we had to go in and have "one for the road" before setting off again and it was deemed rude if I refused. I honestly don't remember much of the drive back apart from being amazed at how much puke sheepdogs can eat. 


Possibly the best ever last line of a post.

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18 hours ago, Soapy FFC said:

Or, if there is traffic, so you press the button but the lights take so long to change that the traffic clears, so you cross. You walk away from the crossing and you're almost 50m away from it before the lights change, by which time the traffic is busy again, but there's now no one needing to cross.

Run back then - shame to waste the opportunity.  

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23 hours ago, 2426255 said:

I hate when pedestrians push the button at traffic lights without thinking even if there is hardly any traffic on the road before promptly walking across the road leaving the approaching driver to wait at red light with no-one there. 

That's the fault of traffic engineers as push buttons at traffic lights should be almost instant rather to avoid that, rather than prioritising cars hundreds of metres away.

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56 minutes ago, Ginaro said:

That's the fault of traffic engineers as push buttons at traffic lights should be almost instant rather to avoid that, rather than prioritising cars hundreds of metres away.

The chaos it would cause if all crossings become instantly red when a pedestrian press the button, heaven forbid someone has to wait 30 seconds...

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