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On 06/11/2017 at 11:02, NewBallsPlease said:

I’m surprised there’s any defence of the suggestion that knowledge of the Laws of the Game is poor to be honest.

How often do you hear ‘last man’? ‘He lifted his hands, he’s got to go’ etc?

there's a difference between knowing the laws of the game as a player and trying to influence the referee's decision making. 


I know very well the laws of the game, but I ask for everything on the park when I play.. I shout for things that aren't fouls, as a player I try to sway as much and as many decision in my teams favour as possible. 


Saying that, I do agree that the general understanding of the laws is low. It's no surprise, the only people who actually have the laws explained to them are referees. At no point does a player ever have the laws of the game given to them, nor are players asked to read them, understand them or learn them. Players enter the game and the same flawed understanding of the laws are passed down from coach to player. 


Not to mention, referee's are annually updated on the amendments to the laws too - how many teams/coaches are aware of season to season changes? Very few IMO. 


FWIW - the full laws are available on PDF on the FIFA website for anyone who wants to take a bit of responsibility and read them. 





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I agree with everything you say Dougie. The only point I’d add is that referees that pay their dues are updated annually, not just everyone that’s ever done a course. Then there’s those that don’t bother reading the amendments or just can’t be arsed learning how to apply them properly.

To clarify. There are some very good referees in amateur football, guys that take pride in it and work hard on it. These guys still and will always make mistakes. Those guys/girls aren’t the problem though.

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2 hours ago, NewBallsPlease said:

I agree with everything you say Dougie. The only point I’d add is that referees that pay their dues are updated annually, not just everyone that’s ever done a course. Then there’s those that don’t bother reading the amendments or just can’t be arsed learning how to apply them properly.

To clarify. There are some very good referees in amateur football, guys that take pride in it and work hard on it. These guys still and will always make mistakes. Those guys/girls aren’t the problem though.

yeah, agree.


There are good and bad. I must admit, since doing the refs course - when it comes to the actual decisions - referee's aren't as bad as I thought tbh. 


The bad refs for me are the ones which have a personality that would piss the pope off. I'd an incident the other week where the mere brass neck of asking this referee a question had you threatened with a red card and being sent from the side of the pitch. A truly abhorrent attitude to both sets of players and sides... in a game where there wasn't a bad tackle between the players. The ref's had no big decisions to make during the game and wasn't a factor in the eventual result - but his attitude was shocking. I spoke to the league about him, I even told the referee I was going to report him - and of course, I was threatened with a red card for saying that to him too. 


The positive flip side of that is the referee (who will probably do no better when it comes to decisions than the arsehole type referee) - but instead of being a dick, you can hear him talking to players, making calls early and clear whilst the game is ongoing.. helping the match flow. 

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On Monday, November 06, 2017 at 12:15, NewBallsPlease said:


I agree mate. In my opinion there are many, many, referees who don’t know the laws of the game well enough to apply them correctly let alone consistently.

I’m not suggesting that ignorance of the laws is limited to players/coaches.


What about the refs who buckle to the big teams and seem to forget the rules of fitba!

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