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What's the most "Tin Pot" thing you've seen in the SPFL

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What's almost as weird as the club itself, is that you don't see large numbers of Rangers fans acknowledging how cringe it all is. 

Theres no way they are all mad royalist weirdos, but one thing that seems to me to be a very common theme with arse cheek fans is that they will never criticise the club. Players and managers sure, but its pure siege mentality when it comes to the clubs themselves 

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3 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

Such a fucking desperate club man. Even if i was against independence Id say yes just to see the complete heads gone from some of their support.

Raises more questions than answers.

Who got the "honour" of swapping the photos and choosing this photo?

Was it discussed at a board meeting to decide?

Did they wait a certain amount of time to account for a dignified mourning period?

What happened to the old photo? Did wee GvB take it with him on his last day?

Bizarre, bizarre club 

They’re proud to be bootlickers essentially

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13 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

Weird as f**k that, bunch of narcissistic weirdos intent of telling everyone what that have done just in case anyone forgets how British they are or just how many trophies they have won… toe curling


An enigma machine would be handy...

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On 10/12/2022 at 15:16, Bairnardo said:

What's almost as weird as the club itself, is that you don't see large numbers of Rangers fans acknowledging how cringe it all is. 

Theres no way they are all mad royalist weirdos, but one thing that seems to me to be a very common theme with arse cheek fans is that they will never criticise the club. Players and managers sure, but its pure siege mentality when it comes to the clubs themselves 

This overlooks how weird you'd have to be to be a Rangers fan in the 21st century to begin with.

We'll all have mates/acquaintances/colleagues/family etc who support Rangers. We normalise them to a degree. But it's important to keep in mind that every single time you meet a Rangers fan, you are dealing with someone who is one of two things.

1) An out-and-out bigot.

2) Someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry and to simply shut their eyes and ears to the fact that it is at the very core of the club they like to watch winning trophies.

You simply can't be a 'normal' person and a Rangers fan in the 21st century. To a man they are wrong'uns. Going along with utter weirdo pish like a picture of someone born to be your better pinned to a fitba dressing room isn't really that much of a mental leap for them.

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4 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

1) An out-and-out bigot.

2) Someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry and to simply shut their eyes and ears to the fact that it is at the very core of the club they like to watch winning trophies.


...pretty much this. The 'SS' of Scottish football or the 'Lithuanian Guards' of Scottish Football; either way, it's all pretty bad.

The older I get the less I'm able to understand my Rangers supporting mates...especially those of a particular political persuasion. I mean...HOW, ffs...

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40 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

This overlooks how weird you'd have to be to be a Rangers fan in the 21st century to begin with.

We'll all have mates/acquaintances/colleagues/family etc who support Rangers. We normalise them to a degree. But it's important to keep in mind that every single time you meet a Rangers fan, you are dealing with someone who is one of two things.

1) An out-and-out bigot.

2) Someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry and to simply shut their eyes and ears to the fact that it is at the very core of the club they like to watch winning trophies.

You simply can't be a 'normal' person and a Rangers fan in the 21st century. To a man they are wrong'uns. Going along with utter weirdo pish like a picture of someone born to be your better pinned to a fitba dressing room isn't really that much of a mental leap for them.


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1 hour ago, VincentGuerin said:

1) An out-and-out bigot.

2) Someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry and to simply shut their eyes and ears to the fact that it is at the very core of the club they like to watch winning trophies.

I always find it weird when people say "decent Rangers fans" - there's no such thing. They're either spouting sectarian bile, or actively supporting an organisation that encourages it.

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I find it odd that someone would judge a person based on the team they support, categorising them as "either an out-and-out bigot or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry" when they themselves, by their own admission, are happy to be surrounded by mates/acquaintances/colleagues/family etc who they believe to be "out-and-out bigots or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry".

If you truly believe all Rangers fans are "either out-and-out bigots or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry" then surrounding yourself with these people surely removes any pedestal you think you are on?

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4 minutes ago, AJF said:

I find it odd that someone would judge a person based on the team they support, categorising them as "either an out-and-out bigot or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry" when they themselves, by their own admission, are happy to be surrounded by mates/acquaintances/colleagues/family etc who they believe to be "out-and-out bigots or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry".

If you truly believe all Rangers fans are "either out-and-out bigots or someone who is happy to be surrounded by bigotry" then surrounding yourself with these people surely removes any pedestal you think you are on?

I can't choose who my relatives marry. I can't choose who I work with. I can't choose what fitba team people I went to school with choose to support.

In any of these situations, just blanking someone would have an obvious negative impact on my life and would make life difficult for other people around me. You're going for the argument of 'you moan about global warming but you drive a car'. It's a load of shite.

What I do have a choice about is what team I support. You, for reasons we can only speculate about, have chosen to support a fitba club that basically defines itself by bigotry and whose supporters tick every wrong'un box going.

I think this speaks volumes about you. As a kid maybe we just follow family or mates etc. But you're an adult who chooses to be a Rangers fan. Therefore, you are either a bigot or someone cool with being around a fitba club that is built on it. Either way, it doesn't speak well of you.

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12 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

I can't choose who my relatives marry. I can't choose who I work with. I can't choose what fitba team people I went to school with choose to support.

In any of these situations, just blanking someone would have an obvious negative impact on my life and would make life difficult for other people around me. You're going for the argument of 'you moan about global warming but you drive a car'. It's a load of shite.

What I do have a choice about is what team I support. You, for reasons we can only speculate about, have chosen to support a fitba club that basically defines itself by bigotry and whose supporters tick every wrong'un box going.

I think this speaks volumes about you. As a kid maybe we just follow family or mates etc. But you're an adult who chooses to be a Rangers fan. Therefore, you are either a bigot or someone cool with being around a fitba club that is built on it. Either way, it doesn't speak well of you.

Seems like a lot of excuses there. If you are expecting me as a Rangers fan to quit supporting my team because you believe I should choose to blank people who may be bigots or are happy to be surrounded by bigotry, then surely you can see the irony if you yourself are choosing not to blank the same kind of people?

You make the excuse that it would have “a negative impact on your life” if you did so. Would that not apply to me as well if I blanked friends/family/colleagues etc simply based on the team they support?

I am also assuming that you would not contest the fact that there is a sectarian and bigoted element within the Hearts support?

You are portraying yourself as better than me because you’re a Hearts fan 😂

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12 minutes ago, AJF said:

1) Seems like a lot of excuses there. If you are expecting me as a Rangers fan to quit supporting my team because you believe I should choose to blank people who may be bigots or are happy to be surrounded by bigotry, then surely you can see the irony if you yourself are choosing not to blank the same kind of people?

2) You make the excuse that it would have “a negative impact on your life” if you did so. Would that not apply to me as well if I blanked friends/family/colleagues etc simply based on the team they support?

3) I am also assuming that you would not contest the fact that there is a sectarian and bigoted element within the Hearts support?

4) You are portraying yourself as better than me because you’re a Hearts fan 😂

1) Only if you're hard of thinking or are trying to confuse the issue. Like I said, who sits next to me at work is something I have little choice over. Who my sister marries is beyond my control. In both of these situations blanking the person involved causes a problem for lots of people There are a sackful of fitba clubs you could support. You could easily decide, as a functioning 21st century adult, 'maybe this fitba club that is a magnet for Scotland's bigots isn't the kind of thing I want to be involved with' and go to watch another team instead. Your failure to do so reflects extremely poorly on your character and makes it quite reasonable to assume you're either a bigot yourself or have no problem with bigotry.

Also, you don't know what irony is.

2) I'm not suggesting you should. As I said, it's not reasonable to do that and have a normal life. It's perfectly easy to not support Rangers. There are plenty of other clubs. Comparing the two is so silly it can only be an attempt at confusing the issue.

3) Sadly, there is. However, it is not part of what the club is. Just this season a mate and I managed to shut some of the Young Team up from singing Hello Hello just by getting them telt. How would that go in the Rangers away support? Do you think anyone would even think to try it? What would the response be? You've got a brain, use it.

4) Any educated person in the 21st century who decides to be or remain a Rangers fan is leaving their character wide open to question, imo. By giving two options I'm being generous. Your choice of team leads me to conclude that you're most likely a bigot. It's hard to reach any other conclusion with the evidence we have.

Edited by VincentGuerin
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Just now, VincentGuerin said:

1) Only if you're hard of thinking or are trying to confuse the issue. Like I said, who sits next to me at work is something I have little choice over. Who my sister marries is beyond my control. In both of these situations blanking the person involved causes a problem for lots of people There are a sackful of fitba clubs you could support. You could easily decide, as a functioning 21st century adult, 'maybe this fitba club that is a magnet for Scotland's bigots isn't the kind of thing I want to be involved with' and go to watch another team instead. Your failure to do so reflects extremely poorly on your character and makes it quite reasonable to assume you're either a bigot yourself or have no problem with bigotry.

Also, you don't know what irony is.

2) I'm not suggesting you should. As I said, it's not reasonable to do that and have a normal life. It's perfectly easy to not support Rangers. There are plenty of other clubs. Comparing the two is so silly it can only be an attempt at confusing the issue.

3) Sadly there is. However, it is not part of what the club is. Just this season a mate and I managed to shut some of the Young Team up from singing Hello Hello just by getting them telt. How would that go in the Rangers away support. Do you think anyone would even think to try it?

4) Any educated person in the 21st century who decides to be or remain a Rangers fan is leaving their character wide open to question, imo. By giving two options I'm being generous. Your choice of team leads me to conclude that you're most likely a bigot. It's hard to reach any other conclusion with the evidence we have.

You’re mental. The evidence you have of me being a bigot is the fact that I support a club that has a sectarian element to its support.

However, the fact that you support a team you have admitted has a sectarian element to it leads to a different conclusion?

You know absolutely nothing about me yet here you are declaring me a bigot. You’re absurd.

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