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Blackpool Supporters Trust Petition: The Government must introduce an independent regulator for English football


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For those of you who may enjoy or support an English football team (of any level) Blackpool Supporters Trust have started a petition regarding governance of the game.  10,000 signatures will force a response and 100,000 will require parliament to discuss the matter.  These are ambitious numbers which is why we are asking for your support.  See you on the Prom.


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1 hour ago, seasider said:

For those of you who may enjoy (or support) an English football team

what's this bloke on about - enjoy ???

there are a variety of bizarre circumstances that you're compelled to endure by some inexplicable and utterly abstract sense of loyalty, regardless of personal or financial cost, the fact that the time involved could be better spent on just about anything else, and that it'll leave most responsible adults regarding you as a some kind of moron - but enjoyment ?

on no - my bad - beating leeds at wembley !


as for the governance issue - yeah, good luck with getting anyone to regulate the bunch of shysters who masquerade as club chairmen - to paraphrase, where there's brass, there's muck.....

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interesting update in the guardian about the whole sorry affair today (27/02), though the most appalling aspect seems to be the fact that, in spite of everything, the Oystons would STILL pass the football league's own "fit and proper persons" test and are deemed entirely appropriate to be in charge of a FL club - absolutely beyond belief...

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