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Into the Breach

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Anyone else been playing this? Absolutely love it so far - by the same developers as FTL : Faster Than Light. Not really sure how I'd describe it, but I guess it's kind of like chess, except with customisable mechs, a turn limitation, and Godzilla style monsters that range from fairly straightforward to plan against to absolute nightmares like the Blobber, an enemy that flings explosive goo about the map which creates huge headaches in trying to figure out the best way to deal with it.

So, er, not all that much like chess after all.

It's quite challenging on Normal mode and I haven't even bothered on Hard yet, can well enough imagine how frustrating it would be. Easy mode isn't too bad once you know what you're doing.

The number of times I've been playing and done everything absolutely perfectly before a stupid f**k up on the last turn is incredible!

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It's on the wishlist and I'll get it at some point this year I think.  I've watched a stream of someone playing the first main section of it, it looks great.

I'm half-hoping but not expecting for a Switch port to be outsourced, since FTL made its way to iPad.

Going by my countless hours on FTL I'll be starting on easy!

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