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BBC bias

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3 minutes ago, Colkitto said:

Because people living outside London (excluding Scotland N.Ire & Wales) would still relate to English news, English programmes, English accents etc. 

Would they really? I presume that's because the life experience of someone living in Carlisle and someone living in London is so similar. I don't really know as I have never lived in England.

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6 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Would they really? I presume that's because the life experience of someone living in Carlisle and someone living in London is so similar. I don't really know as I have never lived in England.

Someone living in Carlisle is the same English nationality as someone living in London, with the same Laws, Police, Education system, Health system etc. So they would find what's broadcast from London relevant. .

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6 hours ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

We do get the occasional report (probably more than that actually) where figures are published on crime/the NHS/council spending/whatever that says "... in England and Wales" so at least those Welsh viewers have some sort of relevance when those stories are on the news.

Yip, that's why I said " to a lesser extent, Wales. 

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BBC telling us "Idlib rebels are ready to fight Assad's brutal regime, and that only a tiny number had links to Al Qaeda"

The same BBC reporting last month the that there were anywhere between 30'000 to 100'000 Al Qaeda linked fighters in Idlib.

AQ must have turned into freedom fighters the moment Iran and Russia backed Assad .

The anniversary of 9/11 and the US is on the brink of fighting with AQ....you couldn't make it up.

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5 hours ago, Jdog said:

BBC telling us "Idlib rebels are ready to fight Assad's brutal regime, and that only a tiny number had links to Al Qaeda"

The same BBC reporting last month the that there were anywhere between 30'000 to 100'000 Al Qaeda linked fighters in Idlib.

AQ must have turned into freedom fighters the moment Iran and Russia backed Assad .

The anniversary of 9/11 and the US is on the brink of fighting with AQ....you couldn't make it up.

Where's that quote from? The most recent I can find from the BBC are these:


the al-Qaeda-linked jihadist alliance Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which dominates Idlib


The dominant force is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a jihadist alliance linked to al-Qaeda.

HTS controls key locations across Idlib, including the provincial capital and the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey. HTS is designated as a terrorist organisation by the UN, which estimates it and an al-Qaeda have 10,000 fighters in Idlib, including many foreigners.


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Not really bias per se, rather their tired modus operandi.

Mark Tully used to give us his quaint and colonial view on India and Jeremy Bowen assailed us with his sage snapshot appraisals on the middle east.

No-marks now give us breathless daily updates on whatever line they are being fed.

There is precious little that is memorable and they change nothing.

What are they for?

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On 11/09/2018 at 14:55, Colkitto said:

Someone living in Carlisle is the same English nationality as someone living in London, with the same Laws, Police, Education system, Health system etc. So they would find what's broadcast from London relevant. .

I would counter this, and only because I have in-laws in Carlisle. They do not find it relevant. You are right that the jurisdiction is the same as Kent but the problem is their lives are not homogeneously English, they live and work both sides of the border, are affected by decisions made both sides of the border and in turn find the London (or SE) centric views that come from the main media outlets as frustrating and annoying as those of us North of the border.

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On 12/09/2018 at 23:00, Buddist Monk said:

I would counter this, and only because I have in-laws in Carlisle. They do not find it relevant. You are right that the jurisdiction is the same as Kent but the problem is their lives are not homogeneously English, they live and work both sides of the border, are affected by decisions made both sides of the border and in turn find the London (or SE) centric views that come from the main media outlets as frustrating and annoying as those of us North of the border.

Seeing lots of English liking to whine about BBC being biased against Labour and pro Tory. 

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14 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

"Scottish calves are exported to Spain and some could have been resold to north Africa"

Some could have been resold to animal abusers not to mention evil animal experimenters.

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In the outpouring of love for Ruth Davidson on the Marr show (we all love her in Scotland, apparently) the Daily Mail wummin said it was incredibly brave of Ruth to reveal her history of self-harming “whilst at the peak of her power in Scotland”. Given that she’s branch manager of a party that lost the last election, I’m not sure how high that praise is - unless the BBC is now trying to imply to middle England that the Tories rule north of the border.

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