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BBC bias

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1 minute ago, coprolite said:

No, the bbc obviously want to cosy up to the licence fee threatening tories and have selected a died in the wool Tory shill as their main politico to achieve that end.

Okay, if that's the case she seems to be doing a good job then doesn't she... 

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It's not a 'job description', it's a simple matter of what journalism actually is. 

The BBC is so overwhelmingly petrified of being seen to be anything less than entirely impartial, that it leads to their journalists and interviewers regurgitating Tory PR with seemingly no attempt whatsoever to scrutinise whether what they are being fed bears any resemblance to reality, and to conduct their interviews more in the manner of a polite PR opportunity for whichever gonk the government has put forward, rather than an opportunity to forensically quiz and examine govt policy and practice.

Regardless of the reasons for it, and the licence issue is obviously a factor, in much the same way that the BBC's blatant hostility to the concept of Scots Independence was in 2014, i.e. threat to the status quo, it's piss poor from an organisation that has long posited itself as a shining example of how objective media should operate. They're failing at a very basic level.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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21 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Orders do not remove responsibilty. 

Glad you're coming round

Do any BBC employees survive your scrutiny?

My take away here is that P&B want less political neutrality on the BBC, presumably someone like Janey Godley to fill the void after Laura. K is found guilty at the Hague.

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9 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

Do any BBC employees survive your scrutiny?

My take away here is that P&B want less political neutrality on the BBC, presumably someone like Janey Godley to fill the void after Laura. K is found guilty at the Hague.

I just finished reading George Orwell's 1984 and my take away was that Orwell thinks mass surveillance is really cool and we should have more of it.

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An example of BBC bias by omission. Takes a foreign newspaper to discover that around half the money the UK spent on tackling the pandemic went to companies either run by friends and associates of politicians in the Conservative Party, or with no prior experience or a history of controversy. 

 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/17/world/europe/britain-covid-contracts.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

This is an extraordinary story. It's basically alleging criminality and corruption at the heart of a western Govenrnment.

You'd think even if the BBC was too scared to investigate itself it would mention it, but I see they went with a story about the royals this morning instead.

Edited by Mr Heliums
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4 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:
18 hours ago, btb said:
According to the Grauniad lorry drivers are going to be banned from having meat & dairy products in their foodboxes...
Lorry drivers heading to EU face ham sandwich ban | Brexit | The Guardian 

What's the position on dead prostitutes?


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