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Motorsport Manager - It's football manager for cars!

Buddist Monk

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I've decided to drop into here to see if I can get some support. Absolutely none of my friends are interested in this title but I'm fucking loving it. It's about a year old and I only discovered it a week back and so far I've put in about 40 hours trying to beat it.

So, what's the skinny? It's as the title suggests, football manager for cars. I'll link in a video below.


Not keen on the voice over guy, but I think that's one of the devs.

So, as I said very like football manager, it's even published by SEGA too! You need to find staff; drivers, mechanics, pit crew, designers, etc.. all of which have similar personality traits to FM so it's not just a case of getting all the best people and expecting them to work together. The car needs upgrading, new parts designed, reliability improved, sponsors selected. Your HQ needs to be built (if you start from scratch) with several different tiers of buildings with their relevant bonuses.

Each race is proceeded by a practice and/or a qualifier, where you can fine tune your car, and gain knowledge of the setup that is then used to boost your performance in the race - and it's the races that are the best bit by far (for me at least). It's hectic and very (very) finely balanced. While you don't drive the car you do control the amount put into the tyres and engine, when cars should pit, what bits should be looked at or changed and this happens in real time with both a very solid 3D view or a more basic 2D overhead. Miss the pits when all others have gone in? Push both tyres and engine to max to see if you can avoid the undercut. Looking at the weather and seeing a chance of rain, do you pit early swap tyres and hope to catch others out? The weather, btw, is pretty well done too.

As for the tracks? It's not licenced like FM is, although I can see it going that way, so the tracks are all knock offs of the real thing. Fairly decent knock offs though. Anyone familiar with motor sport will recognise Spa and Silverstone, Sochi and Imola even though they have generic names.

As I said it's a very finely balanced game and one that has the same sort of pull as FM in that there is always something needing done, someone needing scouted, something needing added to the team, etc.


Edit: sorry forgot to add a link to the game itself: http://store.steampowered.com/app/415200/Motorsport_Manager/

Just a heads up, this was sitting at 75% off on the last Steam Sale (or at least in one of the recent ones) so there is a chance you'll see that again. No promises mind.

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So you can see I'm pushing this game, probably more so from the lambasting I got from my "real world" friends for playing it. Anyway, here is an in race screen shot to show what I was talking about.


I'm guessing most will figure out wtf is going on, but one thing not shown is that hovering over the running order on the right will expand it to show not just time, stops and tyre wear but also the engine and tire modes they are running on. The header shows the weather, the amount of water on track and the grip, the drivers at the bottom show all the stuff you'd expect however the little arrows below the tyre wear and fuel indicate the mode you have them on. This is on 17 laps, which is the easiest game level. I tend to play it on medium that results in a race of on average 25-30 laps while the hardest level is race distances. On medium level you are talking about maybe 20 minutes per race, all depending on the amount of pit lane stuff you do. A dash and splash can be mere seconds, fixing a gearbox will take you into the minute category, that's if you hired decent pit crew. Cut it cheap and mistakes are common.

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I was half way through writing quite a lengthy strategy guide for this when I realised I could boil it down to two statements:

- It's a well balanced game with a pretty mean learning curve that pays off if you put in some time.

- Do not run your cars at full for any longer than necessary. I cannot stress this enough. You control the drivers strategy which effects tyre, fuel and car condition (as does the drivers stats) and it's really fucking easy to screw up by taking the life out of your car. Just this simple tip alone will help you jump 10 places in each race!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Iv got mm2 on ios which is good but i agree is very quick to get to the top and far too easy when your there. I bought the pc version and found it was too far the other way, quite difficult and too much detail. I might download an f1 mod for it and give it another shot though

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's now with a 75% discount - £25 to £6.50!


From a bit of digging, this is quite different to the mobile version (which has a "2" suffix). The PC version is more in depth. It's not crazy deep though, and to be honest it's near that sweet spot that Football Manager got to where before it went too full on to be that enjoyable.

Oh, and unlike some of the other Steam sale items, it's DLC are also silly cheap coming in a £1.50 a pop. You don't need them btw, the vanilla game itself is fine.

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