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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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Delighted at that tonight. Don't care how we did it but it's safe..  horrible season and happy to see it done.  this may even have been covered but what I had pre match from an impeccable source:

*Hopkin was staying either way

*he will be backed pretty well financially

*we have 4 or 5 signings already lined up

*a few of the players on 2 year deals have been told to find new clubs. 

*this is an edit - not sure but I get the feeling there might be a new captain. 

Edited by Hursty
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6 minutes ago, Hursty said:

Delighted at that tonight. Don't care how we did it but it's safe..  horrible season and happy to see it done.  this may even have been covered but what I had pre match from an impeccable source:

*Hopkin was staying either way

*he will be backed pretty well financially

*we have 4 or 5 signings already lined up

*a few of the players on 2 year deals have been told to find new clubs. 

*this is an edit - not sure but I get the feeling there might be a new captain. 

Who are on two year deals? 







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1 minute ago, D'Jaffo said:

I’d imagine Kyle Jacobs, Aidan McAdams and Luca Colville will all be on our radar. I’d probably take Fjortoft as well.

Aye I can see us signing a few. Although Morton fans were very critical of Hopkin one of the things they did praise was his man management so I suspect they have a good relationship with him. 

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6 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

I’d imagine Kyle Jacobs, Aidan McAdams and Luca Colville will all be on our radar. I’d probably take Fjortoft as well.

McAdams, Strapp and not interested in any other. 

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Even that gives me the fear though. A good manager looks at what he has available and comes up with a game plan to get the best out of the squad, even if it’s not the plan he’d ideally use. What he doesn’t do is stick stubbornly to his “style” and shoehorn players into that regardless of how suited they are to it.
Mind there was a Livi fan on recently saying he inherited a bunch of shitebags there too, boys were downing tools and they went down before coming back. So in that respect, he's done better this time around.
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Staying up and that odious wee beast Tiffoney getting outed nationally as a dick. Not bad. I'm still utterly unconvinced by Hopkin but he deserves his crack at it next season with hopefully some money to play with.


The third best thing about today is that we'll probably have half a chance of keeping Luke McCowan for at least another year now.

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Staying up and that odious wee beast Tiffoney getting outed nationally as a dick. Not bad. I'm still utterly unconvinced by Hopkin but he deserves his crack at it next season with hopefully some money to play with.
The third best thing about today is that we'll probably have half a chance of keeping Luke McCowan for at least another year now.
Luke will surely get better offers,and I expect one of them will be from Thistle.
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Good luck to the club selling next season, it will take something really special to get over the complete lack of apathy I am already feeling about it
Me too - but i know that by the end of July I'll be absolutely buzzing again, and full of optimism for the season ahead!!

Hopefully to f**k at can get to games again.

Thank f**k this season is done.

Now let's try and remember what it's like having Scotland to follow in a summer...
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Well firstly thank LORD that season was over.... Never have I wanted a season to end so badly.... In  recent times anyway. 

My opinions on the following

*MK- Totally out of his depth and left us with a totally unbalanced team with too many loans and mercneries... Great player in his day, not a manager. 

Michael Moffat - club LEGEND and always will be. 

David Hopkin- he did what he said and kept us up... Let's be honest he inherited a team spiralling towards relegation with ZERO confidence and lost some of better players to injury and pastures new... LET'S give him a chance to build a team for next season. 

Chairman Smith- putting a structure and buisnness plan to get us competing revenue and structure wise.with other top clubs.. THIS IS A LONG TERM SOLUTION which we have needed for a long time... Other clubs have left us for dust in regards to this.. 

My final point... Let's just take a breath and be thankful that we're still in championship and can move on..... Ohhhhj and not forgetting we can relax and watch with EUROS with Scotland taking part...... How bloody good is that gonna feel. 


Enjoy the summer honest men and bonnie lassies and before you all know it we will be standing on the terraces of Somerset Park again... Cheering on the..... 



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Well we made it after all , just on goal difference, but never the less it all counts . In the end we circled the wagons and got the two draws we needed in the last two games , not pretty but pretty professional. That said Clyde and Arbroath were unacceptable and will have finished some people’s time at Ayr  . 

Pre season starts around the 14th of June so things need to happen quickly . It will be interesting to see what happens . Of the two year guys I’d expect Reading , Miller and Aero to survive . Hell big Aero might even get extended . Unsure about Baird , Murdoch and Chalmers . Baird May pick up Roscoes slot of fourth choice CH . Off the out of contract guys only Todd will survive (perhaps wee Moore) .

So on to the new recruits : our own keeper will be a must , maybe to boy from Morton , a new experienced  sweeper to play behind Aero and Baird (maybe) somebody of Stevie Bell’s stature would be most welcome . If not Baird ,Corrie would be the dream signing . Our full backs may need cover ,nae clue who though . Main bit of surgery will be two new central midfielders, to play every week in front of Miller . Won’t be a cheap fix . A Toderov/Cameron type for up top ,and cover plus an out and out poacher would also be required. .Looking at seven first team starters . God bless Mr Smith for taking no this on . We are so lucky to have him .

Have your doubts about Hopkins if you must , but he’ s going nowhere . Back the club in the summer with your hard earned cash . Soon we’ll be having a few beers in our own bar before getting on the busses for Thistle away . How good does that sound .

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Wonder if astro will be fitted this close season now survival is confirmed
If it's not a synthetic park we get, it has to be a brand new grass one. Our home record was appalling this year, and I do think the pitch was partly to blame, particularly when Kerr was in charge.
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8 hours ago, rb123! said:

Wonder if astro will be fitted this close season now survival is confirmed

£350 - 400k for a good Astro and up to 100k if we re lay a new grass park.

They're not cheap.

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